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Hong long long !

The 4 Magical Powers techniques are decayed, and there is nothing that can withstand them along the way.

The 4 people of the Earth Yalong are determined to kill. The formidable power of this blow is unprecedentedly powerful.

“Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor!”

“Royal Word Jue!”

Xiao Changfeng made a decisive decision and was the first to use black liquid Battle Armor and Yu Zi Jue.

I saw black liquid generated out of thin air, woven into armor, and condensed into scales.

Cover Xiao Changfeng’s whole body without leaving any blind spots.

And Yu Zi Jue is the first time to display, making the defensive power of black liquid Battle Armor even more amazing.

At this time, the sigh of death had arrived, drowning Xiao Changfeng.

This black storm contains a strong Death Aura.

Anything, whether it is a creature or an item, will be obliterated and die.

However, at this time Xiao Changfeng stood in place, the 5 colors of light were brilliant and unharmed.

That strong Death Aura can’t break his black liquid Battle Armor at all.

Not to mention hurt Xiao Changfeng.

He is like a rock, standing in place, unwavering.

At this time, Dragon’s Breath was approaching.

The black storm dissipated and gave way to a tunnel to let the breath of dragon enter.

“The half-hearted dragon’s breath, dare to show ugliness in front of me!”

Staring at the breath of the dragon, Xiao Changfeng showed a touch of disdain.

His Azure Dragon Martial Spirit is the real Divine Dragon.

At this time, facing this half-hearted dragon’s breath, there was no fear at all.

Suddenly opened his mouth, azure light was strong, and collided with the dragon’s breath.

Even the breath of this dragon was directly destroyed.

Guanghua 4 splashed, turned into a sky light spot, crushed by a black storm.

At this time, the yin water bubbles and paralyzed pupils also arrived.

Yin water bubbles are invisible and quality, and want to wrap Xiao Changfeng.

The paralyzed pupil light is a barrier through space and falls directly on Xiao Changfeng.

“Thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, broken!”

Divine Consciousness moved as vast as the sea, destroyed as thunder, and directly crushed the paralyzed pupil.

Although this paralyzed pupil is good.

But compared with the petrified magic eye of the snake Heavenly Venerate, it is far too far.

It has no effect on Xiao Changfeng at all.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

Leng Yan Shenhuo condensed in his eyes.

Suddenly, two pillars of fire connecting to heaven penetrating the earth were shot out and hit the bubbles in the cloudy water.

The bubbles in the overcast water were difficult to resist and burst with a bang.

“Sword Domain, on!”

At this time, Xiao Changfeng propped up Sword Domain.

In the Sword Domain, the size of seven hundred meters, there are 1000 sword light.

Each of these sword light is as bright as the sun, and the sword energy is strong.

Like a 10000 1000 sword, it can kill ten powerful enemies.


I saw that under the Sword Domain, the black storm was destroyed and rushed towards all directions.

While Xiao Changfeng wore Battle Armor, his eyes were like fire, and Sword Domain was added, just like the fall of War God.

“He actually has 3 magical powers techniques, and Divine Consciousness is so powerful!”

The first wave of attacks by four people failed.

This result made all four people look ugly and unbelievable.

Their didn’t expect this blow not only did not hurt Xiao Changfeng seriously, but was easily broken.

This… this is incredible.

The magical powers technique is quite rare, and it is impossible to learn only by self-awakening.

Both the Necronomicon Heavenly Venerate and the Earth Yalong master only 2 types of Magical Powers that’s all.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s power was once again beyond their expectations.

“Wait, what did he say just now?”

Suddenly Earth Yalong recalled what Xiao Changfeng had said before.

Those who offended me Xiao Changfeng, kill without mercy.

Xiao Changfeng ?

Suddenly, Yalong’s eyes widened and he looked at Xiao Changfeng in shock.

“It’s him, he’s the Xiao Changfeng called Mystery Realms Mountain, known as Demon King!”

Dadi Yalong burst into the air, staring at Xiao Changfeng in disbelief.

Hearing this, the deadly Heavenly Venerate 3 also remembered.

Xiao Changfeng was originally called Demon King on the Slaughter all sides of Myriad Realms.

Even when the Myriad Realms list was updated, for the Saint Boundary world, forcibly took 10000.

At that time, All Heavens Myriad Realms was shocked for him.

Countless great characters were dispatched, but eventually returned without success.

“A great character once said that he is most likely the Child of Destiny of this Xuanhuang Great World. I have heard that he was chased by the Qiu clan and has disappeared. Didn’t expect him to appear again!”

The undead Heavenly Venerate is also a heart shake.

At the beginning, All Heavens Myriad Realms was in full swing, and he also remembered the name Xiao Changfeng.

Later, after many out-of-boundary powerhouses came to this world, they also explored it.

But then I learned that the disappearance was in the inner ring sea, so it defaulted to fall.

didn’t expect reappeared today and shocked them.

“No wonder he mastered two 2-word verses, which must have been obtained on the Myriad Realms mountain, and he must have won the treasure, otherwise even the recovery of Spiritual Qi would not allow him to go from Saint breakthrough to such a short period of time. Such a realm!”

Dadi Yalong’s eyes were dignified, but the fear in his heart turned into fiery.

It seems that this person must be in Great Destiny even if he is not Child of Destiny.

If he is captured, whether it is dedicated to the great character or left behind, it is a great opportunity.

Even this chance is bigger than getting Dragon Vein under Kyoto.

At the same time, the feather snake Heavenly Venerate was shocked by 3 people, and also thought of this.

Child of Destiny!

Born to inherit the great luck, will be dazzling.

The Myriad Realms mountain incident and the death of Ciwu Heavenly Venerate prove this point.

For a time.

4 people have the same idea in their hearts.

Vow to capture Xiao Changfeng!


The Earth Yalong rises into the sky, the huge body contains a great oppression force, spreads the field, distributes Longwei, and kills Xiao Changfeng.

The undead Heavenly Venerate held the golden scepter in his hand, and pointed it out at a distance, and suddenly a dark golden light blasted out.

This light cuts through the sky and splits the space with the sharpest posture, making it temporarily unable to recover.

This is the light condensed by Death Aura. Once any life touches, the life essence will be instantly exhausted, and the fleshy body will collapse.

At the same time feather snake Heavenly Venerate and Bilin Heavenly Venerate also made their own efforts to fight each other.

“Good to come!”

Xiao Changfeng fearless fearless, right hand extended at this time.

Suddenly, a shadow blazed out, and went straight to the feather snake Heavenly Venerate.

The dark shadow is known in the wind and turned into a 900 meters real body.

It is Nine Headed Snake!

After eating three eyes of Heavenly Venerate, Nine Headed Snake’s strength has reached Heavenly Venerable Realm 3th-layer.

He is a bloodline, and cultivated True Dragon 9 has become very powerful.

Enough to deal with Heavenly Venerate.

The Xiao Changfeng is fighting against Yalong, Heavenly Venerate, and Heavenly Venerate!

“Trifling Yalong, also dare to attack, let you see the True Dragon prestige today!”

Seeing the Earth Yalong killing, Xiao Changfeng runs Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll.

Suddenly the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit emerged from behind, and in an instant the pure dragon power emerged and landed on the earth dragon.

This is the suppression on Bloodline, the complexion greatly changed, and the imposing manner suddenly decreased.

“Take me a punch!”

Taking the opportunity of Longwei’s repression, Xiao Changfeng punched and hit Dadi Yalong.

Directly flew the earth Yalong out, and just blocked the golden light.

And smashed towards Bily Heavenly Venerate.

this moment.

Xiao Changfeng shows his invincible style with a press of 4!

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