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Dragon horn is the True Dragon logo, which contains Supreme divine might.

The world dragon is a demonic beast. It takes cultivation endless years and endured countless hardships to produce a single horn.

And that’s not the dragon horn yet.

Only when you become a dragon and become a True Dragon can you have a pair of dragon horns.

That’s the logo of True Dragon, and Supreme Treasure that has awesome countless Demonic beasts.

At this time in front of Xiao Changfeng.

There is a golden dragon horn of the size of a half and a small thumb.

The dragon horn is broken, but the gap is smooth like a mirror.

As if being cut off with a sword.

The dazzling golden light and pure Longwei burst out from it.

Among the mountains, a dragon horn was cut out.

This result also surprised Xiao Changfeng.

He reached out and beckoned, holding this dragon horn in his hand.

Neither gold nor iron, nor jade nor stone.

Very special and surprising.

But Xiao Changfeng knows that this is the True Dragon horn, and it is still the mature god dragon horn.

For example, the Heavenly Dragon prince and the Miaofa dragon girl also have dragon horns, but they are only in their infancy.

Its value is far from comparable to the mature dragon horn.

At this time, the dragon horn cut by Xiao Changfeng is the dragon horn of the mature Divine Dragon.

Although it is only a short cut, its value is immeasurable.

“This is the golden dragon horn, and it seems to have been cut off by someone. The hill is relying on the power of this golden dragon horn to be so prosperous.”

Xiao Changfeng Mosha held the golden dragon horn in his hand, his eyes rolled, and his mind was thinking.

But this caused him another guess.

In that mountain range, every mountain is sealed with a golden dragon horn-like treasure?

“Try Block 2!”

After real knowledge came out of practice, Xiao Changfeng decided to cut the stone again to verify the guess.

This time he chose a larger mountain.

The mountain is straight like a sword, piercing the sky.

But there was an old vine winding ten meters thick.

It is very peculiar like the Snake Mountain.


Xiao Changfeng cut off the old vine, then took out the shovel and began to dig.

The crushed stone flew over and was destroyed by Xiao Changfeng.

Soon a dark light filled with murderous aura burst out.

This dark light seems to be a peerless weapon, its murderous aura is extremely condensed, terrifying well.

If you change a person, I am afraid that the sea of ​​Consciousness will be eroded by the murderous aura, and the Divine Consciousness will be destroyed.

But Xiao Changfeng owns thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, wipes out these murderous auras, and continues to cut stones.

There are fewer and fewer stone chips, and eventually the source of the black light was also dug by Xiao Changfeng.

This is a fragment the size of a fingernail.

The edge of the fragment is irregular, and it seems to be a fragment that broke from a treasure.

But it glowed with black light and contained a peerless murderous aura. It seemed to be able to penetrate the sky and kill 10000 spirits.

The body of this fragment is definitely a peerless soldier!

“This is the Golden Dragon’s lair. How could there be such pieces of murderous soldiers. Could it be that there was a God War in that year?”

Xiao Changfeng was holding the golden dragon horn in his left hand, and the right hand was holding the fragments of the soldiers.


It was at this time, deep inside the mountain range, that there was a loud noise.

Xiao Changfeng looked up and looked away.

I saw a Yalong powerhouse suddenly burst into the sky, and turned into a bloody sky, infecting one side.

The mournful scream sound is spread all over 8 places, oscillating 4 fields.

“They have encountered that treasure?”

Xiao Changfeng vision freezes and guessed the truth.

Suddenly his silhouette flickered into Changhong and went straight to the depths.

Now he has cut out 2 pieces of remnants, and then it is not meaningful to cut other peaks, at most get a few pieces of that’s all.

Now that the Heavenly Dragon prince and the others have found the mysterious Supreme Treasure.

Xiao Changfeng naturally wants to take a look too.

Mountain range is vast, but also not boundless.

Xiao Changfeng was so fast that he flew deep.

But when he was almost there, he slowed down and fell into the mountain range.

For the time being, Heavenly Dragon prince and the others do not know their existence.

This is the best opportunity for Xiao Changfeng.

Perhaps it was able to surprise and grab Supreme Treasure.


Xiao Changfeng is restraining aura, hiding the silhouette, and heading towards the loud noise.

In the depths of the mountain range, there are 8 tall peaks.

These eight peaks are like a crane in a flock of chickens, and they are very conspicuous among the mountains.

Eight peaks are arched together to form a valley.

What is in the valley, Xiao Changfeng is temporarily invisible.

However, the closer to the eight peaks, the stronger the pressure.

This coercion is very special, not simply Longwei.

Among them are pure Longwei, there are also peerless murderous aura, and there are many energies such as grudges and Yinsha mixed together.

It makes people’s minds slack, and may be eroded at any time. Sea of ​​Consciousness will sink into a walking corpse.

Xiao Changfeng applied Zhan Yu Zi Jue and exhibited thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

Only then can it be resisted.

But as he climbed to the top of the mountain, this coercion was getting stronger.

In the end, Xiao Changfeng had to aggravate the thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, and the pale-gold divine glow bloomed in the eyebrows.

Like thunder and lightning, it contains Xianwei.

The step by step climbing is as heavy as a burden on the gods.

However, Xiao Changfeng owns Five Elements immortal physique, which is not so uncomfortable.

Eventually he climbed one of the eight peaks.

“En? divine medicine!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were instantly attracted by a special plant.

I saw it was a divine medicine with pink all over.

Divine medicine is only as tall as chopsticks, but it is shaped like a small tree, and there is a pink and tender divine fruit on it.

Obviously the most precious of this divine medicine is divine fruit.

divine fruit crystal clear and near-transparent, pink and tender, shaped like a hair ball.

There are many long hairs on the surface of the peel, shaped like fruit rambutan, but that’s all pink.

“Dragon primordial spirit fruit!”

At a glance, Xiao Changfeng recognized the origin of this divine fruit.

This is a dragon primordial spirit nourished by Dragon Qi.

It contains Dragon Qi of True Dragon, which is extremely rare and energetic.

Moreover, this dragon primordial spirit has matured and has a very long age, at least 10000 years.

The value of divine fruit in 10000 is inestimable.

Xiao Changfeng did not rush to pick.

He looked around and found that on each of the eight peaks, there was a divine medicine on the top of each mountain.

Some are divine fruit, some are divine grass, and some are Divine Flower, all different.

At this time he looked down.

I saw a valley surrounded by 8 peaks, and there was a murderous intention at the moment.

Heavenly Dragon prince, Miao Fa dragon girl and Ao Xuan are all here.

apart from this, other Yalong powerhouses are also here, but the air is filled with blood-reeking qi smell.

In the corner of the valley, there were several broken bodies.

Obviously someone has been killed or injured.

At the moment in the valley, there was misty mist, but it was not heavy and could not obscure the view.

In the valley, the rocks are rugged.

They are all wrapped in deep sea water scales, but these strange stones are not black, nor black blood, but blood.

Like fresh blood solidified into general, horrible to see.

“That is……”

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng was shocked when he saw the end of the valley.

I saw a cliff at the end of the valley.

And above the cliff, there is a dry dragon corpse!

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