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Qin boss suddenly shouted, reminding everyone.

As for himself, Spirit Qi runs, and Saint prestige radiates, staring at the azure light silhouette jumping out of the sea.

He didn’t think he was in luck, he met legendary Azure Lotus.

He lived his whole life, relying on vigilance.

“It’s a person!”

Pharaoh exclaimed again.

He has seen that it is not Azure Lotus, but one silhouette.

But people who fall into the sea are basically ten deaths without life.

Who will get out of the sea?

The person who jumped out of the sea was Xiao Changfeng who swam from the seabed.

At this time, seeing the sun again, he is also in a good mood.

“Seabed 8 ten thousand meters, didn’t expect the inner sea, so deep.”

Xiao Changfeng sighed in his heart.

When he fell, because of the huge force, he could not be distracted to calculate the depth.

But this time he came up, he calculated it carefully.

The final result also surprised him.

didn’t expect The inner sea was small, but it was as deep as 8 ten thousand meters.

No wonder nobody found Azure Lotus.

It is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, falling into the seabed, it will certainly die.

“It’s ten times as strong as Spirit Qi, and it’s true that Spirit Qi recovery has begun!”

Apart from lamenting, Xiao Changfeng also felt the fullness of all around Spiritual Qi.

Compared with the original time, Spirit Qi in the inner ring of the sea is now ten times richer.

Even naked eye can see some of the Spiritual Qi.

In three years, the recovery of Spiritual Qi has already begun.

This Human World is no longer the Human World that Xiao Changfeng knows.

“Yi! ”

Divine Consciousness swept away, and Xiao Changfeng also discovered this fishing fleet.

Before, he sensed that there are many Life Auras here, so he swam up here.

I didn’t expect out of the Demonic beast in the sea, and I could see humans.

“It’s just from them that they can learn about the changes now.”

Xiao Changfeng silhouette flew straight to the super ship where Qin Boss was.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone, just go back quickly!”

Xiao Changfeng’s breath is restrained, and Qin boss does not know the strength of Xiao Changfeng.

But at this time he did not dare to let Xiao Changfeng approach, suddenly yelling loudly.

Hope to force Xiao Changfeng back.

It is a pity that Xiao Changfeng is always looking for someone to understand the current changes, and will naturally not retreat.

“Spirit Binding Holy Net!”

Seeing that Xiao Changfeng did not retreat, Qin boss also made a decisive shot.

Suddenly, the fishing net was urged by him.

The fishing net is gleaming and contains Power of Time, which is strong in the wind. It has turned into a size of several thousand meters and enveloped towards Xiao Changfeng.

Want to trap Xiao Changfeng!


This Ling Ling Sheng net is just a low grade holy that that’s all, and there is no threat to Xiao Changfeng.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not intend to destroy it, so True Yuan vomited.

Instead, he collected this holy net of binding spirits.

“God…Heavenly Venerate!”

At this time Xiao Changfeng shot, breath revealed, also made the Qin boss complexion greatly changed.

“I just want to ask a few questions, no harm!”

Xiao Changfeng landed on the deck, waved his hand, and threw the Holy Spirit Net back to Qin Boss.

“This lord, we are all part-fishers, please be magnanimous.”

Knowing the strength of Xiao Changfeng, Qin boss also dared not have the ambition to shoot.

I only hope that Xiao Changfeng is not a vicious and merciless generation, and can let them live a life.

“I have been closed here for many years and the news is not clear. You just need to tell the news I want to know, and I will not hurt you.”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly.

The boss Qin was shocked.

He didn’t expect himself to have encountered an old monster who could retreat in the inner ring for many years.

Not even major events like Spirit Qi’s recovery.

But at this time he had no other choice but to obediently and honestly agree.

fleet set off again.

But this time there is no longer happy laughter and cheerful voices, but trembling with fear.

One after another looked at the super ship, for fear of Xiao Changfeng’s heartbreak.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was on the ship, listening to the description of Qin Boss, and gradually got an understanding.

According to Qin boss.

The Spiritual Qi recovery began more than a year ago.

The movement at at first is very small, but Spirit Qi is thicker, so it has not attracted everyone’s attention.

But then Spirit Qi became more and more intense, almost every day.

And the terrain has changed.

For example, in this inner ring sea, the inner ring sea now has ten times the previous size.

The territory of the Eastern Region has also expanded by more than ten times.

Many unfamiliar regions appear as if born out of thin air.

“This should be the space that was folded up before!”

Xiao Changfeng knew in his heart that these sudden regions appeared.

All are folding spaces, which are reappearing as Spiritual Qi recovers.

Today’s Xuanhuang Great World, 5 territories and 4 seas, all have different degrees of expansion.

The entire world is even more vast.

And this change has not stopped.

It has been changing day by day.

Every day, Spirit Qi will become more intense, and some new places will appear.

at first Everyone was panicking, thinking that the end of the world was coming.

But now that more than a year has passed, everyone is used to it.

Moreover, the concept of Spiritual Qi’s recovery has long spread.

“Adult, the old man was originally just the strength of the Emperor Martial realm, but with the recovery of Spirit Qi, Spirit Qi has increased, and cultivation is also easier. In one year, the old man has broken through 2 realms.”

“While the old man has a dull talent and less progress, others have made more progress. Now the creatures of the entire world have become a lot stronger. Saint, once rarely seen, can already be seen everywhere.”

“Even the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse is increasing day by day. With the innate talent of adults, it is the legendary god realm, and it must be nothing difficult.”

Boss Qin was introducing good news.

He didn’t know Xiao Changfeng, nor did he know the character of Xiao Changfeng.

In order to protect himself and this fleet, he also showed all his strengths.

“Have anyone come out of the powerhouse?”

Xiao Changfeng was not interested in destroying this fleet, and at this time, after learning that Spirit Qi was recovering, he was also concerned about things outside his borders.

After all, the recovery of Spiritual Qi and Myriad Realms have attracted attention. Now that the recovery has begun, there must be an outside powerhouse.

“Returning to the Lord, as long as half a year ago, a large number of out-of-boundary powerhouses came. They are powerful and not small. They are said to be the heirs of Spiritual God.”

Boss Qin knew everything, and at this time he said what he knew without reservation.

“Spiritual God’s heir, it seems that Heavenly Dao’s restrictions are still very large. There is no Godpower powerhouse coming, just some Heavenly Venerable Realm that’s all.”

From the mouth of Qin boss, Xiao Changfeng learned the current strength of these out-of-boundary powerhouses.

Basically it is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, and there is no Godpower powerhouse.

However, as Spirit Qi continues to recover, sooner or later Heavenly Dao’s restrictions will be lowered, and when the time comes from the Shenjing powerhouse, it should also appear.

“How is Eastern Territory now? What about the Great Martial Dynasty?”

After understanding the rough.

Xiao Changfeng asked about the situation of the Great Martial Dynasty. In his heart, he still missed the Imperial Father!

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