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Dark seabed, azure light misty.

The source of this azure light is a palm-size Azure Lotus.

Azure Lotus is not rooted in the seabed, but is like a rootless duckweed, suspended in the sea water.

Azure Lotus is independent and full of vigor, like a world of flowers, deducing a vivid and dreamy world.

Around it, there was a ray of magical mist like hair, mysterious and hazy.

“Xuanhuang Qi!”

Looking at the magical mist like silk, Xiao Changfeng was shocked.

These mists are just the mysterious yellow gas that all gods desire.

In the outside world, getting a ray is amazing.

Not even in Divine Crystal.

However at this time.

Around this Azure Lotus, there is a mist of 3 meters in size.

The air of the mysterious yellow in it is more than 1000 to 10000.

And the Azure Lotus, occasionally absorbing a ray of mysterious yellow, azure light becomes brighter.

“The mysterious yellow air is not made naturally, but was condensed and born by this Azure Lotus strain.”

Xiao Changfeng looked closely, and soon discovered something special.

The air of mysterious yellow is the power of Heavenly Dao.

All beings steal Heavenly Dao Strength and cultivate into a god realm. This is the truth of cultivation.

If the powerhouse of Venerable Realm 9th Layer is available, it can be called Demi-God.

If the whole body of Spirit Qi is turned into the air of mysterious yellow, it will be a god realm.

However, the conciliation of Xuanhuang Qi is very difficult.

Since ancient times, most powerhouses are just absorbing the mysterious yellow gas to break through to become a god.

But there are few people who can condense Xuanhuang’s spirit by themselves.

However at this time.

Deep in the seabed that surrounds the sea.

A singular Azure Lotus was able to condense the mystery of Xuanhuang by itself.

If this news spreads, I am afraid that it will be All Heavens Myriad Realms, and it will be shocked.

After all, Heavenly Dao is limited, Divine Crystal is limited.

Master a treasure that can continually condense the spirit of mysterious yellow.

Absolutely able to open up a 10000 God World.

But at this time, this Azure Lotus is wrapped in the air of Xuan Huang, and can’t see its true face.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng could not judge its true origin.

But the misty azure light is quite translucent.

And it contains a vitality.

Let Xiao Changfeng feel comfortable.

“The water here has the characteristic of engulfing energy, it seems that this strain of Azure Lotus.”

Xiao Changfeng felt a moment, and suddenly a speculation came into his mind.

The inner ring sea has a special heavy force and also has peculiar energy-consuming characteristics.

Combined with what I saw in front of me many Xuanhuang Qi.

Xiao Changfeng understands.

Perhaps those engulfed energies have gathered here, condensed into the mysterious yellow spirit by this Azure Lotus.

Looking at the 3-meter-sized air mass, Xiao Changfeng felt that his guess should be good.

“what is this?”

Fengfeng Heavenly Venerate’s exclamation sounded not far away.

They also fell into the seabed and saw Azure Lotus at this time.

“There is so much Xuanhuang’s gas!”

Song Heavenly Venerate’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe the huge air mass in disbelief. The shock in his heart was unprecedented.

Divine Race inheritance for 10000 years, naturally also has a yellowish spirit.

But the number is extremely limited, and can only supply past patriarch.

Song Heavenly Venerate, as the powerhouse of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer, could not get a ray of it, and could no longer become Demi-God.

Seeing so much Xuanhuang’s gas at this moment, in addition to being shocked, also gave birth to a strong greed.

He doesn’t need much, just a whiff of black yellow.

He can achieve Demi-God powerhouse.

“No, the mysterious yellow air seems to come from the Azure Lotus condense.”

Feng Heavenly Venerate complexion greatly changed, also guessed the truth.

This is the case.

Feng Heavenly Venerate and Song Heavenly Venerate are both trembling and difficult to calm down.

An Azure Lotus capable of condensing the air of the mysterious yellow!

This is definitely an unprecedented rare treasure, of great value and inestimable.

If you own this Azure Lotus, let alone the god realm.

I’m afraid it can become stronger.

The recovery of Spiritual Qi is imminent, the world is coming, this is the moment when the formidable person comes out of the chaos.

Once mastered this Azure Lotus, plus Spirit Qi recovery.

The Qiu tribe may be able to take advantage of this opportunity to soar into the sky and compete with Divine Sect in the sky.

“Must get it!”

Song Heavenly Venerate and Feng Heavenly Venerate glanced at each other, and they both saw each other’s fiery eyes.

Suddenly, everyone was determined.

At all costs, you have to get this Azure Lotus.

“Little bastard, this time I really have to thank you. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to find this magic lotus. You can rest assured that we will make you die happy.”

Song Heavenly Venerate has not forgotten Xiao Changfeng on the side.

At this time, he smiled at Xiao Changfeng, face looks sinister, eye shows the ominous light.

Azure Lotus does not know how many years existed here, so it was unhurried to extract.

The top priority is to capture Xiao Changfeng first.

After all, they came for it.

“Pill Saint, you are growing too fast and threatening too much. This time is for you, even Lord Patriarch is alarmed, and you are the first in 1000 years. As long as you give up struggling, obediently surrender, I will plead with patriarch, only waste You Martial Dao, don’t hurt your life.”

Feng Heavenly Venerate also withdrew his gaze and looked back at Xiao Changfeng.

The ambush at this time was first proposed by him.

Once they did not take Xiao Changfeng in their eyes.

At most it’s just a nice back that’s all innate talent.

However, the news of the destruction of Martial Spirit Hall and the killing of True Martial Heavenly Venerate made them feel an unprecedented threat.

Therefore, they decided to take the initiative to eliminate the hidden danger of Xiao Changfeng.

Avoid accidents when Spiritual Qi’s recovery comes.

The ambush at this time is quite perfect.

In the inner sea, no one else can come to rescue Xiao Changfeng.

And Autumn Heavenly Venerate appeared, blocking the snake Heavenly Venerate.

Although they chased all the way, they found this mysterious Azure Lotus.

Now you only need to capture or kill Xiao Changfeng.

All this is completely perfect.

“Do you think you can kill me now?”

Xiao Changfeng stood on the spot, the expression was calm, fearless, but the cold glow in his eyes lit up.

“Although Spirit Qi is exhausted, the two of us are also very proficient in the art of fighting and killing, and you have no chance of winning.”

Feng Heavenly Venerate shook the head, although he was exhausted within the body Spiritual Qi at this time, but still confident.

“No words with him, quickly capture him, and then extract the lotus!”

Song Heavenly Venerate impatient, taking the lead, punched Xiao Changfeng.

Without Spiritual Qi, it has extremely strong sinking force and water pressure.

Therefore, many Magical Powers and martial skills cannot be used.

The fight at this time is the fight between Martial Dao’s foundation and Fleshy body.

Songly Heavenly Venerate is not only a realm martial artist.

His fighting technique is equally powerful.

At this time, punched out, breaking the sea water, just like a long spear, hitting Xiao Changfeng’s throat.

“Today, let you see the power of immortal physique!”

Looking at Punch Heavenly Venerate, Xiao Changfeng unemotional, also punched out.

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