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“Little 9, protect Third Sister!”

Xiao Changfeng stretched out his right hand, and suddenly the Nine Headed Snake on his wrist flew out into a shadow.

Nine Headed Snake is around Xiao Yurong.

Xiao Changfeng is heading for Golden Crow.

“If you want to get the heart of Golden Crow, the most important thing is these 8 chains. This is a chain of souls and souls. It is specially used to bind the fleshy body and extract energy!”

Xiao Changfeng rose into the air and looked at these 8 chains.

The other ends of these 8 chains are connected to the wall.

It seems that the corpses in the wall provide energy to keep the chain of spirits trapped.

There are many corpses in the walls, densely packed.

At a glance, no less than 10000.

But they are all torn bodies, and none are complete.

“Break through the wall, maybe it will be able to affect the chains of these locks!”

Although Xiao Changfeng has a lot of memory, after all, everything in front of him is just similar to the Immortal Technique of rebirth, not the real Immortal Technique.

So he needs to test it first.


Five Elements Sword’s energy is condensed, and its brilliance is revealed in this dark and great hall.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t hesitate and cut straight to the nearest wall.

Five Elements Sword slashed on those corpses.

The corpse was cut open immediately, but when it landed on the wall, there were only splashes of sparks.

“The vitality of these corpses has been exhausted, but the walls are very hard.”

Xiao Changfeng’s Five Elements Sword is powerful enough to kill Paragon’s powerhouse.

However, it fell on this wall.

Only a shallow white mark was cut out.

It can be seen how hard this wall is.

And the chain of the trapped soul that merges with the wall is even more difficult to break.

However, Five Elements Sword is not Xiao Changfeng’s full strength.

At this moment, he stepped out and came to the wall.

Viewed from a close distance, the shock and horror of these corpses became more intense.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s expression did not fluctuate at all.

He raised his right hand, and the surging Five Elements True Yuan poured into it.

Suddenly above the fist, the light of 5 colors lit up.

The body is like a bow, and a fist is like an arrow.

Xiao Changfeng did not reserve, this fist tried his best.

Five Elements True Yuan, plus Five Elements immortal physique.

The formidable power of this fist is enough to blow up a mountain.


Fists hit the wall and the deafening rumbling sound exploded.

The whole black great hall was shocked suddenly.

I saw several cracks in the wall in front of Xiao Changfeng.

It seems that the entire wall may collapse at any time.


At this moment, there were whimpers and crying sounds.

I saw all around the corpses hanging on the wall, as if they had come alive.

With a miserable expression, they broke away from the wall and culled towards Xiao Changfeng.

“A group of solitary soul, unbound ghost, dare to be rampant in front of me!”

Looking at the swarming corpses, Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed severely.

Immediately stretched out his left hand.

Oh la la !

I saw the black flame surging out, toward the corpses.

This is an evil fire that burns bones and flesh.

These corpses may have been powerful powerhouses.

But in this black great hall, its energy has long been exhausted.

Even with the support of Remnant Thoughts, it couldn’t resist the evil fire of the bones.

Suddenly a mutilated body was turned into fly ash in the flame.

And their flesh and blood was swallowed by Fire Spirit.

“Magical Powers: Great earthquake!”

After displaying the Bone Evil Fire, Xiao Changfeng stopped taking care of the corpses.

He looked at the cracked wall in front of him, without hesitation, he directly used Magical Powers.

Ka-cha !

Great earthquakes have extremely terrifying shaking power.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng made a full shot.

Suddenly, the cracked wall was unstoppable.

It gradually collapsed in the sound of ka-cha.

And the first chain of soul-locking souls also broke away from the wall.

However, this chain of souls is not obediently surrender.

It is like a black snake, breaking through the space and whizzing towards Xiao Changfeng.

Since the masters behind the scenes dare to set up this black great hall, they naturally have a back hand.

The formidable power of this soul-trapping chain is extremely strong, directly penetrating the space, like a divine spear struck.

And the wall shattered by Xiao Changfeng is still creeping.

It seems to be the same as those undead monsters before.

Such a perverted formidable power is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse again, it is also difficult to destroy!

But they faced Xiao Changfeng at this time.

A person very familiar with reincarnated Immortal Technique.

“Lost energy source is like a rootless duckweed. Although formidable power is powerful, it’s just that’s all after all!”

Xiao Changfeng looked coldly at the fast-closing chain of trapped souls.

He did not dodge or defend.

Instead, thunderbolt Divine Consciousness surged out.

The majestic Divine Consciousness quickly crossed the space barrier and landed on the chain of trapped spirits.


thunderbolt Divine Consciousness possesses a strong power of destruction.

And the biggest weakness of this chain of soul trapping souls is remnant.

These remnants are the fusion of those corpses and the heart of Golden Crow, mixed and violent.

Ordinary people simply cannot resist it, nor can they destroy it.

But Xiao Changfeng has thunderbolt Divine Consciousness, and Strength of Divine Consciousness is the best.

Instantly under the destruction of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

The miscellaneous thoughts in the chain of soul trapped in the soul are destroyed by one after another.

In the end, it was completely destroyed, leaving only this chain of soul trapping souls.

Lost control of the candid.

This chain of souls and trapped souls is just a weapon that falls down weakly.

Weng weng!

At this point, the remaining 7 chains of chained spirits seemed to feel threatened.

Suddenly they all shook together, as if they were struggling to meet the enemy.

“hmph! ”

See this scene, Xiao Changfeng coldly snorted.

The silhouette immediately flashed and appeared in front of another wall.

“Magical Powers: Great earthquake!”

Faced with such walls, a major earthquake is clearly the most effective.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng didn’t keep his hands, his whole body was boiling with True Yuan, and the power of terrifying gathered on his fists.

Then a major earthquake was exhibited.


The wall collapsed in an instant, and the second chain of chained spirit trapped souls flew out, killing Xiao Changfeng.

But there is thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

Soon, the second chain of chained spirit trapped souls was also destroyed and left unreliable.

Hong long long !

3rd root, 4th root, 5th root…

Xiao Changfeng made it according to the law and solved the chains of trapped souls.

Although the wall can be restored automatically.

But the remnants of the chain of soul trapping have been destroyed by thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

Therefore, this chain of souls and trapped souls cannot be recovered for a while.

Finally, to the last one.

“Great earthquake!”

Xiao Changfeng within the body True Yuan consumes a lot, but he did not hesitate to show Magical Powers again.

With a bang, the last wall fell in response.

The eighth chain of the soul-trapping soul did not attack Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, with Golden Crow’s heart, he fled directly out.

“How can I escape you in front of me!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes light flashed, the speed of thunderbolt Divine Consciousness speed to the pinnacle.

In an instant, it caught up.

Then the violent thunderbolt Divine Consciousness ruined all the remnants.


Xiao Changfeng silhouette flashed, reaching for the heart of Golden Crow, a smile on his face.

“I finally got it!”

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