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Wangjiang City, this is the capital of Qing State.

It was also the residence of Zhou Zhenghao.

The original Wangjiang City is surrounded by mountains and rivers, grand and magnificent, like a creeping giant beast.

And now Wangjiang City, although there are ruins and black smoke.

But with a sense of killing and blood.

Just like an ominous beast of steel, you want to Fight Heaven and Earth, choose someone to eat.

Since the revival of Spiritual Qi, powerhouses have emerged in large numbers, coupled with the emergence of powerhouses outside the world.

Makes the entire Qing State fall.

The same goes for Wangjiang City!

But now, Wangjiang City has been regained by Zhou Zhenghao.

At this time, Zhou Zhenghao placed his base camp in Wangjiang City.

The newly trained 30000 army was named the Xianjia Army by the Martial Emperor.

Their battle strength is strong, and they have the method of battle formation, and they have regained many parts of Qing State.

But at this time.

Zhou Zhenghao was browsing tightly knit, his face was sad, and he seemed to have encountered some problems.

The former State Shepherd Mansion was the home of Zhou Zhenghao.

But now the State Shepherd House has been dilapidated, the ruins have been cleared out, and a new house and palace have been built.

Without the pavilions and rockeries, there is more refinement of the army.

In the great hall of the proceedings.

At this time, Zhou Zhenghao sat on the head with a sad face.

And below him, is each and everyone general in armor and helmet.

At this time, a combat meeting is going on.

“Marshal, the current situation is not optimistic. Although we have regained half of the Qing State, the enemy retreated too fast. This is obviously abnormal. It must be a suspicious strategy!”

A female player wearing black armor and not conceding to men took the lead to speak.

This female player is valiant and formidable looking, so capable, she turned out to be Xu Moru.

When Xiao Changfeng returned to the Eastern Regions from southern Xinjiang, he happened to encounter the battle to destroy the Yuan.

Xiao Changfeng first met her.

Xu Moru followed Xiao Yurong, and was only a captain at the beginning.

didn’t expect to become a general now.

Although it is just a general, not General, it is enough to prove it is good.

“Marshal, there will be disagreements at the end. During this period, our army’s battle strength is obvious, it has already greatly improved. The enemy retreats this time, it must be because of losing to our army and breaking up and fleeing.”

“This is a great opportunity for our army to regain Qing State. If it is missed, it will pay a greater price for the enemy to recover.”

Another burly man offered a different opinion.

His name is Zhao Tian, ​​and he is an old subordinate of Zhou Zhenghao.

He was once a member of the Iron Armored Army and has been following Zhou Zhenghao’s battles.

Now he has become a general of the Xianjia Army.

“General Zhao, if you make a mistake in your judgment, this is a trick to lure the enemy, then our army will suffer heavy casualties. How do you bear this responsibility?”

Although Xu Moru was of lower level than Zhao Tian.

But at this time, they did not back down and tried hard on reason.

“General Xu, you are right. If you make a mistake in your judgment, this is also an unbearable pressure for our army, and you can’t afford it.”

Zhao Tian, ​​as stable as Mount Tai, sat in the same place, only to refute Xu Moru.

As for the two views of Zhao Tian and Xu Moru.

Everyone present also had their own support.

“The general agrees with General Xu’s opinion, soldiers, and tricks, and this time the enemy is different. They are more cunning, and the powerhouse gets involved outside the world. If they are successful, they will suffer heavy casualties. I can’t tell Your Majesty. , Explain to His Highness 9.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty and His Highness 9 have high hopes for us. Now our Xianjia army is trying its best, and Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose. In the future, whether we can dominate the Eastern Region again and regain its glory is also in our hands. Therefore, our subordinates Agree with General Xu’s opinion.”

“A fighter is fleeting. Once it is missed, it will be difficult to recover it. If you act fearlessly, you will surely destroy itself.”


Everyone discusses spiritedly, Xu Moru and Zhao Tian both have supporters and opponents for the two views.

This allowed Zhou Zhenghao, who was sitting at the top, to browse tightly knit.

After years of absence, Zhou Zhenghao has become more and more calm.

However, he did not become vigorous with the recovery of Spiritual Qi.

On the contrary, there are more wrinkles on the face, and the 2 temples are also white.

As the only marshal of the Great Martial Dynasty.

It is also responsible for reunifying the Eastern Region.

He dared not rest or delay.

each step He needs to think carefully, otherwise one step is wrong, it is ten thousand zhang abyss.

He could not afford to take this risk, and he was unwilling to bury the fairy armor and Your Majesty’s expectations.

Of course the most important.

He didn’t want to live up to Young Master.

Zhou Zhenghao was originally a servant of the Xia clan, and then fled the Xia clan with Xia Chan to the Great Martial Dynasty.

In his mind, Young Lady first, Young Master second.

As for Your Majesty, you can only rank third.

For Young Lady and Young Master, he is full of guilt.

When the Young Lady disappeared, he was helpless, the Young Master was bullied, and he couldn’t support it.

This kept him guilty.

But Young Lady is missing and he has been unable to find it until now.

Fortunately, Young Master out of the ordinary, rises against the sky, name shakes the whole world.

This made Zhou Zhenghao feel much less guilty.

But he knew that his ability was limited and he could not help the Young Lady and Young Master too much.

Therefore, he wholeheartedly wants to help Martial Emperor to fulfill the aspiration of unifying the Eastern Region.

It’s a pity that the reunification hasn’t been long before it encountered the recovery of Spiritual Qi.

This forced him to rejoin his armor.

The fairy armor at this time is the joint effort of Your Majesty and Young Master.

Zhou Zhenghao does not want to live up to Your Majesty’s expectations and Young Master’s efforts.

Therefore, each step, he needs more thoughtful thinking.

“All right!”

Hearing the quarrel of everyone, Zhou Zhenghao’s head was about to grow.

He opened his mouth and stopped the quarrel of the crowd.

This issue has been discussed for 3 days now, but no conclusion has been reached yet.

And he has been afraid to make a decision easily.

After all, the decision at this time is too big, and it is possible to recover the Qing State at once.

It is also possible to ruin the whole Scorpion Armor.

Today, there is still no conclusion, and Zhou Zhenghao cannot make a decision.

“You must step back!”

Zhou Zhenghao waved his hand.

Xu Moru and Zhao Tian and the others knew the importance of the matter, and did not struggle so much that they left.

When everyone left, only Zhou Zhenghao was left in the great hall.

He was sighed, rubbing his eyebrows, still worried.

“Lord !”

Zheng Mujin walked in from the outside, holding a bowl of ginseng soup in his hand.

At this time, she placed ginseng soup in front of Zhou Zhenghao, and then extended her hands to help Zhou Zhenghao massage his head.

Over the years, Zhou Zhenghao has added a headache.

At this time, Zheng Mujin combed his massage.

At this time Zheng Mushan didn’t speak, but just massaged gently.

She knew that her Husband needed the quiet companionship at this time, not the others.

“Is there really no solution to this matter?”

Zhou Zhenghao looked at the ginseng soup in front of him, full of sorrow and no appetite.

“Master Zhou!”

Just at this time.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Zhou Zhenghao was suddenly taken aback and looked up.

I saw a person standing at the entrance of the great hall.

It is Xiao Changfeng!

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