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Martial Emperor’s words seemed to ignite everyone’s enthusiasm.

The whole crowd boiled in a flash.

Enter the Royal Treasury?

Can you choose?

This is simply an unprecedented great opportunity.

In the past, the Martial Dao Dabi was designated as a reward.

And this time can actually choose.

And the most important thing is to enter the royal treasure house.

The Great Martial Dynasty, as one of the 2 great dynasties in the Eastern Territory, has a vast territory and a vast territory. It is unknown how many treasures exist.

The Imperial Family, the Great Martial Dynasty Supreme, naturally has the most and the best treasure.

These treasures are all stored in the royal treasure house.

Just like the half sacrament rewarded by the last Martial Dao, there will definitely not be only one in the Royal Treasury.

The ability to enter the royal treasure trove, even with long-term knowledge, is countless people yearn for something even in dreams.

Not to mention choosing a treasure for yourself.

This is driving everyone crazy.

Some people who didn’t plan to participate in Martial Dao, this moment is also hot in their hearts and ready to go.

Even Xiao Changfeng’s eyes shined.

“9 big brother, did you hear that Imperial Father was willing to open the royal treasure trove!”

Xiao Yurong was also very excited, holding Xiao Changfeng’s arm and shaking unceasingly.

And not far away.

Wei Guogong and Wei Yanqing also looked at each other.

“We must get this quota!”

Wei Guogong said with a deep voice, and gave Wei Yanqing an order.

Not only the Patriotic Palace.

At this moment, the children of the Aristocratic Family, such as Prime Minister’s Mansion, Ruyang King’s Mansion, Yunhou Mansion, and others, are all showing their eyes.

More eager than Master.

After all, this is… royal treasure house!

“What happened to Your Majesty this year, even with such a big hand?”

Some people also wondered why Martial Emperor gave such a generous reward.

“I am afraid it is related to the 9th prince!”

The virtuous king brows tightly knit, and suddenly a conjecture in his heart arises.

The usual Martial Dao, but it’s just that’s all after Sacrificial Heaven Great Ceremony.

Although it is grand, it will not be like this.

A half sacrament has been regarded as a very luxurious reward.

This time, he was willing to open the royal treasure trove.

Reminiscent of what happened last night, many people also gave birth to such speculation.

“But this is not right, although the 9th prince is strong, but his strength is not in the Spirit Martial realm. Under 20 years old, there are also many martial artists in the Earth Martial realm. Is it true that Your Majesty is good for the 9th prince? Have such great confidence?”

Jing Wang shook the head, somewhat denying this guess.

After all, many people in Xiao Changfeng’s realm can see it, but it’s Spirit Martial’s that’s all.

The condition of Martial Dao this time is below 20 years old.

Within this age range, there are already many Earth Martial powerhouses.

From the Spirit Martial realm to the Earth Martial realm, it is a great realm gap.

It is not so easy to make up.

Moreover, everyone only saw Xiao Changfeng’s Zhang Kuang, but did not see his true strength.

Therefore, many people shook their heads, otherwise this speculation.

“In any case, since Your Majesty is bleeding this time, I will definitely get this reward!”

In the end, many people abandoned speculation and stared at 1st place.

Fortunately, today’s Sacrificial Heaven Great Ceremony is moving across the city.

Therefore, many giants Aristocratic Family do not need to go back to find someone, just order.

“Martial Dao Dabi, held in the form of a ring battle, below, who will debut?”

After Martial Emperor announced Martial Dao, he handed over the matter to Grand Duke Hong.

At this time, Duke Hong bowed, but his voice was rolling away, spreading all over 8 directions, so that several millions of people could hear clearly.

For a while, everyone was excited and stretched their necks, looking forward to the start of Martial Dao.

But despite the enthusiasm, no one took the lead.

Because this is a ring game, the earlier the game, the greater the chance of failure.

“Since there is no one, let me start!”

Finally, a silhouette stepped on the battle stage.

This is a young man, uncommon martial heroism, holding a long spear in his hand, wearing heavy armor, an iron-blooded solemn killing aura, assaults the senses, making it impossible to bear back.

“Iron-blooded silver spear, Xue Lanzhan!”

Seeing this young man, many people suddenly exclaimed and recognized his identity.

“9 big brother, this is a military general, but 20 years old, he has already commanded an army. There are more than 10000 horses under his command. The official worships the iron-blooded general and may be blocked in the future.”

Xiao Yurong stood beside Xiao Changfeng, looking at Xue Lanzhan, who flew into the battle stage in the distance, and suddenly opened his solemn mouth.

“Earth Martial Realm 2 is heavy, Qi of Slaughter is around, it’s not bad.”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness, Xue Lanzhan’s everything is taking in the entire scene.

“9 big brother, he is a member of the Patriotic Palace. This time, I am afraid that he represented the Patriotic Palace!”

Xiao Yurong spoke again, reminding Xiao Changfeng.

In Kyoto, there are many giant Aristocratic Family, and they also cultivate a large number of geniuses and martial artists.

However, on this occasion, naturally all impossible is on, but the best choice.

Obviously, Wei Gongzhang finally chose Xue Lanzhan.

This is an excellent general and a powerhouse who has bathed in war and blood.

And he was just 20 years old, just meeting the rules set by Martial Emperor.

“Xue Lanzhan, I will fight you!”

Now that someone is on stage, someone is beating.

A silhouette was like a terrifying star, rising from the ground and shooting like an arrow on the ring.

This is also a young man, but his short stature and dark skin is far inferior to Xue Lanzhan’s mighty power.

The most striking is his hands.

His hands are twice the size of ordinary people, and his fingers are slender, like ten short swords.

“Eight-armed Moro, Ye Yuntian!”

Although this short young man is quite common, his fame is that many people are complexion greatly changed.

“Ye Yuntian is now 19 years old, but he is a martial artist in Earth Martial. He was killed all the way from his death row. A pair of sharp claws can’t be stopped by anyone. , As if there are 8 arms, so it is also called 8-arm mora.”

Xiao Yurong spoke again and introduced Ye Yuntian to Xiao Changfeng.

Whether it is Xue Lanzhan or Ye Yuntian, they are all fierce generations.

This time Martial Dao’s rewards are so tempting, and the giants Aristocratic Family also showed their cards.

An excellent martial artist who meets the requirements was sent.

Xue Lanzhan comes from the Great Palace.

Ye Yuntian came from the town government.

Behind these 2 people is one of the 3 males of the Great Martial Dynasty.

The 2 people are also the powerhouse killed from the blood of the corpse mountain.

This battle must be the dragon wars, the tiger battles.

“9 big brother, who do you think will win?”

Xiao Yurong took Xiao Changfeng’s arm and suddenly asked.

Xiao Changfeng was slightly surprised, but did not refuse to comment.

“Although Ye Yuntian is known as an 8-arm mora, his realm is lower than Xue Lanzhan, and his experience is only fighting, and Xue Lanzhan’s experience is war. Xue Lanzhan will win more.”

“What if the 9 big brother comes to power?”

Xiao Yurong’s big blinking eyes were the questions she really wanted to ask.


Xiao Changfeng smiled proudly.

“Within three moves, enough to defeat him!”

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