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Above the questioning period is the Transcending Tribulation period.

It is also the last realm in Immortal Cultivator.

As the name suggests, the Transcending Tribulation period is to survive the catastrophe.

And it is divided into 3 9 days, 6 9 days and 9 9 days.

This also corresponds to the three phases of Transcending Tribulation Realm.

And after 9 9 days of calamity, it was Immortal Tribulation.

After Immortal Tribulation, you can fly into a fairy. If you can’t, it’s scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Of course, there are lucky ones who can survive, and that is Loose Immortal.

And this time.

Xiao Changfeng ushered in the 3-9 days of this life!

“Little 9, step back!”

Knowing the origin of the thunder and lightning, Xiao Changfeng spoke quickly and told Nine Headed Snake to retreat.

3 9 Days Tribulation suddenly appeared, making Nine Headed Snake mistaken for its Thunder Tribulation.

But the formidable power of the 3th Tribulation is much larger than Thunder Tribulation.

If you let Nine Headed Snake take it, I’m afraid that if you can’t hold on to 2 passes, you will be bombarded.

“It seems that I have been refining too much Xuanhuang Qi during this period, and it has reached the limit of the questioning period, so it has attracted the catastrophe.”

Looking at the top of his head, the three-color thunder and lightning that was ten thousand meters in size and squirming constantly, Xiao Changfeng understood in his heart.

But he was not afraid, instead he was eager to have a try.

The catastrophe is both a danger and an opportunity.

As long as he survives the catastrophe, he will be shedding body, exchanging bones and become stronger.

And it can also go from the questioning period, breakthrough to the Transcending Tribulation period.

Hong long long !

The three colors of lightning above are constantly intertwined.

These three kinds of lightning are much more powerful than the three kinds of pill thunder that were attracted when refining Biyou Immortal Pill.

Because these are three of the Thunder of Five Elements.

Each is Divine Thunder, and the formidable power is extremely strong.

“Water Divine Thunder, Fire Divine Thunder, and Earth Divine Thunder!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, adjusting his state, preparing for the 3th Tribulation.

These 3 kinds of Divine Thunder are different.

Among them, the water Divine Thunder can make people feel suffocating from drowning, and it can evoke blood, which is very painful.

The fire Divine Thunder not only burns the fleshy body, but also the soul.

As for Divine Thunder, it is to bury the fleshy body and mind.

3 9 Days Tribulation refers to 3 kinds of Divine Thunder, 9 Dao Tribulation penalty.

And 6 9 days of calamity, there are 6 kinds of Divine Thunder.

9 9 Heavenly Tribulation has 9 kinds of Divine Thunder.

As for Immortal Tribulation, it is indescribable and represents the Destruction Strength of Xeon.


Soon, the first water, Divine Thunder, arrived in a hurry.

This water, Divine Thunder, has a thickness of ten meters, just like a supporting heaven giant pillar, falling towards Xiao Changfeng strikes.

Xiao Changfeng did not dodge.

Because the catastrophe cannot be avoided, no matter you are on the ends of the earth, it will fall.

“Good to come!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes rose sharply, and immediately rose to the sky.

At this time, Five Elements immortal physique was urged to the extreme by him.

within the body True Yuan runs like crazy.


The water Divine Thunder submerged Xiao Changfeng instantly, and the terrifying thunder and lightning hit him, making him crackle all over, like fried beans.

The characteristics of the water Divine Thunder submerged Xiao Changfeng’s breath and suffocated him.

However, Xiao Changfeng has enough experience to deal with this kind of catastrophe.

So instead of resisting, he took the initiative to absorb Divine Thunder into his body.

Then, with True Yuan towing the water Divine Thunder, swimming in the body.

Tempering all your flesh, organs, bones, skeleton, etc.

As for the suffocation, it had little effect on him.

“Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is closer to Perfection Realm.”

Under the first water Divine Thunder, Xiao Changfeng found that his Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll had improved a lot.

It has clearly surpassed the other four volumes.


Soon, the 2nd water Divine Thunder fell.

The water at this time Divine Thunder is still ten meters thick, but the color is darker.

A bang hit Xiao Changfeng on him.

His blood was boiling, as if blood vessels were to burst.


Xiao Changfeng was prepared, not frightened. He quickly guided, while absorbing water Divine Thunder quenched body, while suppressing boiling blood.

Soon, 2nd water Divine Thunder was carried by him.

And his Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is also improved again.


A dragon roar chanted, coming from the thunderbolt.

I saw the 3rd water Divine Thunder, which is no longer a mine column, but turned into a black Thunder Dragon.

Thunder Dragon’s power is also more terrifying than before.

“The host’s Thunder Tribulation is too scary. If it were me, I couldn’t stop even three Thunder Tribulations.”

Nine Headed Snake shrunk to the side, horrified.

He also spent 4 times under Thunder Tribulation.

But Xiao Changfeng’s 3 days of catastrophe made him throb and fear 9 points.

This kind of sky-tribulation, instead of him, could not be stopped at all, to be destroyed on the spot, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Hong long long !

3rd water Divine Thunder fell, completely submerging Xiao Changfeng’s figure.

The seawater all around is also stirred up, like boiling.

The sand was surging and the space was shaking.

Only the Azure Lotus in the distance is completely motionless.


There was a low voice and it sounded from Thunder Dragon.

I saw Xiao Changfeng covered with 5 bright colors of light, just like War God, tore apart the Thunder Dragon and blocked the 3rd water Divine Thunder.

Ka-cha !

But at this time, the 3 days of catastrophe seemed to be provoked.

Suddenly the first fire Divine Thunder fell.

Even if it is seabed, all around the sea is rich.

But the Dividable Thunder’s formidable power is not affected in any way.

Fire contains the power of destruction, while Thunder has the power of destruction.

The formidable power of fire Divine Thunder is more powerful than water Divine Thunder.

Even though Xiao Changfeng was prepared, he was still beaten torn skin and gaping flesh, black.

It seems to have turned into charcoal.

But now the True Yuan of Xiao Changfeng within the body is plentiful, so he quickly carried this first fire Divine Thunder.

The 2nd fire Divine Thunder turned to burn the soul.

Xiao Changfeng gritted his teeth, resisted with thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, and took advantage of tempering.

Although blocked, the soul was seriously damaged.

3rd fire Divine Thunder is also transformed into Thunder Dragon.

Not only burning fleshy body, but also burning soul, more terrifying.

After the 3rd fire Divine Thunder, Xiao Changfeng was more seriously injured and his breath was weak.

However, Divine Thunder has just begun.

Divine Thunder has the power of burial.

The first soil, Divine Thunder, let Xiao Changfeng run out of True Yuan.

2nd soil Divine Thunder makes Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness languish.

The 3rd soil Divine Thunder is even more terrifying.

“Five Elements Fairy Wheel!”

Faced with this last Heavenly Dao Tribulation, Xiao Changfeng did not dare to carelessly.

Activate all power, condense Five Elements fairy wheel.

I saw the Five Elements fairy wheel suspended above the head, shining brightly, and the rays of light were dazzling.


3rd soil Divine Thunder buried Xiao Changfeng.

Five Elements Fairy Wheel disappeared.

In the end, Xiao Changfeng’s breath disappeared.

“the host!”

Not feeling the breath of Xiao Changfeng, Nine Headed Snake heart startled, calling out loudly.

He leapt forward and headed towards the place where Xiao Changfeng was.

He didn’t want Xiao Changfeng to have any accidents.


Just at this time.

A bright and colorful light of 5 colors suddenly emerged.

The brilliance of its rays of light overwhelmed Azure Lotus’s azure light, and the Dark Land all around was very bright, like the sun rising.

In these five colors of light, there is a silhouette like Spiritual God.

“Divine Thunder quenches my body, 3 9 days of robbery!”

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