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Above a high mountain, flowing water falls and turns into a waterfall.

And in the waterfall, there is a simple sword sheath.

This scabbard is unremarkable, and because of the waterfall, it is difficult to find.

Xiao Changfeng is also aware of the existence of Divine Consciousness.

However, this scabbard caught his attention.

Because he found that when he dived through Divine Consciousness, he was actually blocked.

Divine Consciousness is invisible, but with no opportunity.

Although Xiao Changfeng encountered something that suppressed Divine Consciousness, it was absolutely shielded, and it was the first time he encountered it.

Even in the cultivation world, this situation rarely occurs.


Body flashed and flew into the waterfall.

Then he reached out and grabbed the sword sheath, trying to pull it out.

However, he pressed hard with his palm, but did not pull it out.


Xiao Changfeng was amazed and turned True Yuan immediately, increasing his strength.

However, no matter how he grows his strength, this scabbard is completely motionless.

It seems to be connected with this high mountain.

“Nascent Soul fit, 3x strength!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed.

Suddenly the Five Elements Nascent Soul and the Fleshy body in the dantian united, bursting out 3x strength.

At this time, the strength of Xiao Changfeng is already extremely powerful.

Even this high mountain was shaking violently, as if to be lifted by him.

But this quaint scabbard is still firmly inserted in the stone wall.

“Give up, this scabbard has never been pulled out since ancient times.”

Dong Heavenly Venerate flew over and saw Xiao Changfeng’s move, so he began to remind.

Xiao Changfeng let go of the scabbard and left the waterfall.

He wanted to ask the origin of the scabbard first.

“This sword has a long history, and even in the historical records of our clan, there is no record of when it was here and who put it here.”

“However, this sword sheath has always been inserted in this mountain and cannot be pulled out. You can only pull this mountain up with no matter how great the strength is. As for the sword sheath, it will not work.”

“Once there was a god powerhouse in my family who forcibly smashed the mountain and wanted to win this sword sheath, but this mountain was extremely hard, and it seemed that it was affected by some power of this sword sheath.”

“For countless years, my winter clan has had a young supreme talent powerhouse who wanted to give it a try, but it all ended in failure.”

Winter Heavenly Venerate spoke slowly, telling some history of this sword sheath.

She also tried it, but it also failed.

Neither the ordinary martial artist nor the sword trainer like the white-browed swordsman can succeed.

Therefore, this sword sheath can only be placed here.

Like chicken ribs, food tasteless, it is a pity to give up!


Listening to the introduction of Winter Heavenly Venerate, Xiao Changfeng became more interested.

He has Immortal Emperor memory, experienced and knowledgeable.

But it was the first time he saw this scabbard, so he could not judge its origin and role.

“Can’t pull it out with brute force, is it waiting for someone who is destined?”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it.

In the cultivation world, there are similar treasures. They are born with spirits and will only be used by those with destiny.

But this is not simple and silent, and it doesn’t look like Artifact Spirit.

“Try this method!”

Xiao Changfeng thought about a possibility in his heart.

But he couldn’t be sure, he could only try it.

Back in the waterfall again, Xiao Changfeng reached out and grabbed the scabbard.

Seeing Xiao Changfeng was reluctant to give up, Dong Heavenly Venerate said nothing more.

If you hit the wall too much, you will give up!

“Vlying Sword!”

Xiao Changfeng thoughts move, to communicate the Flying Sword in the dantian.

Suddenly the Flying Sword slightly trembled, a sword energy radiated from the dantian.

Almost at the same time.

Xiao Changfeng felt that the scabbard was loose.

“There is a play!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes lit up, palms pressed hard, and sword energy became clearer.

I saw the sword sheath slowly pulled out by him.

“How can this be?”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng successfully pulled out the scabbard, Heavenly Venerate, who had always been calm and calm, stared at the beautiful eyes and was shocked.

This scabbard, which nobody had pulled out for countless years, was pulled out today.

This… this is incredible!


When the scabbard was pulled out, the mountain with waterfall suddenly collapsed.

The roaring sky shattered into ruins, and the waterfall was also disappeared.

It seemed that the supporting power had disappeared and could no longer be maintained.

This surprised Xiao Changfeng and Dong Heavenly Venerate.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng has returned to Winter Heavenly Venerate.

He did not care about the collapsed mountain, but looked down at the scabbard in his hand.

This sword sheath is not large, only one meter long, 2 fingers wide.

The whole body is dark, without any patterns.

The scabbard was a little heavy, heavy in his hand.

But it is not particularly excessive, probably only 100 kg.

There is a slight touch of Mosha, as if holding a handful of fine sand.

There is no special breath, nothing unusual.

The inside of the scabbard is unremarkable.

It seems to be just an ordinary scabbard.

But Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness flooded, but it was directly blocked, unable to penetrate.

He tried to use True Yuan to actuate, but like clay ox entering the sea, there was no response.

Even he once again urged Flying Sword to release a ray of sword energy.

Nor can it cause any changes in the scabbard.

It seems to be a dead thing!

But whether it is Xiao Changfeng or Dong Heavenly Venerate, will not despise this sword sheath.

“Not a holy weapon, nor a Heavenly Venerate device, nor a Divine Item!”

Holding this sword sheath, Xiao Changfeng carefully observed it and wanted to judge its origin and rank.

But in his memory of Immortal Emperor, he could not even judge.

Very mysterious!

“Can you give this deity a try?”

Dong Heavenly Venerate was also very curious at this time. She saw Xiao Changfeng tried several methods but could not urge them.

I immediately opened my mouth and wanted to try it.

This thing is the treasure of the winter tribe, Xiao Changfeng can not refuse.

However, Heavenly Venerate reached out and grabbed the scabbard, but he didn’t raise it.

It seems that this scabbard is connected with Xiao Changfeng!


Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, immediately released the scabbard and handed it to Dong Heavenly Venerate.

At this time, the scabbard stood up in the air, and Heavenly Venerate reached out and grabbed it, but still couldn’t handle it.

“It seems that only you can take this thing!”

After trying a few times, Winter Heavenly Venerate gave up.

She took a deep look at Xiao Changfeng and became more and more certain that Xiao Changfeng was a survivor of Ancient Era.

Otherwise, why does this mysterious scabbard choose Xiao Changfeng?

“I am attracted by the sword energy of Flying Sword, and I can pull out the scabbard, but I can’t urge it. Is it because my current sword energy is too weak, or is it something else?”

Xiao Changfeng brows tightly knit, also puzzled.

He tried it with Flying Sword sword energy before and successfully pulled out.

However, it is impossible to urge the use of sword energy again.

For the first time, this kind of weird scabbard was seen by Xiao Changfeng.

However, although this mysterious scabbard does not show strong formidable power, it gives Xiao Changfeng a special feeling.

This thing must be out of the ordinary!

Therefore, he did not intend to give up.

“Winter Heavenly Venerate, 3 treasures, I chose to build wooden branches, Tai Jing Jing and this mysterious scabbard.”

Holding the scabbard, Xiao Changfeng made a decision.

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