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“Magical Powers: Soul Burning!”

Demon-God is in the middle of the air, and he quickly casts Magical Powers.

She already knew the strength of Xiao Changfeng and knew that ordinary means could not cause harm.

I saw her light flashed.

An unknown fire fell on Xiao Changfeng.

This is her Innate Divine Ability, although it is only low grade Magical Powers, but you can’t guard against it, formidable power is unparalleled.

This fire is generated out of thin air and can burn human souls, which is extremely dangerous.

However, Xiao Changfeng is what she can burn.

An unknown fire fell on the body, Xiao Changfeng was unharmed and unshakable.

“How can this be?”

Seeing this scene, Demon-God was shocked and unbelievable.

With this Magical Powers, she accidentally killed a Demi-God powerhouse.

However, at this time, Xiao Changfeng could not even be injured.

This… this is incredible.

Pu chi!

The dragon claw of Xiao Changfeng fell, and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood from the body of Dejia-God.

At this time, the Qingjiao Demi-God riddled with scars, the flesh and blood are vague, and the blood is spilled into the sky, which is extremely miserable.

I didn’t see the prestige before.

“Break divine spear!”

Qingjiao Demi-God roared, Xuanhuang Spirit Qi Qi don’t want money to infuse.

Suddenly the divine spear burst into a dazzling brilliance, like a avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Able to destroy everything and penetrate through nothingness.


Divine spear flew out directly, heading towards Xiao Changfeng.

Hit Xiao Changfeng’s body and tore off the defense of the black liquid Battle Armor.

In the end, a shallow wound was drawn.

This is the first time Xiao Changfeng was injured in this battle.

Although insignificant, Demi-God seized the opportunity.

“Bronze Divine Lantern!”

Demi-God stretched out his hand and took out his Divine Item.

I saw this is a simple Divine Lantern.

The whole body is bronze, the lamp body is bright, with the breath of years, obviously it is a certain age.

And above the lamp, there is a flame that resembles copper and not copper, fire or fire.

The flame is like a candle, not bright.

But it gives people a feeling of palpitations.

The space has been burnt and distorted, as if it could Burning All Living Things, melting the universe.

“Refining copper sacred fire, go!”

Demi-God urged this copper fire Divine Lantern.

Suddenly, a bright line of fire flew out from the lamp and headed straight for Xiao Changfeng.

This is the sacred fire of smelting copper, and it is the fire used by the powerhouse of the gods to forge Divine Item.

Can smelt divine gold and forge divine objects.

As for the flesh and blood, it is almost mortal.

Although this copper fire Divine Lantern is only a low grade Divine Item, its formidable power is extremely strong and famous.

Tear off!

The line of fire distorts time and space, piercing the sky, like a meteor, like a ray of lightning.

Speed ​​to the pinnacle, containing terrifying temperature, passed by in one stroke.

Above the ground, the fragments of vegetation, rocks, and rocks are directly smelted into ash.

The surface of the earth is even more scorched, as if it has experienced a big fire.

How could anything resist the power of divine fire?

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

Xiao Changfeng also felt the arrival of the sacred fire of copper smelting.

But he was not afraid.

Regarding flames, he possesses the cold flame of the sacred fire, which is not inferior to the copper sacred fire.

even more how he cultivation Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll is the god of fire control.

Although this bronze fire Divine Lantern is a Divine Item, with the power of Demi-God, it is unable to exert its true formidable power.


Two pillars of fire spouted from Xiao Changfeng’s eyes and intertwined in midair.

It turned into a long spiral flame dragon.

“God fire!”

Demi-God is extremely sensitive to flames.

Almost at the same time that Xiao Changfeng was displaying Golden Fire Eyes, she felt the cold flame of the divine fire.

Suddenly heart startled.

She didn’t expect that this aboriginal still holds a kind of sacred fire.

You must know that the sacred fire is rare, it is she who only has the sacred fire that’s all, but the sacred fire cannot be obtained.

This copper sacred fire is still included in the Divine Lantern.


Two kinds of sacred fires collide in the air, and the flames are raging, turning into a fire sea, directly draining the air within a radius of 2 meters.

The space fluctuates constantly, seeming to be burned.

Although both of them are Shenhuo.

However, the divine fire of smelting copper is cast by the Divine Lantern, not the power of Demi-God.

And Lengyan Shenhuo is Xiao Changfeng’s own refining.

And it’s the technique of Magical Powers.

Suddenly overwhelming the sacred copper smelting fire, he headed towards Demi-God.

“Not good !”

Demi-God pretty face changed drastically.

She urged the Divine Lantern of the copper fire again, and suddenly a large piece of the copper divine fire was intertwined, which barely blocked the blow.

“Dragon Breath Divine Orb, burst!”

At the same time, Green Jiao Demi-God finally got a chance to breathe.

However, he did not choose to flee, instead he had a severe expression flashed in his eyes and directly took out the life-saving God Orb.


A god orb suddenly exploded, like a True Dragon breathing.

Its formidable power is so strong that it directly breaks the space of Heaven and Earth, exposing a large black void.

And Green Jiao Demi-God also loses 800 by itself.

He fell from in midair, full of black smoke, and slammed a big hole in the ground with a thump.

Everyone was attracted by him and looked all over.

I saw that Demi-God was sad and miserable.

His 1000 meters carcass, bloody flesh, riddled with scars.

The scales shattered innumerably, and the blood was like blood, staining the pit with blood.

And his breath is too weak to the extreme, as if it may be extinguished at any time.

The formidable power of the Dragon Breath Shenzhu is extremely strong, when he was also affected a lot.

There was black smoke at the moment, as if burnt.

After all, that’s the dragon breath of True Dragon!

“It turned out that Dejia-God’s life-saving god beads, this native is too abnormal!”

“Unbelievable, the two Demi-God teamed up, but they couldn’t help him.”

“However, Qingjiao Demi-God used the life-saving orb, and this time he was seriously injured without dying. After all, that’s True Dragon’s dragon breath, which is more powerful than the ordinary divine force, enough to destroy one side with a single blow.”

The remaining 5 out-of-boundary powerhouses stood in the distance, shocked and talked about.

They are well aware of the strength of Qingjiao Demi-God and Yaohu Demi-God.

However, Demi-God shot at this time, and could not be defeated quickly.

This native’s strength surprised them too much.

However, they are very confident in Dragon’s Breath.

Because this is a life-saving magic bead, it was originally used to deal with some unexpected surprises in this world.

True Dragon’s dragon breath can destroy the city and destroy the ground with a single blow, and it is incredible and powerful.

“Master Xiao!”

In Azure Dragon Mountain, Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate was shocked, and his heart was tight, worried.

Even if they are far apart, he can feel the terrifying divine might of the Dragon’s Breath.

He asked himself that he could not resist.

At this time, the dragon’s breath was not gone, and the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng was not exposed. He was also deeply worried about it.

“Should be seriously injured!”

Demon-God held the Divine Lantern, and her beautiful eyes stared at the continually collapsing space, guessing in her heart.


A 5-color light burst out of the dragon’s breath.

Like a star in the night, it is bright and conspicuous.

It instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

I saw a silhouette in Five Colored Spirit Light.

It is Xiao Changfeng.

And he was completely unharmed!

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