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Five Elements Fairy Wheel, a special natural phenomenon of Great Five Elements Immortal Art.

As soon as it was born, it was formidable power.

And according to the records in the Great Five Elements Immortal Art, it is possible to have 9 revolutions of the fairy wheel.

Before Xiao Changfeng tried his best, he could only make a slight shock and radiate a 5-color aperture that’s all.

Only when taking Luohan Buddha fruit, the energy overflowed.

Only barely cast a half turn of the fairy wheel.

Today Xiao Changfeng is the realm in the later stage of Transcending Tribulation.

He has gone through 3 9 days, 6 9 days and 9 9 days.

True Yuan within the body also reached more than 30000 drops.

True Yuan is like a tide, surging and surging, under full urging.

It is also possible to barely exhibit the half-turn of the fairy wheel.

I saw a 5-color halo flying out of the fairy wheel.

This aura is full of Five Colored Spirit Light, magnificent, shining brightly.

It’s like a magic ring.

But with a sense of self-satisfaction, Dadao Tiancheng breath.

The aura quickly expanded like ripples on the lake, sweeping towards all directions.


Black’s lifelessness met these 5 colorful auras, and even evaporated and disappeared directly, disappearing invisible.

5 The color halo is like a knife tofu, which easily breaks the field of dead energy.

That can kill 10000 things, and let all the rotten dead air be unable to resist under the 5 colorful auras.

5 The aura of color continues to spread, and at this time the cone kill of the earth dragon is approaching.

The short tail is like a cone, spinning like a drill, and wants to kill Xiao Changfeng.

However, this short tail is like a cone, when it hits 5 colorful auras.

It was cut off instantly.

I saw the tail of Dadi Yalong was cut off by Qi Gen, and the short tail still told the rotation, it seemed that there was no reaction at all.

“what is this?”

The field of dead air is cut, which makes the deadly Heavenly Venerate dazzling.

At this moment he desperately shot, possessing death.

However, he felt that the five-color halo seemed to be his natural enemy.

The deep fear couldn’t stop the rise in the mind, which made his back chill and tremble.

Even when faced with the powerhouse of God Realm, the undead Heavenly Venerate has not been so scared.

It’s not just the deadly Heavenly Venerate.

The same is true of Dadi Yalong. At the moment when the short tail was cut off, he quickly backed away and dared not continue.

However, the speed of the 5-color halo is extremely fast, and he keeps going towards him.

This forced him to run wild.

In front of this 5-color halo, he felt weak like an ant.

If you do not hurry to flee, you will be easily crushed to death.

Although this feeling is absurd, it is getting stronger.

“Is he really a native of this world? Isn’t it that this world has been dead for countless years, and even the god realm has not been born for 1000 years? How could there be such a terrifying existence, would he really uphold the world spirit? Luck Child of Destiny!”

The earth Yalong panicked, and the fighting intent that was rising at the moment was disintegrating rapidly.

He couldn’t imagine how Xiao Changfeng cultivated in the dead Xuanhuang Great World.

It is even stronger than their heirs, Spiritual God.

This is simply unimaginable.

But at this time he had no chance to think more.

Because the 5-color halo has not weakened with the spread, it still brings the fear of death to the earth dragon.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, and has fallen on him.

There is no roar, no struggle, and no defense.

Dadi Yalong found that 5 colorful auras touched his hard iron skin.

It was easy to cut in.

It seems as if his skin is comparable to steel, thick and stone-like skin, just a thin piece of paper that’s all.


He struggled in horror, dragon’s blood burned faster, and wanted to inspire potential and escaped his life.

But the 5 Color Halo did not give him this opportunity.

The aura passed by, passing through the huge body of the earth dragon.

I saw the luster in Dadi Yalong’s eyes dim quickly, and vitality passed away.

In the end, the huge vitality was directly cut into two halves, crashing down and smashing a forest.

Earth Yalong, die!

Seeing this scene, the only undead Heavenly Venerate psychological defense line collapsed, and the fighting intent was completely absent.

He originally came here to attend the party, just want to use everyone’s strength to break through Kyoto and capture Martial Emperor.

Because he found that the soul of Martial Emperor is different from others.

Not only more powerful, but also a special breath.

So he plans to capture it and cultivate his own secret technique with his soul.

I didn’t expect to attack Kyoto before I got into such a killing god.

At this moment, he no longer thinks about other things, he just wants to escape from here, away from Xiao Changfeng.

As for attacking Kyoto, he has no hope for the time being.


The deadly Heavenly Venerate frantically urges black’s death to make it entangle Xiao Changfeng.

Then he turned into a black light and fled towards the distance.

However, the 5-color halo has not dissipated.

At this point, the aura spreads, chasing the deadly Heavenly Venerate, and it instantly catches up.

“Magical Powers: Sigh of Death!”

“Sky level advanced martial skill: Undead Boneclaw!”

The Necronomicon Heavenly Venerate was frightened in his heart and quickly used his means.

I saw the black storm reappear.

At the same time, the space splits, and a white bone with a dead air sticks out from in the sky.

However, these 2 means, under the 5 color halo, are unable to withstand a single blow, easily broken.

“Astral Projection !”

Seeing that you can’t resist by all means.

Heavenly Venerate clenched the teeth, abandoned the Fleshy body.

Suddenly his soul flew from within the body, turned into a black light, and fled at a faster speed.

It’s a pity that his speed is no faster, but it’s no better than 5 auras.

The aura swept across and instantly fell on his soul.

In an instant, the deadly Heavenly Venerate could not even make a scream, but was hit by 5 auras.

Immediately, the whole person melted quickly like ice and snow exposed to sunlight.

Eventually completely annihilated, the soul flew away and scattered!

This is the end.

The 5 Great Heavenly Venerate at the Yanxia Mountain party was wiped out by the whole army.

Earth Yalong, Heaven Venerable Realm 9th Layer powerhouse!

Deadly Heavenly Venerate, Venerable Realm 9th Layer powerhouse!

Ciwu Heavenly Venerate, Heavenly Venerable Realm 8 heavy powerhouse!

Bilin Heavenly Venerate, Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer powerhouse!

Feather snake Heavenly Venerate, Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer powerhouse!

These 5 Great Heavenly Venerates are all out-of-boundary powerhouses. Although they are not the strongest, they can be the first entrants.

Naturally, it has its out of the ordinary, and it is well prepared and has many life-saving means.

If they meet other local martial artists, they must be able to take advantage and win easily.

However, in the face of Xiao Changfeng, they had only one defeat.

Xiao Changfeng is too strong.

Half Perfection’s Five Elements immortal physique is enough to make people desperate.

Even more how he has many magical powers, various spell sword techniques.

Coupled with the methods of Flying Sword and Cold Flame Fire.

Even in the face of Demi-God powerhouse, it is enough to fight.

Not to mention the fact that Xiao Changfeng is now getting the Azure Lotus, which distributes azure light every moment.

tempering the body of Xiao Changfeng and Nascent Soul.

Make it more powerful.

If 5 Great Heavenly Venerate at first will join forces and fight all out, there may be a glimmer of survival.

But now, it is annihilated by the whole army, and no one is left.

The mountain wind is blowing.

Xiao Changfeng landed on Yanxia Mountain, one person alone!

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