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Asura Saint died like this?

Looking at the fallen body, everyone was stunned and could not believe it.

This is a Saint!

Powerful and overwhelming, they are able to sit in one place and dominate one side.

Asura Holy Land had him, so he rose.

The star land Holy Land is also immersed in panic because of him.

However, all this.

Today, under this sword, all came to an abrupt halt.

Looking at the fallen Eucharist of Asura Saint.

Bai Xing Jin Zu and the others feel a bit unreal.

They have no choice but to try their best, and even almost die of the powerful enemy in their hands.

Actually died so lightly.

Too dreamy, too unreal, too surprising.


The people of Asura Holy Land were even more disturbed by this.

each and everyone exclaimed, sorrow came from the heart.

But they are helpless.

Even whether he can leave alive today is unknown.


Just at this time.

Asura Saint’s body suddenly had a blood rainbow rising into the sky.

It’s fast and incomparable.

Break through the space and want to escape into the sky to escape.

This is the soul of Asura Saint.

The Asura family lives on killing.

Although the clansman in Asura Holy Land is not pure Blood Asura, there is also a certain Bloodline.

Its soul is also extremely powerful.

At this time, Asura Saint wanted to take the opportunity of everyone’s shock to escape into the void, and escaped.

Unfortunately, in front of Xiao Changfeng.

If you have 1000 means and 10000 endurance, you only have a dead end.

“Give me a receipt!”

Reaching out, the Soul Calabash flew out, and a special suction suddenly came out of it.

Asura Saint’s soul has just torn open the space and has not yet entered the void.

It is affected by this special suction.

In an instant he felt that he was not going back.


A terrible howling came from his mouth.

He struggled frantically, but to no avail.

Eventually he had to be included in the banned soul gourd.

“That was…soul just now?”

Bai Xing Jinzu’s eyes widened and his mouth was dry, and he couldn’t believe what he saw.

The soul is so mysterious that most people cannot see it, let alone hurt it.

However, the soul of Asura Saint just wanted to escape, but was taken away by Xiao Changfeng.

This is a hard shock for everyone.

this moment.

Everyone looked at Xiao Changfeng’s eyes as if they saw the gods.

“Kill out, one can escape one is one!”

At this moment a desperate roar sounded.

The speaker is an old Ancestor from the Paragon realm of Asura Holy Land.

When he saw that Asura Saint was dead, he knew in his heart that attacking Holy Land this time was not only a complete failure.

And it is very possible to lose the entire Asura Holy Land.

At this moment.

He just wanted to let everyone escape, one can escape one.

Hong long long !

The death of Old Ancestor and Asura Saint was completely defeated by the fighting intent.

So hearing this, more than 2 people in Asura Holy Land fled in the direction of Xingyue City.

“Never let them escape, and those who can fight with me, behead the enemy!”

When the people who saw Asura Holy Land wanted to escape, Bai Xing Jin Zu’s eyes were red.

In the past ten days, too many clansman died in Asura Holy Land.

They will never give up this blood feud.

So even with a wound on their body, they still want to fight hard.


Suddenly Star Wars Holy Land also has people with the power of a battle, all making angry roar sounds.

each and everyone full of vigor, killing intent like tide, morale is vigorous.

“Little 9!”

At the moment, Xiao Changfeng is anyone who did not intend to let Asura Holy Land go.

Suddenly protruded the right hand and awakened Nine Headed Snake.


With a roar, Nine Headed Snake revealed a huge monster body of 800 meters.

In an instant, the exit of Star Land Holy Land was blocked.

As a result, Asura Holy Land broke into more than 2 people this time, and none of them could escape.

“Sword light differentiation!”

In addition to Nine Headed Snake, Xiao Changfeng also shot again.

I saw the reproduction of sword light, one into ten, 100 of 100, 1000 of 1…

In a blink of an eye, between Heaven and Earth appeared 10000 sword light.

These sword lights are extremely dazzling, sharp and unusual, and they can’t be blocked by anyone in Heaven and Earth.

“Ahhh !”

For a while, it turned into a sea of ​​killing.

The screams, the shouts, the roar of despair are very complicated and chaotic.


Bai Xing Jin Zu took the lead, holding a long spear in his hand, starlight shining all over him, killing the crowd.


Lin Xue’er is also among the crowd.

In these brief moments, the panic and hatred in these days have been vented.

She is holding a long sword and starlight around her body, just like a female goddess of killing, and she is in the crowd.

Soon, she was covered with blood.

However, she didn’t stop there, still fighting frantically.

Obviously, how strong the emotions were buried in her heart these days.

After the battle of this time, she must have grown up quickly and become a martial artist who can stand alone.

At this moment.

Not only Bai Xing Jin Zu and Lin Xue’er.

This is true of all the people who rushed out of Star Land Holy Land.

For ten days, they have been panic, pain, and madness.

The backlog of negative emotions in the heart has already caused them to collapse.

At this time they need such a war to vent their emotions to complete the transformation.

And fighting will inevitably kill people.

Although the crowds of Star Fight Holy Land fight crazy, Asura Holy Land has too many people.

Therefore, among them, they also suffered heavy losses.

But Xiao Changfeng did not stop it.

He knew that this blood baptism must be experienced by them.

After this battle, Star Land Holy Land is bound to have a qualitative leap.

This is also an excellent thing for the upcoming Recovery of Spiritual Qi.

He is responsible for the stronger martial artist in Asura Saint.

Those martial artists in the Paragon realm and the Emperor Martial realm have no enemies in front of him.

The five heads of Nine Headed Snake also opened their mouths together.

Asura Holy Land’s number is constantly decreasing.

Let them rush to death and fight bloody.

But with Xiao Changfeng and Nine Headed Snake, they have no hope.


Asura Holy Land has fewer and fewer people.

Finally, the last Paragon realm powerhouse of Asura Holy Land was killed by the White Star Jinzu.

This bloody battle for revenge is completely over here.

Looking into the eyes, corpses ran across the field, blood flowing into a river.

Most of them are the bodies of Asura Holy Land.

But there are also many corpses of Holy Land.

This battle.

Asura Holy Land was annihilated.

Star Land Holy Land is also seriously damaged and cannot be recovered in a short time.

But no matter what, Star Land Holy Land survived after all.

The one who is alive is the winner.

This battle.

Star Fight Holy Land won the game hard!

But no one has forgotten Xiao Changfeng.

They knew that without Xiao Changfeng in this battle, they would definitely lose.

So at the first moment of ending the battle.

Everyone looked at Xiao Changfeng and saluted immediately:

“Many thanks, Auntie rescued!”

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