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The golden mouse ear moved and looked around.

Those who are not afraid of death, dare to talk to this king.

As soon as his eyes rolled, he saw two figures flying out of Azure Dragon Mountain.

Azure Dragon, who was defeated by himself before, is also on the side, and seems to have found a helper.

The comers are Xiao Changfeng and Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate.

“God…Heavenly Venerate!”

Xiao Changfeng’s breath was restrained, he didn’t find it.

But the breath of Heavenly Venerate is very clear.

The golden mouse rattle shuddered and almost fell from the sky.

No matter how arrogant he is, he dare not fight Heavenly Venerate!

“Damn, this Baoshan was actually the early bird catches the worm.”

Golden Mouse Saint scolded inwardly, he didn’t know Xiao Changfeng, and thought Azure Dragon Mountain was occupied.

“Master, the little demon doesn’t know that this mountain already has a master. The little demon will leave without disturbing your cleanliness.”

The golden mouse can stretch and bend, life is the most important.

Suddenly squeezed a smiley face, flattering said with a smile.

Even backed up again and again, trying to escape.

“Since you’re here, don’t leave!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke out, and suddenly a Spirit Qi giant hand condensed out of thin air and grabbed the golden rat holy.

This Spirit Qi giant is not True Yuan.

Instead, it is condensed by Spirit Qi of Between Heaven and Earth, so formidable power is not too strong.

However, with the strength of Xiao Changfeng, arresting a small rat holy, naturally no longer talk.

this moment.

Golden Rat Sacred Heart jumped wildly, he didn’t expect actually two Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

The inner sense of crisis is stronger than ever before.

He dare not be caught by Xiao Changfeng.

But I also know that although I am strong, but also not the opponent’s opponent.

“Magical Powers: Rat eyes!”

The golden mouse was covered with golden light, and there was a sharp burst of gas.

At the same time, two golden lights of about one inch burst out of his eyes.

Although this golden light is not long, it is extremely sharp.

Actually penetrated the Spirit Qi giant hand.

Then Golden Mouse Saint turned around without hesitation and fled. The whole person turned into a golden light and rushed towards the earth.

He wanted to escape.

“Yi! ”

The technique of golden rat Saint Divine Ability made Xiao Changfeng whisper and became interested.

Suddenly he shot again and used space barriers.


The golden Rat Saint instantly hit the space barrier, as if hitting the South Wall, and suddenly flew out.

But there are more than one space barriers.

Under the control of Xiao Changfeng, 6 space barriers appeared, forming a space cage, trapping the golden rat holy in it.

“The king is caught, escape!”

Seeing that Golden Mouse St. was caught, the Rat Demon flew away.

Xiao Changfeng was too lazy to catch these little demonic beasts and let them leave.

At this time he reached out and beckoned.

The space cage carrying the golden rat holy flew back.

Dang dang dang !

At this time, the golden rat was constantly struggling in the space cage.

However, with his strength, he couldn’t break the space cage.

Even if he has unusual front teeth and sharp claw!

“This rat holy seems to have got a fortuitous encounter and the fleshy body is very strong.”

Fisher Heavenly Venerate stared at the Golden Mouse Saint and saw a little clue.

“Fleshy body is comparable to the Small Accomplishment of the Eucharist, and it is also a gold attribute. His front teeth and sharp claw are also extremely sharp, and he must have obtained the treasure of the gold attribute.”

Xiao Changfeng glanced at a glance, and roughly judged the special features of the golden rat holy.

But specifically, it still needs further observation.

Originally he planned to kill the offending enemy.

But now, he has changed his mind.

“Go back first, and then finish the Formulation.”

Xiao Changfeng did not rush to interrogate the golden rat holy.

Instead, he took him back to Azure Dragon Mountain.

At this time, Golden Mouse Saint realized that he could not escape, so he stopped struggling.

“Two adults, the demon broke into this place by mistake. Please also ask the adults to show mercy and spare me a life!”

“Adult, it’s not easy for the little demon to survive. It’s the group of demon who coerced the little demon, and it has nothing to do with the demon!”

“Sir, I’m wrong. I’m willing to serve you as a cow and just ask me to spare my life.”

The golden rat saint kept crying in the cage of the space, and all kinds of mercy were pitiful.

Unfortunately, Xiao Changfeng and Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate are not affected.

Only Azure Mist Azure Dragon One stared at him fiercely.

The appearance of golden rat holy means that Azure Dragon Mountain may be broken at any time.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng also accelerated the speed of refining the formation flag.

After 2 days, he finally finished refining.

A total of 49 formation flags!

Azure Dragon Mountain is not Kyoto, and its overall scope is not large.

And there is no such advantage as the first Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, although Xiao Changfeng will arrange the low-grade fairy array this time, it is far inferior to the 9 dragon arch pearl fairy array.

However, it is enough to protect Azure Dragon Mountain.

“Based on Azure Dragon Mountain, with Yin and Yang Nine Palace Array as the root, the newly-arranged fairy array is called 7 Juekong Kongxian array!”

Xiao Changfeng held 49 formation flags, flew out of the wind and rain pavilion, and landed above Azure Dragon Mountain.


With a wave of his hand, True Yuan let go.

Suddenly the Yin and Yang Nine Palace Array stopped running, and some places were taken out by Xiao Changfeng.

Whiz whiz whiz !

A pole of the formation flag was thrown by Xiao Changfeng.

This time Heavenly Venerate stared her eyes wide and watched carefully.

However, the formation flag fell across Azure Dragon Mountain and touched the ground.

But it disappeared as if out of thin air.

Regardless of how to explore Heavenly Venerate, no traces were found.

“No, it’s not about disappearing, but all around fuse together!”

After carefully looking at Heavenly Venerate, Yu finally saw a little clue.

These formation flags fuse with the ground, with the air, and even with the space.

So it will appear to disappear.

However, although Heavenly Venerate saw some clues, it was impossible to get a better understanding.

This formation flag is too profound to be mysterious, and he simply cannot understand it.

And Xiao Changfeng will not explain much.

At this point, a pole formation flag flew out.

In the end, the 49 formation flags were all arranged and landed all over Azure Dragon Mountain.

“Replace Spirit Stone with Divine Crystal, fairy array!”

This time Xiao Changfeng did not work hard.

After all, it was too hurt, Xiao Changfeng chose to use Divine Crystal.

Today, the number of Divine Crystal in the Xiao Changfeng storage ring has reached 40-50.

It was the spoils of war that he collected after beheading the out-of-world powerhouse.

Divine Crystal is bright and shining, divine light is shining, and it contains a lot of mysterious yellow gas.

Yuven Heavenly Venerate is already the strength of Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

But he still hasn’t figured out the threshold of Xuanhuang’s gas, so even with Divine Crystal, he can’t absorb refining and become Demi-God.

A total of 7 Divine Crystals, all activated by Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly a plume of mysterious yellow air flew out of it and fell into the formation.


The entire Azure Dragon Mountain was slightly trembled in an instant.

49 Daoguangzhu soared into the sky.

The beam of light is interwoven with the air of mysterious yellow, forming a hazy and fuzzy light film.

This light film is upside down and protects the entire Azure Dragon Mountain.

At this time, from the outside, Azure Dragon Mountain has disappeared.

Regardless of the attack, Azure Dragon Mountain will not manifest.

This is one of the formidable power of the 7 Ultimate Lockdown Celestial Array.

at this time.

Xiao Changfeng successfully arranged the fairy array with 7 Divine Crystals and 49 formation flags!

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