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Be a big hero to save the world.

Xiao Changfeng has no such great ambitions.

He just wanted to protect the people around him.

Now that he is in the Eastern Territory, what he is thinking about is Dawu.

Great Martial Dynasty, this is the heart of the Imperial Father, and also the foundation of the ancestors.

It is also a place to realize the dream and ambition of Imperial Father.

It used to unify the eastern region and flourish.

But he didn’t want Spirit Qi to recover, the powerhouse came out and destroyed everything.

Not only did he return to before liberation, but the situation was much more serious.

The mountains and rivers shattered, and there were four beacons. The war was constant and chaotic.

Faced with this situation, Martial Emperor was helpless, and his group of officials had no choice but to watch his chronic death.

But Xiao Changfeng will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

Because this is his hometown, there are his loved ones, there are his friends, and everything he once had.

So he already has a plan in mind.

A plan for the resurgence of Dawu.

However, before this, reunion with the Lu Wenji family was naturally inevitable.

In the evening, Xiao Changfeng did not leave, and agreed to eat at Lu House.

Brightly lit, the dishes are served.

Tonight is a feast for the wind and a reunion feast.

Xiao Changfeng is currently unable to reunite with his parents and Lin Ruoyu.

It is also good to experience the reunion of Lu Mansion.

The maids and domestic servants were repatriated by Lu Old Master, and even Steward Lin was no exception.

To the end.

Only 6 people including Lu Old Master, Lu Mu, Lu Wenji, Yun Lan, Lu Xiaoan and Xiao Changfeng.

“I want to sit with the teacher.”

Lu Xiaoan, a big kid, moved his calf and climbed to the side of Xiao Changfeng, holding a chopstick in one hand, looking a little excited.

“Xiao An, don’t be rude, come to Niang!”

Yun Lan was a little bit weird and wanted to take Lu Xiaoan away, but Lu Xiaoan struggled.

“Let Xiaoan be here, I like her very much.”

Xiao Changfeng said, Yun Lan had to give up, and Lu Xiaoan was laughed, it seems that the small scheme succeeded.

“Shigong Shigong, that chicken leg is delicious, I’ll help you over!”

A family feast, naturally there are no that many rules.

And Lu Xiaoan also replaced Xiao Changfeng and became the protagonist.

I saw that she used chopsticks awkwardly to pick up a big chicken leg.

But she was obviously not very skilled, and halfway through it was a puff fall on the table.

“Master, this chicken leg is dirty. I will give you a new one.”

Before Xiao Changfeng spoke, Lu Xiaoan reached out and grabbed the chicken legs that fell on the table into his bowl.

Then continue to use chopsticks to clamp the new chicken legs.

When she finally caught Xiao Changfeng a chicken drumstick, there were already 3 dirty chicken drumsticks accidentally dropped on the table in her bowl.

“Big guy!”

Xiao Changfeng was amused and scraped Lu Xiaoan’s Qiong nose.

Everyone saw Lu Xiaoan’s careful thought of seizing the chicken leg.

But no one cares, and they are all amused.

Only Yun Lan is a little bit blamed, but in the face of Xiao Changfeng, it’s hard to say much.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoan felt that his strategy was correct.

“Shigong Shigong, I will give you a prawn.”

“Master, I will give you a small crispy fish!”

“Master …”

In the end, Lu Xiaoan’s bowl was filled with chicken, duck and fish meat.

She simply threw away the chopsticks and ate with two small hands.

If it is normal, she must not be so impudent.

But before she saw the attitude of father mother towards Xiao Changfeng, she came up with this idea.

This time, it really worked.

“creak creak !”

Lu Xiaoan’s small mouth kept eating, and in the end he ate his stomach bulgingly, and could no longer hold it.

And the red jacket on her body was also covered with oil stains, it seemed that it was all right.

Xiaobai was always at the table, eating the rest of Lu Xiaoan, and had a belly.

“Xiao An, if you eat too much, you will become a fat girl in the future.”

Xiao Changfeng teased himself and wanted to scare Xiao An.

But Xiao An didn’t care.

“Master, don’t worry, I am still young. It is when I grow up that I can eat more and I won’t get fat. Besides, don’t you know how to refine medicine pill, when the time comes can you make me a thin skinny pill , I’m not fat anymore.”

Skinny Dan!

Xiao Changfeng was teased didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, a 3-year-old baby, did not know where so many ideas came from.

However, for this unearthly, Xiao Anfeng, Xiao Changfeng is also quite fond of.

I even dreamed of myself and Lin Ruoyu in the future, would there be such a cute and lively daughter.

“Xiao An, you see that you are eating all over and dirty. Mother takes you to digest and take a bath, otherwise it will be so stinky, I will not tell you a story at night.”

Yun Lan came over and saluted Xiao Changfeng, then wanted to take Lu Xiaoan away.

But Lu Xiaoan found a backer today, and naturally it will not be so easy to succumb.

I saw her greasy little hands holding Xiao Changfeng’s sleeve tightly.

“Master, I can’t bear you, I don’t want to be separated from you, you take me out to play, OK, my father and mother don’t let me go out, saying there are bad people outside, but I want to go out to meet the world.”

Lu Xiaoan said pitifully, his eyes flashing with tears.

“As long as you are obedient, I will take you out to play tomorrow.”

Xiao Changfeng did not reject Lu Xiaoan’s little wish, but pats her little head and gave a promise.

“Master, you can count your words, let’s pull the hook!”

Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Lu Xiaoan’s eyes brightened at once.

Suddenly reached out a greasy little hand, want to hook with Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng did not refuse.

“The hook must not be changed for 100 years, and another stamp will be put on it.”

After a whole set of ceremonies, Lu Xiaoan felt relieved.

“Teacher, don’t forget our agreement. Must remember to come to me tomorrow!”

When being taken away by Yun Lan, Lu Xiaoan still reluctantly turned back to remind Xiao Changfeng.

It seems that she really regarded Xiao Changfeng as a backer.

“Master, Xiao An is naughty, so you bothered.”

After Xiao An left, Lu Wenji began to apologize.

“It’s okay, Xiao An, a child who compares spirituality, may achieve more in the future.”

Xiao Changfeng did not feel unhappy, but thought Xiao An was a little cute.

“I will refine a Celestial Spirit Pill to improve her physical fitness.”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it and planned to make a medicine pill for Lu Xiaoan, which would be regarded as his own gift as a teacher.

Lu Wenji is overjoyed, but he knows that Xiao Changfeng is now the powerhouse of the Transcending Tribulation period.

The refined medicine pill is more precious than before.

“Tomorrow, you have to set up the fairy array. You and Yun Lan take Xiao An into the palace to find me. I don’t want to be said to be a big liar the next time I come.”

After the family banquet, Xiao Changfeng also intends to go back.

Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Lu Wenji.

“Gong Gong Master!”

Lu Wenji salutes and sends Xiao Changfeng out of the house.

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