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With the activation of Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly, the entire Heaven and Earth was shocked.

The earth rumbling and the air tremors violently.

This vibration centered on Kyoto and spread towards all directions.

I saw the beam of Eighteen connecting to heaven penetrating the earth rising from all over Kyoto.

These beams of light are brilliant, Divine Red Clouds are shining, endless brilliant, like a rainbow, and like a fairy light.

However, this is just the beginning.

I saw that outside of Kyoto, the first mountain suddenly shook with it.

Soon ten pillars of light rose from the mountains.

A formation flag and a beam of light.

In the end, 108 beams of light stood between Heaven and Earth.

Just like supporting heaven giant pillar, dazzling.

There was even a tremendous amount of trembling coercion coming.

It seems that Immemorial Ferocious Beast is awake, and it seems that the end is coming.

Let all the 100 surnames in Kyoto be complexion changed and their hearts throb.

And those powerhouses outside Kyoto are complexion greatly changed.

“Not good, retreat!”

Outside powerhouses are powerful and Divine Consciousness is keen.

Immediately aware of the terror of this array, he quickly retreated and watched from afar.

“Earth vein dragon soul, out!”

Xiao Changfeng is full of brilliance, like Spiritual God, and drink again at this time.


Unreal Dragon’s roar suddenly came out of 9 mountains.

This Dragon’s roar is far and near, unpredictable, but let everyone hear it.

A sense of insignificance grew from the bottom of my heart.

It seems to be facing the true dragon-like of 10000 demon Paragon.

I saw 9 Huang Chengcheng’s unreal dragon souls flying out of 9 mountains.

It looks like Astral Projection.

However, that coercion is getting stronger.

The air was surging, Spirit Qi was shaking, the vegetation was low, and 10000 trembling chestnuts.

It seems that True Dragon rises into the air, 10000 things must be acknowledged allegiance.

Even the space is trembling violently, and it seems that these nine dragon souls cannot bear.

At that time, he fought against true Martial Sage.

Xiao Changfeng’s display of the dragon array, combined with the power of everyone, can barely summon out a leading soul.

But now, with the strength of Xiao Changfeng, it is able to sum up 9 complete dragon souls.

Of course, this is not the True Dragon soul.

Instead, these 9 earth veins are contaminated with Qi of Dragon Vein, the simulated dragon soul of the earth vein.

But even so, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

Oh la la !

In Kyoto, countless 100 surnames could not bear this coercion, and fell to their knees.

Martial Emperor and Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate also felt a strong pressure.

“This is the real 9 Dragon Veins!”

Martial Emperor was shocked by the 9 earth veins that slowly rose into the sky.

He has been sitting in Kyoto, holding the jade seal in his hand, and is in charge of the 9 dragon veins.

However, he has never activated 9 Dragon Veins to such a degree.

At this moment, his inner vibration was even more clearly felt.

These nine earth vein dragon souls, any one, can be comparable to Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

9 earth vein dragon souls, equivalent to 9 Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

This… this is incredible!

“Can he actually activate Dragon Vein?”

At this time, the out-of-boundary powerhouse outside Kyoto is also dumbfounded by each and everyone, I can’t believe it.

They stared at Kyoto for these Dragon Vein.

Although these nine Dragon Veins are not fully mature, but any one is a great opportunity.

But even they only thought about getting a Dragon Vein that’s all.

No one didn’t expect, but someone could activate all 9 Dragon Veins.

This shocked their hearts and was inexplicable.

“Get up!”

Xiao Changfeng True Yuan is like a tide, surging and urging.

I saw 9 earth veins and dragon souls completely separated from the mountains, rose into the sky, and danced between Heaven and Earth.

The people looked up.

I saw nine dragon shadows flying vertically and horizontally above the sky dome.

The space is shaking and the sun is covered.

It seems that there are really 9 Divine Dragons born, occupying this side world.

But these 9 earth veins are only superficial.

9 The core of the Dragon Arch Pearl Fairy Array is Kyoto.

I saw the fresh blood light in front of Xiao Changfeng.

5 The colored mangoes enveloped the whole of Kyoto.

From a distance, Kyoto seems to be a 5-color dragon ball.

Dare to compete with Sun and Moon!

This is a drop of blood from Xiao Changfeng.

Gathering his True Yuan, soul and Divine Consciousness, it is Xiao Changfeng’s Life Essence.

Taking Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements immortal physique, this drop of blood is comparable to a divine medicine.

In order to arrange these 9 dragon arches and bead fairy arrays, Xiao Changfeng also paid a huge price.

It took a long time for Xiao Changfeng to recover from this painstaking effort.


This dripping heart of rays of light masterpiece, completely transformed into 5 colors of light, spilled over Kyoto.

this moment.

9 Dragon vacated, 5 colored dragon balls lit up, forming a peerless picture.

“This… what is this?”

In the distance, each and everyone outside the powerhouse stunned, staring at this scene horror.

What’s more, they use means to stimulate themselves and feel that this is an illusion, not real.

But no matter what they do.

The picture is frozen.

That coercion like heaven’s prestige made everyone feel trembling and afraid of life.

“Xiao Master’s method is indeed unpredictable and mysterious.”

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate is in Kyoto and feels all this more clearly.

He knew a lot of feng shui and had seen a lot.

However, this fairy array was the first time I saw it.

He felt the cowardly atmosphere, and he felt a sense of insignificance.

It seems as if the ants are facing the dragon-like god.

He was also worried about the safety of Kyoto before.

At this moment, the 9 dragon arch beads fairy array came out, he was at ease.

In his opinion, unless the legendary powerhouse appeared.

Otherwise, no one in the Heavenly Venerable Realm can break the battle and threaten Kyoto.

“Fairy array!”

Martial Emperor is also heart-shattering.

He is different from Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate, he is Immortal Cultivator, and he can better understand the origin of this fairy array.

It’s just that although he was Immortal Cultivator in the past, he has never seen a fairy array.

Seeing this scene at this time, I was shocked by 10000 points.

He knew that the fairy he had cultivated was definitely above Shinto.

In this way, he has greater confidence in himself and Xiao Changfeng.

“9 His Royal Highness Shino Deity!”

“With His Highness 9 there, we are not afraid.”

“9 His Royal Highness!”

In Kyoto, many of the 100 surnames are shocking and inexplicable.

The respect for Xiao Changfeng also reached Peak.


Xiao Changfeng descended from the sky and returned to Martial Emperor and Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate.

At this time his face was pale, and his tiredness became more intense.

However, with his strength, he can quickly recover.

“Imperial Father, 9 Dragon Arch Pearl Fairy Array, has been arranged.”

Xiao Changfeng came back to life, and Divine Consciousness submerged in the Imperial Father Sea of ​​Consciousness, and taught how to control the formation.

This array was activated with the blood of his heart.

Therefore, only those who share the Bloodline with him can be qualified to control. Others want to grab control, but it is impossible.

This is the end.

9 The dragon arch and the pearl fairy array are completely arranged.

“Next, you have to try the formidable power of this array!”

Xiao Changfeng looked far, looking at the out-of-boundary powerhouses outside the city, with cold glow flashing in his eyes.

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