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Li Zijue?

Xiao Changfeng startedled in his heart.

He has not forgotten the 4th order giant wolf and the strange mysterious rune of cicada.

4 The main wolf masters the literary tactics.

So his sharp claw is so sharp that it can pierce the space.

What Cicada Tianming holds is the power word.

So the huge fists and huge legs he exhibited, the power and horror, made Xiao Changfeng unbearable.

Xiao Changfeng has never seen such a secret technique in his previous life or this life.

Didn’t expect this jade pendant recorded in it, it would actually be the power word.

This is an unexpected joy.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t know that although Cicada Tianming is innate talent.

But his father is out of the ordinary in the Golden Cicada Divine Race.

Therefore, I deliberately used jade pendant to develop a copy of the power word.

Leave it to Cicada, let him take it out to learn cultivation when he has time.

But he never thought about it.

Cicada Tianming was killed.

The Divine Consciousness ban on jade pendant was also broken.

This led to the leak of this power word!

At this time, Xiao Changfeng read with Divine Consciousness, and quickly wrote down Li Zijue.

“Actually refers to the secret technique pointing directly to the source!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are revealing.

Cicada’s cultivation is the only way to know the power, but it doesn’t know why.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s vision was high, and he soon saw the origin of this power word.

World energy 1000 10000000, any kind of derivation to the extreme, is the highest power.

This ultimate power is called Source Power.

Such as Essence of Fire, Essence of Earth, etc.

Any kind of Source Power, once mastered, will definitely increase the battle strength.

This power word trick is a secret technique that simulates Source Power.

Although it is only an analog, its formidable power is still huge.

The simple strength of Cicada Tianming is much lower than that of Xiao Changfeng.

But with this skill, he displayed giant fists and legs.

Each blow has a huge force of 1000000 pounds.

Xiao Changfeng had to cast Five Elements fairy wheel to fight.

This is the power of Li Ziju.

The same is true of the four-word giant wolf.

Perhaps other trialists will have other secret techniques.

“The cultivation power formula can multiply my strength. Although it is different from Nascent Soul, it is more pure!”

Xiao Changfeng quickly judged the strengths and weaknesses of this power word.

The key to the word force is the word “force”.

The person who cultivates this method will double its capacity once it is cast.

How many times the specific increase will also vary from person to person.

The situation of Small Accomplishment and Great Success Realm are naturally different.

It’s just that this word of power can only increase strength, other not at all any increase.

Unlike Xiao Changfeng’s Nascent Soul fit.

Although there is only a three-fold increase, it is a combination of strength, speed, agility, True Yuan, etc.

However, both have advantages and disadvantages.

Although Xiao Changfeng already has a Nascent Soul fit, he doesn’t mind the power of cultivation!

“This method is simple, it should be deliberately simplified by people, so that cultivation can be done under the divine realm.

Xiao Changfeng recalled the Li Zi Jue in his mind, and he quickly made judgments in his mind.

He began to modify it according to his own understanding.

Make this power word formula more suitable for yourself.

In the end, Xiao Changfeng removed some clutter and uselessness, and then added his own understanding.

Make Lizijue’s grade higher.

After the modification, Xiao Changfeng starts cultivation.

Sitting cross-legged, True Yuan works.

Less than one hour.

In front of Xiao Changfeng, a mysterious rune emerged faintly.

This is a “force” word.

However, the text that Xiao Changfeng does not recognize should be an out-of-bounds text.

The character of Li is getting clearer and clearer, as if from virtual to solid.

There is even a heavy force emerging.

As if this word weighed more than 1000 Jun!

right hand Make a fist and show your strength.

Xiao Changfeng smashed into the ground.


The ground suddenly shook violently as if an earthquake had struck.

A large pit with several dozen meters wide surfaced around Xiao Changfeng.

At the edge, more than 100 cracks continue to spread to the distance.

“This fist, I did not use True Yuan, nor did I use Magical Powers or spell, I just used the Strength of Fleshly Body.”

“But the power of this fist has reached 500,000 jins. If Magical Powers or spell is used to break 1000000 jins of nothing difficult!”

Feeling the formidable power of this fist, Xiao Changfeng quickly made a judgment.

The strength increase of Lizijue is obvious.

He just reached just such strength.

In the case of Small Accomplishment, I am afraid that might of a single fist can easily fall apart.

And the more cultivation of this power word comes to the back, the greater the power.

“This method is good. If you have the opportunity, you may get several more!”

Li Zijue is a simplified cultivation technique by Source Power.

This cultivation art is still very good under the divine realm.

But if it is above the divine realm, then it will be much smaller.

But for the current Xiao Changfeng, it is still very good.

He has come into contact with Lizijue now and got Lizijue.

There are also expectations for other secret techniques.

“You can also ask other people about this secret technique when you go to Yingzuiya this time.”

Xiao Changfeng touched his chin and put his hope at the party of Yingzuiya.

It has been 6 days now.

Less than 4 days remain before the ten-day deadline stated by Cicada Tianming.

It seems to be a little tighter.

After all, Xiao Changfeng doesn’t even know where Yingzuiya is now.

“The gains of this time are not small, and more storage rings will be collected in the future.”

The harvest of this time let Xiao Changfeng taste the sweetness.

Needless to say, those holy medicines and top grade Spirit Stone are valuable good things.

And that Divine Crystal and Li Zijue.

It is also a treasure that is not found in Xuanhuang Great World.

Xiao Changfeng believes that it is Four Great Divine Clans, and there are very few such treasures.

It’s a pity to look for Lin Ruoyu.

Otherwise, if you concentrate on robbing these trialists, you can also get great results.

One day later, Di Yuan returned.

“Master, the villain has not found the clue of Mistress, but the location of Yingzuiya has been confirmed.”

Di Yuan paid respectfully.

At the same time take out a piece of shabby paper, this is a simple small-scale map.

I am afraid that the entire map is not in the fourth field.

However, the location of Eagle’s Cliff is marked on it.

Because Yingzuiya is the largest battle relic in the 4th domain.

Relics of God’s War?

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, he doesn’t want to waste time on the remains of the war.

But since this party was at Eagle’s Cliff, he couldn’t help but go.


Reach out and throw a messaging jade token to Di Yuan.

This summoned jade token has been unable to communicate with the people in Xuanhuang Great World.

But it can still be used in Myriad Realms.

“You continue to investigate, if there is news, you can use this thing to contact me.”

Xiao Changfeng introduced the use of jade token.

Immediately Di Yuan is the precious income Xiao Changfeng rewarded him in the storage ring.

Soon Di Yuan left again.

Xiao Changfeng, in contrast to Yingzuiya on the map, also rose into the sky and went straight away.

“Trialist party, hope not to let me down!”

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