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Gu lu !

Zhu Zhihao’s head fell from his neck and fell on the hard ground.

Blood stained his face.

But those eyes couldn’t be closed.

In the eyes, there is a 70% surprise and 30% despair.

How could he didn’t expect, his father appeared.

I was still dead.

Isn’t he afraid of his father’s revenge?

Unfortunately, this problem.

Zhu Zhihao will never get an answer.

His head fell in front of the wooden frame, and his eyes just looked at the body on the wooden frame.

“You dare kill my child, I will unload you 8 pieces!”

Zhu Zhihao’s death made the newly arrived Luo An Old Ancestor angry.

The terrible coercion came like a storm.

Many adventure martial artists in the wild town have complexion greatly changed and quickly fled.

However, Xiao Changfeng directly ignored Luohu Old Ancestor.

He stepped out in one step, standing with his left foot and lifting his right foot.


He kicked out and landed on Zhu Zhihao’s head.

Suddenly Zhu Zhihao’s head was kicked and flew out.

The direction of its flight is the ice forest.

With one’s way, also oneself!

In this way, Xiao Changfeng revenge the Beard.

“Ahhh, I must let you experience the cruelest torture in the world!”

Seeing that the head of his beloved son was kicked by someone.

Luo An Old Ancestor was completely furious.

His field stretched out instantly.

The violent anger seemed to condense into substance, and it was burning.

“Advanced martial skill of the territories: dark shadowy palm!”

Luo An Old Ancestor quickly shot.

The majestic Spirit Qi gathered in front of him.

He shot with a palm, and a flaming flame appeared on his palm.

The flame is as thick as pulp, like the tarsal maggot.

If you are contaminated a little, you will fall into a nightmare.

At this time, the speed of Old Ancestor in Luohu was so fast that it instantly approached Xiao Changfeng.

With the palm of jade green flames grabbed Xiao Changfeng.

As if to grab Xiao Changfeng like a chicken cub.

“You should die too!”

Xiao Changfeng kicked Zhu Zhihao behind his head.

At this point, he looked up at Luo An Old Ancestor.

The killing intent is colder than the ice forest.

Facing the old Ancestor of Luohu, he right fist and punched out directly.

Five Elements Magic Fist!

Gather the Power of Five Elements and exhibit with Five Elements True Yuan and Five Elements immortal physique.

might of a single fist!

“Not good !”

Feel the terrifying pressure of this fist.

In Luohu’s Old Ancestor complexion greatly changed, the anger in his heart was quickly replaced by fear.

However, he is just 3rd-layer that’s all in Paragon.

Although the reaction came, it was too late to avoid it.

So in the blink of an eye, Five Elements punched him in the palm of his hand.

Ka-cha !

The power of terrifying was transferred from Five Elements to the arm of Old Ancestor in Luohu.

Suddenly his hand bones inch by inch broke apart.

The power is transferred into the body, and his internal organs are all broken.

To the end.

Luo An Old Ancestor showed painful color, vomiting blood and seriously injured, directly fell to the ground and convulsed.

With Xiao Changfeng’s current strength.

might of a single fist, by no means the ordinary Paragon environment of Luo An Old Ancestor can resist.


And refers to like a sword, the word glow emerges.

Xiao Changfeng expressionless, ignoring Luo Hu’s old Ancestor’s begging for mercy, cut out with a sword.

Pu chi!

Blood splashed, Luo An Old Ancestor stepped into the footsteps of Zhu Zhihao, also beheaded and died.

There was also deep fear and regret on his face.

The child does not teach, the father too!

Zhu Zhihao has always been tyrannize because of his unlimited spoiling.

Eventually provoked the enemy, both father and son died.

There is a commotion in the wild town, many adventures martial artist shiver coldly.

But Xiao Changfeng ignored them.

Instead, he reached out and gently removed the bearded body from the wooden frame.

Divine Consciousness then spread out and looked carefully.

In the end, he found his rotting foam head in a stinky ditch.

Complete body with a big beard.

Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Yurong left the wild town and re-entered the ice forest.

In the ice forest, Xiao Changfeng dug a deep hole.

Then buried his beard.

Fill up the soil and cover it with a thick layer of snow.

There are no tombstones and no decorations.

If you look from a distance.

There is nothing unusual here with the rest of the ice forest.

“9 big brother, you can’t be born again!”

Xiao Yurong saw the 9 big brother’s expression sad, so he took the initiative to squeeze the 9 big brother’s palm and comforted softly.

She did not know the identity of the bearded man.

I don’t know the relationship between Big Beard and 9 big brother.

But she can clearly sense the grief in 9 big brother.

What she can do at this time is to give 9 big brother warm comfort.


Reaching out, grab a jar of wine from the storage ring.

This was given to him by Yu Yutou before he left. He said it was a gift.

Xiao Changfeng never drank.

At this time, he opened the mud seal and poured down the mellow wine.

The wine fell on the snow, melting the snow into a blank place.

The aroma of wine is mixed with the coldness of ice and snow, which makes the air around all become a piece of wine.

Xiao Changfeng knows that Beard likes to drink.

This altar is his gift.

No words, just poured the wine quietly.

When the last drop of wine is poured.

Xiao Changfeng placed the wine jar gently on the bearded grave.

Bearded is just a nobody.

The status is not high, the strength is not strong.

It is only one-sided with Xiao Changfeng.

2 If you can’t talk to your friends, you are at best familiar.

But the bearded talker, enthusiasm, persuasion, etc.

Xiao Changfeng made a good impression on him.

Now that things are here, what Xiao Changfeng can do is to avenge him and let him settle down.

The cold wind blew, and the temperature in the ice forest was colder than outside.

But Xiao Changfeng stood still for a long time.

Xiao Yurong did not have unrestrained consolation, but stood quietly and accompanied him.


After a long time, Xiao Changfeng finally moved.

He and Xiao Yurong greeted each other, but turned to prepare to leave.

“9 big brother, where are we going now?”

Seeing that 9 big brother was in a bad mood, Xiao Yurong also asked softly.

“Accompany me to Beiling City and meet an acquaintance!”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it and immediately made a decision.

He is going to the medical Holy City and will pass by Beiling City.

Since I met a big beard here.

He also remembered Luo Lingxue and Huang Lao.

After slaughtering the Ice Fire Sect, he took Third Sister away.

I don’t know if they came back safely.

Due to the big beard, Xiao Changfeng decided to take a look at it.

After all, it’s a meeting!

“9 big brother, no matter where you go, I will be with you!”

Xiao Yurong did not ask, but nodded agreed.

At the same time comforting 9 big brother in his own way.


2 people rose into the air, left the ice forest, and headed towards Beiling City.

The scent of wine in place has not yet dispersed.

The snow was melted by the wine, and the wine jar placed on the grave suddenly fell down as the snow melted.

The direction of the dumping is the direction of Xiao Changfeng’s departure.

It seems that a big beard is thanking Xiao Changfeng!

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