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azure light condenses, no longer suppressing Heaven Shaking Drum.

The green Heaven Shaking Drum never shook again and landed peacefully in front of Xiao Changfeng.

“The lack of drumsticks reduced the formidable power and was cut by the blue clothes Sword God. At present, its formidable power should be between low grade Divine Item and middle grade Divine Item.”

Xiao Changfeng felt it, and finally made an assessment of the current Formidable power of Heaven Shaking Drum.

The complete Heaven Shaking Drum is the top grade Divine Item, which is of immense value.

But the broken and missing drumsticks greatly reduced the natural formidable power.

It is stronger than the general low grade Divine Item, but it has not reached the point of middle grade Divine Item.

However, this is enough for Xiao Changfeng.

At present, his Void Flying Sword is only a low grade magic weapon, without Transcending Tribulation into Immortal Grade.

The Time and Space Sand leak is only the Divine Item of the space-time category. Although it is precious, the formidable power is not strong.

The arrival of Heaven Shaking Drum just made up for his current shortcomings.

With this Heaven Shaking Drum, I will fight with the out-of-world powerhouse holding Divine Item in the future.

Xiao Changfeng will respond more easily.

Moreover, the broken of Heaven Shaking Drum, Xiao Changfeng cannot be repaired at present, does not mean that it cannot be repaired in the future.

Waiting for his Transcending Tribulation, when the time comes, there are more secret techniques that can be performed.

There is naturally a way to fix it.

No object can let Xiao Changfeng check the formable power of Heaven Shaking Drum.

Xiao Changfeng had to re-include it in Time and Space Sand.

“Take advantage of this opportunity to break through to Peak in one fell swoop.”

Refining Heaven Shaking Drum, Xiao Changfeng did not plan to get out of it.

He wants to improve his strength so that he can face Demi-God in the out-of-boundary powerhouse.

The so-called Demi-God is to refining the mysterious yellow gas and transform part of Spirit Qi into a powerhouse of divine force.

They are between Fan and God.

It is extremely powerful, but it is the ultimate expert among mortals.

Xiao Changfeng is currently in the late stage of Transcending Tribulation and has never reached Peak.

But comparable to Heavenly Venerable Realm 7’s heavy martial artist that’s all.

Therefore, he intends to directly cultivate to the late Peak this time, which is comparable to the Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

As for refining Xuanhuang’s qi, it is not necessary for him.

Because he cultivated immortals, not martial arts!

As long as the true Essence Liquid reaches 100000 drops, Immortal Tribulation can be sensed.

After passing Immortal Tribulation, he is a fairy!

“This trip to the Tomb of the Gods, although it consumes more Spirit Stone and medicine pill, but has harvested Yellow Springs divine liquid!”

Xiao Changfeng sat cross-legged, adjusted his breath, and vomited cultivation.

He Divine Consciousness inside view.

At this time, among his dantians, the Daomen Azure Lotus stood in the air.

Around it, there is a pale-gold water ring.

It is condensed by Yellow Springs divine liquid.

Daomen Azure Lotus continuously absorbs Yellow Springs divine liquid and grows slowly.

This reduced the burden on Xiao Changfeng.

After all, he needed to constantly absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to devour refining to Azure Lotus.

Although he was unable to ingest Yellow Springs divine liquid at this time, he no longer had to bear the devour of Azure Lotus.

This saved part of Spiritual Qi can provide breakthrough energy for Xiao Changfeng.

Not only that.

The Daomen Azure Lotus exudes azure light, which has the first weather.

Can nourish Xiao Changfeng’s Nascent Soul, Flying Sword and Fleshy Body.

At this time, his Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll is also close to Perfection.

In the Great Five Elements Immortal Art, only the White Tiger battle volume is still lacking.

If you make up the power of gold.

Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique will bring it up a level to Perfection Realm.

When the time comes, he can compete with Divine Item by fleshy body alone!

“Innate Supreme Treasure is endlessly useful, the most famous of which is the ability to cultivate innate energy. This energy is not for cultivation but for attack. It can be used as Magical Powers or Immortal Technique.”

Looking at the Daomen Azure Lotus, Xiao Changfeng thought about it.

Although he has not obtained Innate Supreme Treasure before, he has inquired numerous ancient book materials.

Also have a certain understanding of Innate Supreme Treasure.

Among them, congenital records are the most.

Many Seniors who have Innate Supreme Treasure have made a congenital breath.

This qi is usually nurtured within the body, which can be spit out and is stronger than the fairy sword.

At this time, since Xiao Changfeng got the Daomen Azure Lotus, he naturally intends to start with this simplest.

But Daomen Azure Lotus is only a larva, and the weather is limited at first.

Therefore, it may take a very long time to cultivate a congenital spirit.

But Xiao Changfeng is not in a hurry.

Withdrawing Divine Consciousness, Xiao Changfeng no longer focuses on Daomen Azure Lotus.

There is a ring of water condensed by Yellow Springs divine liquid, which is enough for Azure Lotus to absorb for a while.

And he also wants to use this time to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Oh la la !

Xiao Changfeng sat cross-legged and ran the Great Five Elements Immortal Art.

The majestic Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi came from all directions and was sucked into the body by him.

In the later period of Transcending Tribulation, the number of true Essence Liquid in Xiao Changfeng within the body has already broken through 30000.

But if you want to use Immortal Tribulation, you need 100000 True Essence Liquid.

This shows the big gap.

But now Spirit Qi is recovering, and Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is increasing day by day.

Xiao Changfeng was also given this opportunity.

Before Spirit Qi recovers, I am afraid that he needs to find an excellent cultivation treasure land in order to have some hope.


Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is already very rich.

Azure Dragon Mountain also has 7 Infinite Lockdown Celestial Array, which draws in 8 party Spirit Qi.

It makes Spiritual Qi in Azure Dragon Mountain more dense, majestic and vast.

Spiritual Qi surged like a long dragon, rushing from all directions to the wind and rain pavilion.

Finally absorbed by Xiao Changfeng.

The Great Five Elements Immortal Art is running, and the 5 colors are bright, covering Xiao Changfeng.

Set his whole person like Divine Immortal in heaven, out of the ordinary.

A drop of true Essence Liquid is constantly condensing in cultivation.

And Xiao Changfeng’s breath.

It is also constantly skyrocketing, almost breaking the horizon.

Azure Dragon Azure Dragon faithfully guarded outside the wind and rain pavilion.

However, with the cultivation of Xiao Changfeng, more and more Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi came in.

If the long whale sucks water, the waves roll over.

Such a big movement also affected Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate.

He had to get out of the retreat.

“How does Master Xiao cultivate in the end, actually needs such a large amount of Spirit Qi!”

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate was shocked, looking at the wind and rain pavilion on the top of the mountain.

The Spirit Qi absorbed by Xiao Changfeng was so huge that he was shocked.

But for Xiao Changfeng, Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate has never seen through.

Mysterious and powerful!

This is Yu Heavenly Venerate’s impression of Xiao Changfeng.

He always feels that Xiao Changfeng is not like a person in this world, but like aloof and remote, arrogant of the powerful existence of the heavens.

Because of this, he decided to help.

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate didn’t know when Xiao Changfeng was going to cultivate, but Spirit Qi’s upsurge also made him unable to retreat.

So he simply waited for the completion of Xiao Changfeng cultivation.

One day, two days, three days …

Xiao Changfeng’s cultivation is not over, and the speed of absorbing Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi has not slowed down.

However, Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate did not wait until the end of Xiao Changfeng cultivation, but waited for another wonder.

This day.

Numerous small black spots suddenly appeared on the blue sky.

These black spots are densely packed and fly around.

Yu Heavenly Venerate looked at these little black spots, and the memories once rose in the mind again.

“The second batch of out-of-world powerhouse, here we come!”

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