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A long rainbow thread rises from inside the Elder Palace and runs through Heaven and Earth.

“Elder Xiao? What happened?”

Medically Heavenly Venerate sensed for the first time, suddenly tightly knit, teleport disappeared.

Soon he appeared above the medical Holy City, and it happened that Xiao Changfeng turned into a long rainbow thread and went straight to the south.

“I left beforehand, so I don’t need to follow me!”

Changhong tears the sky dome and breaks the sound barrier, with a terrifying speed of 3 times the speed of sound.

Quickly leave the medical Holy City.

Only Xiao Changfeng’s reverb echoed in the air.

“What happened? Elder Xiao walked so urgently?”

Medical Heavenly Venerate brows tightly knit, unknown.

Yesterday Xiao Changfeng also told him to be secluded cultivation.

Today I walked in such a hurry again.

Doctor Heavenly Venerate was originally catching up, but Xiao Changfeng had something left before.

He hesitated for a moment and finally decided not to catch up.

Since Xiao Changfeng left a message, then there must be his reason.

In this case, it is better not to add chaos!

Think about it.

Doctor Heavenly Venerate had no choice but to hide his doubts in his heart.

Tear off!

Xiao Changfeng’s speed is so fast, 3 times the speed of sound, breaking the sound barrier and breaking the air.

A 5-color Changhong runs through the sky.

It seems that Spiritual God holds the sword and splits the entire sky into two halves.

This 5-color Changhong has no hidden thoughts, so it traverses the sky like this.

This day.

Countless people raised their heads and were able to see the long rainbow thread flying by.

“What is that? Is rare treasure born? Or is a powerhouse flying?”

“This speed is too fast, it should be almost 3 times the speed of sound, and continue to fly, who can have this speed!”

“This long rainbow thread is going south, is there anything attracting it?”

Countless people watched this 5 color Changhong.

Various speculations and discussions have also sounded.

Innumerable powerhouses rose into the sky and watched Changhong.

But they did not make it, or they dare not.

And at this moment.

Xiao Changfeng in the 5 Cai Changhong was worried and anxious.

Lin Ruoyu is missing!

These six words made his brain blank for a moment and roared.

Lin Ruoyu is his lover and the person he wants to join hands for a lifetime.

Its importance is not weaker than that of Imperial Father and mother.

So the first time he heard the news, he rose to the sky and went straight to southern Xinjiang.

“That’s the Jade token from Dream Fellow Daoist. It seems that Ruoyu is in trouble!”

Xiao Changfeng was flying at full speed while thinking calmly.

The message on the jade token was passed by Heavenly Sage.

Heavenly Heavenly Venerable said before.

After Lin Ruoyu left Star Land Holy Land, he traveled around.

He left Zhongtu and went to southern Xinjiang.

Originally, Venerable Tianji used the technique of Tianyan to estimate Lin Ruoyu’s safety, so Xiao Changfeng was relieved.

However, this time Heavenly Sage Venerable suddenly heard news.

Said Lin Ruoyu is missing.

How is this going?

“The missing 2 words are intriguing!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, caught the keywords.

Lin Ruoyu went to South Xinjiang to experience it. If he was in danger, he could explain it.


This is a bit special.

Was it captured?

This should not be the case.

Although Lin Ruoyu’s realm is not high, Venerable Heavenly Ji is the Great Cultivator of the Transcending Tribulation period.

And he is also a Taoist discipline, cultivation derived from the technique of heaven.

Even if it was the Chuns who took Lin Ruoyu away, he could figure it out.

Obviously, the Venerable Tianji can say the missing word, which is not unusual.

Maybe something special happened.

Such as disappeared!

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes lit up.

This guess is not impossible.

This time when he went to Northern Plains, he had heard of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate.

Fengshui Heavenly Venerate after the establishment of the Northern Xuan Empire.

It disappeared for no reason in the imperial palace.

After 3000 years, there is no trace till now.

With the lessons learned from Fengshui Heavenly Venerate, Xiao Changfeng also has some confidence in the speculation of disappearance.

But if it really disappeared like feng shui Heavenly Venerate.

It is also a very difficult thing.

After all, Xiao Changfeng’s current strength is limited, and he is unable to exert some powerful Immortal Technique and Immortal Method.

If Lin Ruoyu is really disappeared like Fengshui Heavenly Venerate.

For a time he could not find it.

“Hopefully, the situation is not so bad.”

Xiao Changfeng prayed in his heart.


Xiao Changfeng kept flying at 3 times the speed of sound.

This caused great damage to his body.

Even if he casts Five Elements immortal physique, he can’t break through the sound barrier for so long and uninterrupted.

But he was so anxious at the moment that he couldn’t care about it at all.

5 Cai Changhong traverses half of Middle-earth.

It took only 3 days for Xiao Changfeng to come to the mountain range of Broken Dragon from Holy City.

This is a barrier between China and South Xinjiang.

There are rumors of True Dragon fallen here, and there is a strong resentment qi in the mountains.

resentment qi Invading the body will make people lose their minds and fall into madness.

When Xiao Changfeng went to southern Xinjiang, he followed a team.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng was in a hurry.

In addition, his strength has already exceeded the limit of the dragon’s mountain range.

Therefore, regardless of disregard, fly directly across.

“what is that?”

Within the mountain range of Broke Dragon, many people are walking through.

When the 5 color Changhong appeared, they instantly attracted their attention.

Suddenly everyone looked up and was shocked.

Today’s scene will surely be deeply remembered by them.

But Xiao Changfeng ignored them.

Against the resentment qi in the broken dragon mountain range, Xiao Changfeng’s speed is not reduced.

It took only one day to cross the mountain range of Broken Dragon and enter southern Xinjiang.

“Fat sheep is coming!”

When Xiao Changfeng stepped into the territory of southern Xinjiang.

Suddenly there were Barbarian Race warriors and wizards waiting for hunting.

They treated Xiao Changfeng as a fat sheep and prey, and they all came to Xiao Changfeng immediately.

“Get lost!”

Xiao Changfeng’s anxiety burst into flames.

Directly burned dozens of Barbarian Race warriors rushed to ashes.

“Paragon Realm!”

Feeling the power of Xiao Changfeng, the rest of the Barbarian Race warriors were shocked and quickly fled.

For these ants, Xiao Changfeng did not pay any attention.

At this time, he took out the jade token, and felt the breath above.


With thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, Xiao Changfeng quickly judged the direction of Heavenly Venerable.


Suddenly Xiao Changfeng did not pause, and continued to maintain a speed of 3 times the speed of sound, flying toward Southwest.

Among southern Xinjiang, the eastern part is the demon kingdom ruled by Heavenly Monster Venerable.

The western region was once under the jurisdiction of voodoo.

This day.

Many creatures in southern Xinjiang also saw a 5 color Changhong.

Changhong tears the sky, like Spiritual God is born.

Many Barbarian Race warriors and wizards knelt on the ground and worshipped.

The skin cracked and blood oozed out.

The flight of 3 times the speed of sound for a long time makes Xiao Changfeng’s fleshy body a bit unbearable.

But instead of slowing down, he is getting faster and faster.

“If rain, no matter what danger you encounter, I will save you and wait for me!”

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