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Yunkun volcano, 1000 meters above sea level, is not particularly tall.

But it is an active volcano, erupting every few years, very terrifying.

But for martial artists and Demonic beasts of cultivation Fire Attribute cultivation technique, it is an excellent land of cultivation.

Once, there was Burning Sky Sect here, Megatron.

But now, Burning Sky Sect no longer exists.

Even many buildings on the mountain have been turned into ruins.

The rich red lava erupted from the volcanic crater and then covered the entire Yunkun volcano.

It’s like a cake covered with cream.

So that within a radius of 100 miles, no dare to have any creatures approaching.

In the lava, there are countless silhouettes of crimson walking around.

These silhouettes are human-like, non-human-like, ghost-like and ghost-free, and sharp claw is slender and sharp.

It is the descendants of drought.

At this time, on Yunkun volcano, there are 100000 descendants of dry stalks.

each and everyone is busy like an ant.

Spreading lava outwards seems to be setting up a special environment.

All of this is to prepare for the birth of the evil god of drought.


2 The long rainbow thread roared, and soon appeared above the Yunkun volcano.

Changhong stopped, revealing one white, one azure two figures.

It is Xiao Changfeng and Li Buyi.

“Please see Mr. Xiao!”

Li Buyi pointed to the descendants of Yunkun on Yunkun volcano and proved that what he said was true.


Xiao Changfeng did not speak, but Divine Consciousness spread out and headed towards Yunkun Volcano.

When thunderbolt Divine Consciousness comes out.

Li Buyi’s pupil on the side contracted slightly, obviously a little shocked.

But he did not show up, and soon returned to normal.

The limit of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness is a ten thousand meters, enough to penetrate Yunkun volcano.

Soon Xiao Changfeng discovered the breath of Flame Emperor and Enchantress.

Although weak, it is still alive.

apart from this.

He also felt a few strong breaths.

Among them, Heavenly Venerable Realm has 3 tracks.

Apparently a descendant of the strength of 3 Heavenly Venerable Realm.

“It’s important to save people.”

Xiao Changfeng spoke with Li Buyi, and flew directly towards Yunkun Volcano.

At this time, the descendants of Yunkun volcano found Xiao Changfeng and Li Buyi.

Suddenly each and everyone stopped the move in their hands, grinning their teeth, eye shows the ominous light.

“Zhi zhi call!”

Soon three loud howling sounds.

I saw 3 red silhouettes as red as fire, a silhouette full of disaster flew out of the volcanic crater.

These three silhouettes are exactly the three Heavenly Venerable Realm descendants that Xiao Changfeng sensed.


Xiao Changfeng has no nonsense and refers to it as a sword.

Suddenly Five Elements Sword burst out of breath.

The sword glow turned into a sky, and the direction was invincible, cutting out a long Space Crack.

Even more like lightning, no one can stop it.

One of the descendants of the drunkard was shocked.

Suddenly opened the field, 1000 miles of red land, want to resist this sword.

But he is nothing but the strength of Heavenly Venerable Realm 2 3rd-layer that’s all.

Compared with Xiao Changfeng, the gap is too large.

Even if it is just a sword energy, it is not something he can resist.

I saw that Five Elements Sword was like cutting tofu, and easily cut through the field.

Then in the eyes of many dry socket eye socket cracked.

Slash it with one sword and split it into two and a half.

“zhi zhi !”

Seeing that the descendant of this drought was killed.

The rest of the droughts were not frightened, but as if they were aroused by blood.

Suddenly all the droughts flew out together, turning into a red building of Crimson, like Fire Mountain Cliff pulp.

Straight to Xiao Changfeng, want to submerge Xiao Changfeng.

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, everything is in vain.

“Five Elements Azure Lotus!”

Words follow the law, and the Power of Five Elements interweaves immediately, condense a magnificent Five Elements Azure Lotus.

At this time, Five Elements Azure Lotus rotates up and down, and the power of extinction spreads.

I saw Five Elements Azure Lotus flying into the drought swarm.

Terrifying’s power of annihilation will directly wipe out the descendants of the drought into powder.

Like a stone mill grinding corn, no matter how much it comes, it will be wiped out.


After wiping out most of the descendants of the drought, Xiao Changfeng opened his mouth to drink.

I saw that Five Elements Azure Lotus is like a craft.

It bursts like a big day, bright and dazzling, very gorgeous.

But under this beauty, it is Annihilation Power.

The power of the terrible explosion blasted the two descendants of Heavenly Venerable Realm into fly ash.

At the same time, it also exploded the rest of the droughts into powder.

This is the terrifying part of Five Elements Azure Lotus.

Not only has the power of destruction, but also the power of Self-destruction.

When the flame of the explosion gradually dissipated.

The 100000 descendants of the drought are also scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Xiao Changfeng, whom they had chased, ran away.

But now, it can be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke at the fingertips.


After resolving the descendants of drought, Xiao Changfeng flew directly to the volcanic crater.

Spiritual Qi has recovered, and Yunkun Volcano has also undergone some changes.

Although the appearance is similar.

But the internal lava is more.

As the arteries of the earth are cut here, the blood flow is not stop!

The thick black smoke and hot high temperature make people unbearable.

But Xiao Changfeng didn’t care and flew in directly.

Li Buyi also followed.

Around him, there was a fresh breeze blowing Buddha, isolating everything, very strange.

Among the volcanoes, lava is rolling, this is a world of scarlet.

In the stone room, Xiao Changfeng found Emperor Yan and the fairy.

“the host?”

Although Emperor Yan and Youji are weak, they are not comatose.

When I saw the arrival of Xiao Changfeng at this time, they were all wide-eyed and could not believe it.

After all, they had heard that Xiao Changfeng was buried in the seabed.


Xiao Changfeng reached out with a wave and 2 Five Elements True Yuan hit 2 people within the body.

Heal the wounds for 2 people and stabilize the injury.

“what’s going on?”

Xiao Changfeng asked.

Flame Emperor and Enchantress did not dare to hide and told the story.

It turned out that after the recovery of Spiritual Qi, Yunkun volcano was begin to stir.

A year ago, the descendants of the drought suddenly slain from the volcano.

Because there are too many descendants of drought, there is also the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Coupled with the sudden attack, the Burning Sky Sect went up and down, and was soon massacred.

Only Flame Emperor and Enchantress are left.

And they have been imprisoned here for more than a year. If the descendants of the drought do not want them to die, I am afraid they have already turned into corpses.

“Master, at the bottom of the volcano, there is their Old Ancestor, which must be a more powerful drought, and they left the lives of the two of us. They must want to wait for the old Ancestor to be born and learn some news from our mouths.”

The demon was sober-minded, and after confirming that the person in front of him was indeed Xiao Changfeng, she quickly opened her mouth.

Tell your own guess.

“Now that the troubled world is here, it is not safe for you to stay here. Burning Sky Sect is destroyed. You can leave by yourself!”

Xiao Changfeng took Emperor Yan and Yaoji out of Yunkun volcano and gave them some treasure to let them leave by themselves.

After all, he was going to Middle-earth and could not take them with him.

Emperor Yan and Yao Ji also understood that after saying goodbye to Xiao Changfeng, they supported each other and left.

Xiao Changfeng returned to Yunkun Volcano.

“The god of drought, I want to see, to what extent did you wake up!”

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