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“Did the running water fail?”

Everyone’s eyes stared blankly at the winter water that fell to the ground, their faces shocked.

Winter Shui Art’s superb Sword Art has already broken through the Great Success Realm, which is only half a step away from Perfection Realm.

And with the strength of his 9th layer in the Paragon realm, coupled with the martial skill of the heavenly rank.

You can even fight against Saint.

Even so, it was still defeated.

And the most unacceptable.

Xiao Changfeng made only one punch from start to finish.

One punch, defeat the winter!

This… this is incredible.

“He didn’t use Spiritual Qi, it seems to be Strength of Fleshly Body!”

Cold Heavenly Venerate eyes slightly narrowed, surprised in my heart.

She saw clearly that there was no Spirit Qi fluctuation in Xiao Changfeng just now.

Just used the simplest and purest punch.

However, it was such a punch that defeated Dong Liushui.

So how powerful is his Fleshy body?

“Did he secretly cultivate the fleshy body this time? However, his body seems to be much heavier than before, and it is also harder.”

Coldly Venerate guessed in his heart.

Winter Heavenly Venerate on the side looked equally.

When Xiao Changfeng closed her doors, she had not found any special anomalies.

But the five-color wheel attracted her attention.

Earlier she proposed to let Xiao Changfeng engage with the clansman of the winter tribe.

Its main purpose is also to use this battle to find the secret of Xiao Changfeng.

But the first battle gave her no small surprise.

With a punch of fleshy body alone, he defeated Dong Liushui.

Obviously, Xiao Changfeng now has the strength to crush the Paragon realm.


On the battle stage, Xiao Changfeng retracted his fist and spoke lightly.

The formidable power of this fist is stronger than he expected.

The formidable power of Five Elements immortal physique is indeed out of the ordinary!

At this time, even without True Yuan, with this Five Elements immortal physique, he can fight Saint.

You should know that Five Elements immortal physique combines all the abilities of the five Divine Physique.

Not only is the power strong and defensive power high, but the recovery ability is also extremely abnormal.

At this time he.

It can be called a Xiaoqiang who can’t die!

“It seems that Paragon Realm is no longer your opponent. Since that is the case, let this seat come to meet you for a while!”

The defeat of Dong Liushui aroused the anger of Dong clansman.

Suddenly a tall silhouette jumped up and landed on the battle stage.

This is a Saint Boundary 2 heavy powerhouse.

He is tall and burly, with a height of more than 2 meters, like a fierce bear.

The muscles on the body are lumped up, hard as iron.

A fierce breath came from him like an ancient Tyrannosaurus!

Obviously, this is a Body Refinement.

And it is not a general Body Refinement.

“Pole Bear Saint, Saint Boundary 2 heavy, Body Refinement!”

The polar bear Saint reported his name and realm, and then stared at Xiao Changfeng fiercely.

As if staring at his prey, it was chilling.

“Polar bear Martial Spirit, Martial Spirit fusion!”

Polar bear Saint has no nonsense, summon out his Martial Spirit directly.

Then his figure skyrocketed.

It turned into a white polar bear 15 meters in size.

A fierce, cruel, violent breath filled the entire battle stage.

It makes people feel terrified, and they dare not fight one.

“Danzu, you should also be a Body Refinement. You can beat the winter running water with one punch, your Fleshy body must be very strong. Stronger.”

The polar bear opened his mouth and suffocated words.

After waiting for Xiao Changfeng to answer, it was body moved and rushed towards Xiao Changfeng.

He is extremely fast, like a high-speed moving car.

If it is hit, it may be an iron mountain, and it will also be broken.

“Good to come!”

Xiao Changfeng was not surprised when he saw that Polar Bear was going to compete with himself on the Fleshy body.

He is trying to test the formidable power of Five Elements immortal physique.

Suddenly, the fighting intent was like a raging wave, fists in both hands, and he suddenly greeted the polar bear Saint.

“The polar bear Saint possesses the Eucharist. He has refined the Fleshy body since childhood. He also possesses the polar bear Martial Spirit. His physique is the strongest among us. It is the Heavenly Venerate device. It is also difficult to leave scars on him. Win!”

“The polar bear Saint Innate Divine Strength, double fist up to 10000 pounds, once killed a pair of Iron Fist, forcibly Sacred Beast, I think Danzu will definitely lose this time.”

“Although Saint has some victories against Paragon, this battle is for the honor of my winter race and must be won!”

Seeing the polar bear Saint shot, all around everyone also shouted.

Although the polar bear Saint is only Saint Boundary 2 heavy, Fleshy body and physique are the strongest among the crowd.

Because they believe that the polar bear Saint must be able to defeat Xiao Changfeng.

Hong long long !

In the eyes that everyone expected, Xiao Changfeng collided with Polar Bear Saint.

Suddenly the rumbling sound sounded like a thunder.

That horrible sound made everyone unable to bear to cover his ears.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng and Polar Bear Saint had already fought a dozen punches.

Fist to flesh, no bells and whistles.

Every punch has a killing trick, and if you don’t pay attention, you will be seriously injured.

The power of Saint Bear Saint is very strong, with a force of 10000 pounds.

His Fleshy body is also very hard, like a Hundred Refinements steel essence cast without any weak spots.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s fist is stronger.

With a weight of 10000 jins, with a powerful fist.

Make its power far exceed the polar bear Saint.

And his Fleshy body defensive power is no weaker than Saint Bear.

Not only that, he also has the fighting intent of the more fights the more brave is, and the ability to recover from perversion.

So soon, everyone saw an incredible scene.

I saw that Saint Bear was beaten and defeated.

At their feet, there is a battle stage blessed with the power of Heavenly Venerate, which is also breaking apart inch by inch, as if they cannot withstand their power.

The extreme bear Saint, at this time, there was blood spattering on the fists, which seemed to be hit hard.

“How is it possible! Since Danzu’s fleshy body is stronger than the polar bear Saint?”

“The extreme fist Saint’s fists have been blurred, and they are still losing ground, so I am afraid that they will lose!”

“It’s too strong. What does his body do? You see, he hasn’t got any scars on his body till now. It’s incredible.”

Battle stage all around, everyone saw the battle was so fierce to this step, they were all face heavy, and their hearts were horrified.

Polar bear Saint’s Fleshy body and strength are already the strongest among the crowd.

It is still no match for Xiao Changfeng, so how terrifying is its fleshy body!

Is his body Indestructible Vajra Body?


At this point the polar bear Saint has been forced to the edge of the battle stage.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t keep his hand. His right hand clenched his fist, squatted slightly, and turned into a bow.

Then he fought furiously and shot out.

Ka-cha !

After listening to a harsh bone fracture, the polar bear Saint was beaten down by a punch to the battle stage.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng withdrew his fists and glanced indifferently at the audience:

“Who else?”

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