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“Yin Hu, shall we escape?”

Under the Eagle’s Mouth Cliff, Ziyueji looks pale and trembles.

The fighting intent in her heart collapsed completely.

Looking at Meteor Saint, he died, and Yura Saint was miserable after being invaded by Remnant Soul.

The fear in my heart is unstoppable.

At this moment she was thinking of nothing but escape.


Yin Hu changed his face, and finally clenched the teeth.


The Silver Divine Race somehow has wings.

Although these wings cannot be used as blades like Yura Saint.

But the speed is surprisingly fast.

Coupled with the fear in Yin Hu’s heart at this time, he exerted 100% power.

5 times the speed of sound, instantaneous burst.

It made Yin Hu become a silver light Changhong and fled towards the distance.

Although Ziyueji’s speed is slower, it also has 3 times the speed of sound under full force.

2 people fled in different directions almost simultaneously.

At this point, everyone else under the Eagle’s Cliff also reacted.

Choose one direction to flee desperately.

They gathered here because of the call of Yuliang Saint.

Now Yuliang Saint powerless to defend himself.

Plus Xiao Changfeng’s terrifying power.

Let them dare not stay any longer.

Little life matters!

In the blink of an eye, everyone was running away.

And Xiao Changfeng did not plan to chase down.

At this time his eyes fell on Yuliang Saint’s body.

There is no protection for 10000 law non-infringement.

Remnant Soul easily got into the body of Saint Yuliang.

Suddenly the golden light of Yuliang Saint’s body was bleak, and his skin gradually became dark red.

Like the color of blood after solidification.

His vitality is passing by quickly.

The sound of mournful scream kept coming out of his mouth, like a roar of evil spirits.

Xiao Changfeng just stood there and watched quietly.

Xun Yin on Yingzui Cliff is paler.

Everything today is far beyond his imagination.

At this point he just wanted to quickly end this nightmare.

Yuliang Saint’s scream lasted for one hour.

Eventually his skin was completely dry and cracked.

A more rancid smell emanated, like a dead body for a long time.

And his vitality has completely passed away.

Even the soul was torn into pieces by Remnant Soul and swallowed up.

Remnant Soul flew out of Yuliang Saint’s body, and suddenly Yuliang Saint’s body fell down.

Xiao Changfeng True Yuan was released, and the storage ring of Yuliang Saint was removed.

As for its body, Xiao Changfeng is naturally not interested.

What really interested him was this Remnant Soul.

At this time, Remnant Soul seemed to become stronger after devouring the spirit of Yuliang Saint.

The cold and cruel atmosphere also became more fierce.

Like a Great Desolate ominous beast, you have to choose someone to eat.


Remnant Soul stared at Xiao Changfeng.

She just acts by instinct.

Although Xiao Changfeng used Soul Evocation to turn to attack others before.

But at this time, other people died and fled.

So Remnant Soul is staring at Xiao Changfeng.

“Brother Xiao, this is Remnant Soul, which is very dangerous. Run away!”

Xun Yin had taken the lead out of Yingzui Cliff and fled towards the distance.

However, he did not forget Xiao Changfeng and promptly reminded.

Although Xiao Changfeng greatly showing divine might, he killed Meteor Saint with one punch, and completely killed Yuliang Saint.

But Remnant Soul is different.

This is Remnant Soul of Goddess.

Bai De Goddess is a real powerhouse.

Even if it is just a Remnant Soul, it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

And this Remnant Soul specifically attacks the soul.

He knew that Xiao Changfeng had Divine Consciousness, but even Divine Consciousness might not be able to stop Remnant Soul.

At this moment, only escape is the best way.

After all, Remnant Soul’s body is eagle mouth cliff, she can’t leave too far.

“Escape? Why should I escape, I’m waiting for her!”

Xiao Changfeng stood there, showing no signs of escaping.

Instead, he looked at Remnant Soul with interest, as if looking at a treasure.

“Brother Xiao, are you crazy?”

Xun Yin was about to collapse. He couldn’t guess Xiao Changfeng’s plan at all.

Faced with such terrible Remnant Soul, do you still want to conquer her without escaping?

It’s not that no one has tried this idea.

But this is the Remnant Soul, and it is a kind of soul, intangible and intangible. It is hard to compare with heavenly ascension.

Yuliang Saint is just coveting this eagle’s mouth cliff that’s all.

As for this Remnant Soul, he also dare not mind.

At most, it is sealed in Yingzui Cliff.

“The biggest treasure here is not Eagle Mouth Cliff, but this Remnant Soul.”

Xiao Changfeng stared at Remnant Soul fiercely, as if he had seen rare treasure.

And hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Xun Yin was completely speechless.

He didn’t expect himself to guess correctly.

Xiao Changfeng actually really thought about Remnant Soul.

But this Remnant Soul is not so easy to deal with.

Seeing the miserable death of Yuliang Saint understood.


A roaring roar came from Remnant Soul’s mouth.

Suddenly Xun Han Mao stood upside down, have one’s hair stand on end.


Remnant Soul is now circling black blood energy, rushing towards Xiao Changfeng.

Want to kill Xiao Changfeng just like Yuliang Saint.

Unfortunately, Xiao Changfeng is not Yuliang Saint.

To deal with such Remnant Soul, he has some means.

“Divine Consciousness Sword!”

Divine Consciousness surging in his eyes, one after another invisible thunderbolt Divine Consciousness gathered in front of him.

In the void, it turned into substance, like the same thread of thunderbolt thread, and finally became a sword of Divine Consciousness.

This sword is half-empty and half-real, the whole body is formed by the condensation of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

This sword became a success, suddenly a 10000 robbery, which cut off all the great Vajra and the meaning of great wisdom, filled Heaven and Earth.

It seems that even the space can be split.

The sword of Divine Consciousness appeared, and suddenly Remnant Soul showed a terrified look, as if he had seen a natural enemy.

She quickly backed away, trying to return to Yingzui Cliff.

“How can I escape you in front of me!”

Xiao Changfeng smiled contemptuously and immediately thoughts move.


The sword of Divine Consciousness flew out instantly, slashing towards Remnant Soul.

Although Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness suffered, but thunderbolt Divine Consciousness plus sharp sword glow.

It can still cause huge harm to Remnant Soul.

Pu chi!

The sword of Divine Consciousness is cut directly, cutting the black blood energy on the surface of Remnant Soul’s body.

Immediately, the sword of Divine Consciousness crossed an arc in the air, flew back again, and then cut Remnant Soul.

A wailing cry came from Remnant Soul’s mouth.

She desperately wanted to escape back to Yingzui Cliff, but she couldn’t do it at all.

The original solid soul was now imaginary as the sword of Divine Consciousness continued to fall.

But Xiao Changfeng didn’t just seriously hurt her.

Instead, black blood energy was removed and the tyrannical aura cut off from her.

Eventually, Remnant Soul appeared unreal and translucent.

At this time, Remnant Soul left only the purest soul power.

This is what Xiao Changfeng wants.

“Seizing Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, swallow 10000 souls of things!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness surged out and wrapped Remnant Soul directly.

He wants to devour Remnant Soul and restore the injured Divine Consciousness!

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