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Yaksha King, as the name suggests, is the king of Yaksha Race.

second only to Yaksha God, respected status, very powerful.

The fat Taoist guess is indeed accurate. In this divine gold treasure house, there are not only many Yaksha, but also a Yaksha King.

I saw 2 pairs of wings on the back of Yaksha King, covered with black light.

It is fierce blackout!

Although it is not as strong as when the mine was opened, it is a real evil.

Although this Yaksha King is a man, he is not ugly, but has a pale and handsome look.

At this time, he was surrounded by many Yaksha, standing in the air, his wings spread, like an invincible king, arrogant to the world.

“Yaksha King!”

Glutton Demi-God eyes slightly narrowed, crimson, greedy and cruel.

This Yaksha King made him feel threatened.

Obviously the opponent’s strength is very strong, far beyond the ordinary Guren Yaksha.

But he was not afraid, but fighting intent surged in his heart, impatient wanted to fight.


The Yaksha army came out of the gate of the treasure trove with more than 3000 people.

More powerful than the previous Yaksha army.

Five Guren Yaksha stood on the 5 side of Yaksha King, staring at the killing intent and staring at the crowd.

“It must be the body of the powerhouse that guards the treasure house.”

Seeing these Yaksha, fire rune Demi-God had judgment in mind.

The people who guard the treasure house have stronger natural strength, so Yaksha King will be born.


Yaksha King uttered an ancient discourse, and suddenly 3000 Yaksha troops suddenly killed.

Obviously they took the initiative to open the door, not to let people in.

Instead, he wanted to take the initiative to kill everyone.

“Fire rune, drag Yaksha King, I enter the treasure trove.”

Gourd Moon Demi-God shouted in a low voice, ordered to fire rune Demi-God.

Despite the large number of Yaksha troops, there is also Yaksha King.

But they are not here to fight, but to find divine gold.

Therefore, breaking into the treasure trove is the first goal.


fire rune Demi-God hearing this took the initiative to rush to Yaksha King.

He took out the three-color fire fan, opened the field, and turned into a fire sea.

Then Xuanhuang Spirit Qi infused, suddenly a fan.


The 3-color flame appeared again, turned into a Fire Phoenix, and went straight to Yaksha King.

However, Yaksha King just glanced.

Suddenly the fierce black light turned into a sharp arrow, and it instantly destroyed Fire Phoenix.

At this time, Demi-God turned into a long rainbow thread and wanted to break into the treasure trove.

But Yaksha King flicked his wings and greeted him directly.

He also clearly saw that Demi-God was the strongest, so he wanted to shoot it himself.

“Fuck off!”

Glutton Demi-God roared, his eyes were like swords, his black light skyrocketed, and a fierce force suddenly broke out.

“Magical Powers: fierce and evil!”

Gourmet Demi-God’s black light skyrocketed, and the cruel breath was palpable.

I saw him performing Magical Powers, and the black light surged, condensing into a huge gluttonous illusory shadow.

As soon as the gluttonous illusory shadow appeared, it made everyone tremble.

As seen in the Great Desolate ominous beast, he was deterred from moving.

At this time, the gluttonous illusory shadow killed Yaksha King and wanted to stop him.


Yet Yaksha King is so powerful.

At this time, he held a Bone Blade in his hand and suddenly cut it.

I saw the fierce dark light like a waterfall, turned into a blade glow, traversing the sky, just like the Milky Way.

He cut the gluttonous illusory shadow with a knife.

Then Yaksha King’s wings fluttered into a stream of light, killing Demi-God.

The speed of this Yaksha King is extremely fast, directly catching up with Demi-God, so he can’t get rid of it.

The Bone Blade did not know what the origin was. It was sharp and abnormal, and it even carried an evil aura. Once cut, the wound was difficult to heal.

“courting death !”

Glutton Demi-God is furious and furious, and also takes out his own Divine Item.

I saw that he also held a divine knife in his hand, but it looked exaggerated and terrible.

As if it were a Great Desolate ominous beast, it is trembling to choose someone to eat.

Dang dang dang !

The magic knife collides with the Bone Blade, and the Xuanhuang Spirit Qi confronts the fierce dark light.

Suddenly roared, the battle fluctuated and stirred up 8 parties.

This terrifying battle fluctuates, making all around dare not to approach.

At this time, fighting elsewhere has also erupted.

5 Red Lotus Yaksha rushed out and fought against fire rune Demi-God and the others.

fire rune Demi-God, 3 ancient Demonic beasts, and a hidden Demi-God powerhouse.

It happened to be against 5 red lotus Yaksha.

But others are not so lucky.

3000 Yaksha, with all his strengths, playing more and less.

Soon the crowd was dead and wounded, riddled with scars.

In this way, the Yaksha army will inevitably prevail and even win.

Before the treasure house, the war broke out.

There are many people who have the same ideas as Demi-God.

All want to cross the Yaksha army and break into the treasure house.

It is a pity that the Yaksha army guarded against the dead, and never let anyone go.

Therefore, although the divine gold treasure trove is near, it is as if it is far away.

“It’s me!”

After a long time, the fat Taoist who could not hide was finally moved.

I saw that he took out a 3-corner face towel and put it on his face.

Suddenly the figure disappeared, even the breath disappeared.

As if the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

“Immortal Technique?”

Xiao Changfeng was surprised and thought of a similar Immortal Technique.

But apparently this 3-corner face towel hasn’t been that skyward.

Although Xiao Changfeng couldn’t see him anymore, the Divine Consciousness Imprint left on him was still there.

At this time, the fat Taoist set off from the edge and groped quietly towards the treasure gate.

Xiao Changfeng’s breath was restrained to the extreme, and at the same time he cast spell, concealing his figure, and also secretly followed.

Soon the fat Taoist came to the edge of the treasure house gate.

But he did not go in directly, but lurked, seemingly waiting for the opportunity.

Xiao Changfeng is also not in a hurry, waiting carefully.

Hong long long !

The blade glow is horizontal, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the aura flashes, and the waves are like waves.

The previous battles in the treasure house became more intense.

Neither side wants to retreat, only to fight in the end.

The flame giant wolf burst out, tearing down a flesh wing of Guren Yaksha in front of him.

The red-eyed white rabbit has a peculiar energy. At this time, red glow flashes in the eyes, and the red lotus Yaksha in front of him is in a trance.

The rhinoceros Demonic beast has a bone spur on the back like a knife, which can easily pierce the space and hurt Guren Yaksha.

And those Guren Yaksha, who walked around the red fire and stepped on the Guren, also had extraordinary battle strength.

The battle became more intense, and the battle between Demi-God and Yaksha King was the most terrifying.

From the sky to the ground, wherever you go, destroy everything.

Someone couldn’t avoid it and was directly killed on the spot.

Pu chi!

Finally, Yaksha King is even better.

The fiercely gleaming Bone Blade splits the Divine Sword and slashes on Demi-God’s body. He is about to fly out.

Blood spilled into the sky, and Demi-God was injured.

This scene shocked fire rune Demi-God and the others.

“It’s now!”

The fat Taoist who had been lurking for a long time finally waited for the opportunity.

Just when Yaksha King cut the Demi-God, and everyone’s mind was drawn to it.

The fat Taoist was about to overtake lightning, and a charge broke into the treasure house.

Xiao Changfeng follow closely from behind, also quickly entered!

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