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Yin Soldier Ghost will be strong, but it is not the real body of Yin Soldier Loose Immortal after all.

In front of the snake Heavenly Venerate, its strength is simply not enough.

Both the Soul Tower and the grass and trees are broken by the snake Heavenly Venerate.

In the end, he even escaped.

Swallowed by the snake Heavenly Venerate, disappeared.

It is also a snake belly, but the snake belly of Heavenly Venerate is far stronger than Nine Headed Snake.

Because of its within the body self becomes a space, it is rumored to bring a line of Kunpeng’s Bloodline.


After solving the Yin Soldier ghost.

The snake Heavenly Venerate is re-incorporated into a streak of golden light and returned to the Time and Space Sand leak.

She has completed her task.

Now she has to go back to refining Divine Crystal to absorb the air of mysterious yellow.


The snake Heavenly Venerate is gone, Yin Soldier ghost will disappear.

The grass and trees are all soldiers and they have also turned into wood chips.

The tall soul tower is turned into debris.

This soul city is completely destroyed.

No Dao formation, no soul tower, and it was destroyed like this.

Even if it can still be used, it can only be regarded as an ordinary large city.

But the battle between Snake Heavenly Venerate and Yin Soldier is over.

Xiao Changfeng’s battle is not over yet.


True Martial Heavenly Venerate ran full strength, turned into a Changhong, and escaped towards the sky.

The positive and negative yin and yang double combination road, soul tower and Yin Soldier ghost that he had hoped for will all fail.

At this moment.

He had no other choice but to escape away.

“You can’t escape!”

Staring coldly at True Martial Heavenly Venerate.

Even if True Yuan is running, it explodes 7 times the speed of sound, explodes into the air, and chases True Martial Heavenly Venerate.

How fast is Xiao Changfeng.

Although True Martial Heavenly Venerate tried his best, he was seriously injured before and could not run fast.

After a while, it was caught up.

“I am fighting with you!”

Seeing that he could not escape, True Martial Heavenly Venerate was also clenched the teeth and decided to pull Xiao Changfeng perish together.


I saw his body swell again.

Many corpses on his body also broke out.

He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spouted a blood essence.

It is burning blood, ready to fight hard.

Hong long long !

All kinds of illusory shadows are presented again, with stronger fierceness.

True Martial Heavenly Venerate at this time is even stronger than before.

If there is a war, there must be another fierce battle.

But Xiao Changfeng did not want to waste any more time.

“Five Elements Fairy Wheel, out!”

Standing on the sky, overlooking True Martial Heavenly Venerate.

Xiao Changfeng put away various means, but only urged Martial Spirit.

Suddenly, the five Martial Spirits quickly condensed on the top of their heads, and finally turned into Five Elements fairy wheels.

As soon as the fairy wheel came out, Xianwei was born.

The wind all around suddenly stood still, as if even the time and space were frozen in place.

5 The colorful light is dazzling, just like a bright 5 colorful sun.

The Five Elements fairy wheel hangs above Xiao Changfeng’s head.

So that everyone looked up at this time.

Xiao Changfeng is as dazzling as the gods.

“What is this?”

True Martial Heavenly Venerate This is the first time I saw Five Elements Fairy Wheel, and the last time I saw it.

Feel the Xianwei that can’t resist, can’t resist, can’t bear.

He shuddered as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing.

But Xiao Changfeng ignored him.

The True Yuan within the body divine medicine is all condensed and urges the Five Elements fairy wheel.


Suddenly the Five Elements fairy wheel turned slightly.

A 5-color aperture is also roaring out.

This 5-color aperture is brighter than before.

But it is weaker than the 5 color halo.

But dealing with True Martial Heavenly Venerate is more than enough.


I saw 5 colored apertures heading towards True Martial Heavenly Venerate.

Just like Spiritual God’s will, don’t go against it.

“Perish together!”

True Martial Heavenly Venerate felt an unprecedented death crisis.

But he was not willing to die like this.

Want to pull Xiao Changfeng before dying.

In an instant he was violently Megatron, and various ominous beast illusory shadows emerged.

However, in front of 5 colored apertures.

These ominous beast illusory shadows, like sand paintings, collapsed in an instant and did not hold on for a moment.

Then 5 colored apertures hit True Martial Heavenly Venerate.

His huge body instantly deflated.

The corpses made by stitching together are also dim under the five-color circle.

“I can not be reconciled!”

True Martial Heavenly Venerate uttered an unwilling roar.

But it has no effect at all.

5 The color circle is cut, and his body is directly cut into two halves.

“Reap the soul!”

At this time, Xiao Changfeng will not let him escape again.

Suddenly take out the forbidden soul gourd and collect the soul of True Martial Heavenly Venerate.


The body of True Martial Heavenly Venerate fell down, smashed into the mountains, and was directly smashed into several pieces.

This is the end.

True Martial Heavenly Venerate is completely dead!

See this scene.

Everyone in Soul City is dumbstruck, trembling all over.

“Dian Military leader… dead?”

a soul martial artist, looking at the body of True Martial Heavenly Venerate in disbelief.

They don鈥檛 know much about Yin Soldier.

Coupled with the strength of the snake Heavenly Venerate, and the rapid combat, it doesn’t feel much.

But they are most familiar with this new Palace Lord.

Since the Battle of Hammer City.

4 The Great Saint fell and Martial Spirit Hall fell apart.

It was True Martial Heavenly Venerate that stood up and reunited the crowd with one person to condense into the new Martial Spirit Hall.

Therefore, the strength and awe of True Martial Heavenly Venerate is the most profound.

But at this time.

This awesome temple Military leader actually fell like this.

This… this is incredible!


Xiao Changfeng ignored the body of True Martial Heavenly Venerate.

At this time he put away the forbidden soul gourd and returned home.

The remaining soul martial artists in the soul city are all looking at Xiao Changfeng with trembling with fear.

They do not know what is waiting for their destiny.

After all, the Soul City was broken, and the Palace Lord and Vice Palace Lord were killed.

The grievances between Xiao Changfeng and Martial Spirit Hall have a long history.

They are afraid of being cleaned up and slaughtered.

But obviously Xiao Changfeng did not intend to do so.

Although he has a hatred against Martial Spirit Hall.

But now 4 Great Saint, True Martial Heavenly Venerate and Black Hawk old woman are all dead.

Yin Soldier Ghost will also fall here.

For ordinary soul martial artist, he does not want to kill innocent indiscriminately.

“Little 9!”

Summon wrote Nine Headed Snake, and suddenly Nine Headed Snake turned into a bracelet and hung on the right hand wrist.

After doing this, Xiao Changfeng entered the soul city.

With the help of a Martial artist from Paragon, I found the treasure house of Martial Spirit Hall.

Then the treasure house was evacuated.

“From now on, there will be no Martial Spirit Hall!”

Looking across the crowd, Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly and heard the whole city.

Soon he turned around, turned into a long rainbow thread, and left away.

Everyone watched Xiao Changfeng leave.

It was not relaxed until it was completely invisible.

“Big Brother Wang, Martial Spirit Hall is gone? The military leader is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, just fell like this?”

Outside Martial Spirit Hall, Chen Suwen asked with a shocked expression.

Until now, she still has nothing to believe what Dharma Idol sees.

The Martial Spirit Hall in Megatron was destroyed.

Even Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse fell here.

Wang Tianming raised his head and looked at the direction of Xiao Changfeng’s departure.

“One person destroys one temple, one person kills Heavenly Venerate.”

“This battle will definitely shock the world!”

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