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This single fist it Five Elements.

But it has exerted the power word tactics, Yu word tactics and Magical Powers: Great Earthquake.

It is also to urge Five Elements immortal physique, to show the perfect power of half Perfection Five Elements immortal physique.

This fist is the strongest fist that Xiao Changfeng has gathered all his strength.

I saw Xiao Changfeng’s spine arched like a big dragon.

His whole person turned into a crossbow of anger.

And that white fist is the lance that runs through everything.


When Xiao Changfeng this fist hit, everyone only knew that Heaven and Earth were shaking, and there was only one punch that shook Sun and Moon in their eyes.

They even had the illusion that they were blown out of the entire world by this punch and they were out of step with the surroundings.

This uncomfortable feeling made Heavenly Venerate and the others complexion greatly changed.

They have never encountered such a situation, and their hearts are shocked.

“Xiwu Brother, be careful!”

Dadi Yalong exclaimed, reminding Ciwu Heavenly Venerate, is ready to rescue him.

But his reaction was late.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng swooped down and greeted the Heavenly Venerate of Ciwu, where the speed of the sound exploded ten times, speed to the pinnacle.

The Ciwu Heavenly Venerate killed Xiao Changfeng at 8 times the speed of sound. The two people faced each other, and the distance was quickly shortened.

Blinking and seeing, the 2 people collided together.

Ka-cha !

The blade light in the chopping field is endless, rich and bright, and condensed as substance.

However, under this fist, it was destroyed.

Directly shot a blank Yong Road, there is no way to stop Xiao Changfeng’s figure.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s fists were glowing, and the five-color mans were brighter.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Power of Five Elements, True Yuan is flourishing.

This fist is strong and unmatched, hard to resist and unbreakable.


At this time, the soul-killing magic sound also fell on Xiao Changfeng.

However, the expected results of Ciwu Heavenly Venerate did not happen.

Xiao Changfeng expression is clear and firm-minded, and is not affected by the soul-sounding magic sound.

The Soul Magic Sound is only low grade Magical Powers that’s all, and formidable power is limited.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t bother to display tiger’s roar dragon’s cry confrontation.

Only with thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, they easily resisted it.

Even more how he displayed the magic word at this time, Sea of ​​Consciousness also has a good defensive ability.


At this time, the fists of the five-color mans are blooming, like a hot knife through butter crushing the blade glow.

Then in the incredible eyes of Ciwu Heavenly Venerate, a punch was hit on the double knives.

Ciwu Heavenly Venerate has no hands, these two knives are both hands.

Although it is not a Divine Item, it has been sacrificed by Ciwu Heavenly Venerate, just like Xiao Changfeng’s Life-Source Magical Treasure.

The formidable power is extremely strong, and in the future, it can be transformed into a Divine Item along with the god of Heavenly Venerate.

With these two swords alone, Ciwu Heavenly Venerate can fight against powerhouses such as Dadi Yalong.

And he was intoxicated with the sword technique. Now the sword technique has already reached the Great Success Realm, which is very powerful.

However, this pair of swords could not stop Xiao Changfeng’s punch.

Just listening to the sound of ka-cha, the pair of knives broke into pieces and turned into pieces of sky.

In the end, all of them were broken and sputtered 4 squares.

But this fist is not over.

After shattering the double knives, he continued to move forward, and finally printed on the chest of Ciwu Heavenly Venerate.


Zhiwu Heavenly Venerate suddenly suffered a heavy blow, spurting blood madly, the whole person’s breath quickly subsided.

It was also shot into the sky, pierced the sky and smashed into the ground.

The hong long long earthquake, a deep hole with a size of 1000 meters, was smashed out.

At this time, the strength of this fist in the air turned into a cloud-burst air mass, pouring into all around like a tide.

might of a single fist, so horrible!

Everyone sucked in a cold breath, staring at Xiao Changfeng horror.

Ciwu Heavenly Venerate is not weak.

Among 5 people, it is medium.

Although the Earth Yalong and the undead Heavenly Venerate are powerful, it is also somewhat difficult to secure a victory over Ciwu Heavenly Venerate.

But at this time, in front of Xiao Changfeng.

Ciwu Heavenly Venerate fell completely into the disadvantage.

Heavenly Venerable Realm 8 heavy, born with two swords, annihilated realm, Innate Divine Ability, 1000-word scripture.

Any of these means is enough to achieve a genius powerhouse.

However, at this time, Zhiwu Heavenly Venerate did its best, but it could not match Xiao Changfeng’s punch.

This is too terrifying, making everyone unable to bear heart throb.

At this moment.

No one dares to underestimate Xiao Changfeng.

“He actually mastered two 2-word scriptures, one is the power word tactics, and the other is the power word tactics, and his Innate Divine Ability is also very strong, capable of shattering time and space and destroying 1000 things.”

“The most terrifying is his fleshy body, and his fleshy body strength is not weaker than me, even better than me. Is it Divine Physique? Otherwise, this fist will never be so terrifying.”

Dadi Yalong gave birth to a trace of fear, staring at Xiao Changfeng.

Although he is only a sub-Dragon Race, but because of his Dragon Clan Bloodlines, Fleshy body is strong.

And he is the earth dragon, born close to the earth, defensive power is amazing.

But even so, he wasn’t sure he could take the punch just now.

If the other party is Divine Physique, then this person is no ordinary native.

After all, the so-called Divine Physique is a special physique that can become a god.

Ordinary people want to become gods, need great opportunities, and massive resources.

But those with Divine Physique only need step-by-step cultivation.

You can easily break through the realm.

Therefore, the people of Divine Physique, in All Heavens Myriad Realms, are extremely precious geniuses.

None of the 5 people present was Divine Physique.

Even the Heavenly Venerate, the undead known to be the closest to Divine Physique, is just the top holy body that’s all.

With this in mind, a strong murderous intention is born in the heart of Dadi Yalong.

An Indigenous with Divine Physique, the future must be a big problem.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to strangle it and not allow it the opportunity to grow.

Otherwise, you and the others will be in huge trouble.

At this moment.

Guess Xiao Changfeng is Divine Physique, more than Dadi Yalong.

Deadly Heavenly Venerate 3 people also thought of this.

After all, they are from various Divine Kingdoms, but they are peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

Both knowledge and secrets are rich in reserves.

For a time, a strong murderous intention was born in 4 people’s hearts.

“Brother Zhiwu can no longer fight alone. Let’s shoot together and capture him as soon as possible.”

Dadi Yalong proposed.

He has seen that Ciwu Heavenly Venerate is not Xiao Changfeng’s opponent, and if he continues, I am afraid he will let go of this serious problem.

Therefore, he decided to take the shot and first capture Xiao Changfeng to avoid long nights.

“it is good!”

Deadly Heavenly Venerate 3 people nodded agreed.

However, it is at this time.

4 People’s faces changed in unison, suddenly turned their heads, and looked into the big pit beside Yanxia Mountain.

I saw the lychee Heavenly Venerate lying in the big pit, and there was a fist sized blood hole in his heart.

The punch of Xiao Changfeng just pierced his heart directly.

Although he is tenacious in Life Strength, he can’t hold on at this time.

Suddenly spit blood, his eyes widened, and fell to the ground with reluctance.

One shot hit Heavenly Venerate!

This result shocked the earth Yalong and the others!

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