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The scarlet smoke is like a flame, with a terrifying high temperature, which makes the space twisted.

white Yanxia is like frost, extremely cold, able to freeze everything.

Purple Yanxia contains infinite murderous intention, wherever he goes, he suffers heavy casualties.

black Yanxia is extremely poisonous and will die.


Thirteen kinds of smoke, each with special formidable power.

It is collected from Heaven Beyond the Heaven, which is very precious.

Although with the strength of Biluo Demi-God, it is unable to exert the true formidable power of this smoke cloud.

But even so, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

The god powerhouse that lent her Divine Item is one of her clansmen.

Otherwise, this Supreme Treasure, ordinary people will never lend.

At this moment.

Thirteen smoke-like dragon-like rushes towards Xiao Changfeng.

“Five Elements Azure Lotus!”

Speaking out the law, Xiao Changfeng showed his brilliance in his eyes, and he was not surprised but happy.

Power of Five Elements interweaves and condenses into a magnificent Five Elements Azure Lotus.

Five Elements Azure Lotus rotates up and down in the opposite direction, like a grinding disc.

Able to put everything in it and wipe it out into powder!

This is Xiao Changfeng’s own spell. With the improvement of Xiao Changfeng’s strength, the formidable power of this technique is constantly becoming stronger.

It contains 5 energies of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, and it has done all the changes in the world.


Five Elements Azure Lotus instantly became bigger, wrapped Xiao Changfeng in it, and welcomed 3 types of smoke.

Chi chi!

Thirteen kinds of smoke fall on Five Elements Azure Lotus, and the chi chi sound suddenly sounds.

It’s like putting a red hot iron in ice water.

Thirteen kinds of energy, against Power of Five Elements.

This is a big collision of energy.

It depends on who is better.


Xiao Changfeng lightly shouted.

Suddenly Five Elements Azure Lotus turned quickly, although some of them were riddled with scars.

But it does not affect its operation.

With the high-speed operation of Five Elements Azure Lotus.

The haze of smoke was also sucked into it, and then was smashed into powder, dissipated between between Heaven and Earth.

“hmph! ”

Biluo Demi-God coldly snorted, Spiritual Qi immediately Xuanhuang infused again.

It makes the smoke cloud ten 3 beads of light shining, as if thirteen small suns are suspended in the sky.

More Yanxia swarmed and rushed to Xiao Changfeng.

And Xiao Changfeng is the same expression, standing on the spot, True Yuan rolls in, infuse Five Elements Azure Lotus.

Yanxia on Azure Lotus!

Thirteen kinds of energy to Power of Five Elements!

2 A pin against an awl. At this time, the competition is Xiao Changfeng and Spirit Qi of Demi-God.

Bilu Demi-God refining has the spirit of mysterious yellow. Spiritual Qi within the body has long been turned into spiritual Qi.

And Xiao Changfeng owns true Essence Liquid, with more than 70000 drops.

The two people faced off like this, no matter how much smoke came flying, it would be wiped out by Five Elements Azure Lotus.

But Five Elements Azure Lotus was also damaged by Yan Xia, and became broken and fragmented.

However, neither of them showed signs of weakness.

It seems that if you don’t fight for the exhaustion of Spirit Qi on one side, you won’t be willing to let go.

“Can he actually compete with Spirit Qi in Demi-God?”

An out-of-bounds powerhouse was dumbfounded and shocked.

Biluo Demi-God but Demi-God powerhouse.

And it is also at the top of the Myriad Realms list.

At this time Xiao Changfeng can compete with her in Spirit Qi without falling down.

Doesn’t that Xiao Changfeng’s Spirit Qi is not weaker than Bilu Demi-God?

But before he punched and killed the wild elephant Heavenly Venerate, it proved that his fleshy body is also extremely terrifying.

Both fleshy body and Spirit Qi are so strong!

Thinking of this, the three out-of-boundary powerhouse looked at each other in blank dismay, and all saw the look of shock in the other person’s eyes.

As for Heavenly Venerate in Nangong, he was already so pale and trembling.

Xiao Changfeng one after another broke his cognition, causing him to panic completely.

He couldn’t imagine how he would retaliate against himself and Nangong Family if Xiao Changfeng won this battle.

“Never let him live!”

Fear reached its extreme, and it gave birth to an unprecedented killing intent.

Nangong Heavenly Venerate stared at Xiao Changfeng violently, the killing intent in his heart sputtered out, and he fixed his eyes.

The whole person’s face was twisted, very terrible.

And this time.

Biluo Demi-God is also sinking in his heart.

She saw that Xiao Changfeng pressed the force like Heavenly Venerate, thinking that Xiao Changfeng fleshy body was strong, but Spirit Qi was not necessarily strong.

Therefore, she oppressed the smoke field and performed the magical powers technique, and took out the smoke cloud ten and three beads.

But at this time she found herself wrong.

Xiao Changfeng is not only strong in fleshy body, but also spiritual Qi.

Not only no longer under her, but even stronger than her.

“If this continues, I’m afraid I will be the first to support it.”

After some thinking and measurement, Biluo Demi-God heart shivered with cold.

She did not want to continue to stick like this.


A brilliant blue, shining in all directions.

I saw Biluo Demi-God holding a jade-green orb in his hand.

This is not the smoke cloud ten 3 beads, but the real life-saving god beads.

It is a magical treasure condensed by Divine Powerhouse with its own divine force.

Once activated, destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

There is more than one Demi-God of this kind of life-saving god, at this time, in order to kill Xiao Changfeng as soon as possible.

She also took it out without pain.


Seeing the jade-green Shenzhu, 3 out-of-boundary powerhouse complexion greatly changed and quickly retreated.

Nangong Heavenly Venerate also hurriedly retreated and dared not stay.

“Xiao Changfeng, I will give you a death with the power of the Divine Pearl!”

Biluo Demi-God spoke coldly and immediately reached out with a wave.

Suddenly, the jade-green pearl turned into a long rainbow thread and flew straight to Xiao Changfeng.

At the same time, Biluo Demi-God is also recovering 3 kinds of haze, so as not to damage the smoke cloud 3 1 beads.


jade-green Shenzhu exploded over Dan City.

Suddenly a violent haze Fireball appeared out of thin air, like a big round, bringing endless destruction and terror.

Directly explode that piece of space, the void collapses, revealing a large piece of darkness.

The martial artists in Dancheng panicked, and many people fainted directly.

Su Qingli 3 people clenched their powder fists even more, worried and worried.

After a long time.

The destructive aura that the magic pearl burst out gradually weakened.

“Is Xiao Changfeng dead?”

Nangong Heavenly Venerate stretched his neck and looked at where Xiao Changfeng was, and wanted to confirm his life and death as soon as possible.

Not only him.

At this moment, Biluo Demi-God and the other three out-of-boundary powerhouses all looked at them together.


Biluo Demi-God black brows slightly wrinkle, beautiful eyes.

I saw a red light lingering in the collapsed space.

The red light is like a wave, rippling between Heaven and Earth, like a fragile water ripple.

But it will block the jade-green divine might, and protect Xiao Changfeng.

I saw Xiao Changfeng standing still, shining red, but he was unharmed.

In Dancheng, there are 8 Divine Furnace fairy formations.

With this formation, Xiao Changfeng can be invincible.

Even Ling Chen, the powerhouse of the gods, can resist awhile.

After all, this is a fairy formation!

“How can this be?”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng unscathed, Nangong Heavenly Venerate’s chin almost fell to the ground.

At this time, not only Xiao Changfeng was intact, but the martial artist and buildings in Dancheng were also intact.

In front of the fairy formation, the god beads were also useless.

Seeing this result, Bi Luo Demi-God’s face was completely gloomy, and his eyes burst into an unprecedented cold killing intent.

“Shoot together, we must not let him leave alive today!”

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