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5 The colorful light is shining abnormally, like a colorful sun.

It instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Suddenly one after another’s eyes fell on Xiao Changfeng’s body.

Even Four Great Heavenly Venerables is no exception.

I saw Xiao Changfeng standing on the sky, suspended above the snow dragon.

He struck a jade embroidered gold-edged robe, black hair scattered behind him, the roots were crystal clear, shining with aura.

He wore 5 colors of light, standing proudly in the sky, and a special pressure appeared in his eyes.

But it appeals to everyone.

It is the Five Elements fairy wheel suspended above Xiao Changfeng’s head.

It hangs like the sun, giving people a sense of eternal freedom, Myriad Tribulations Inextinguishable.

The fairy wheel lightly blooms with gentle rays of light, and the rays of light are scattered and land on the Snow Dragon and Snow Dragon City.

The rays of light seem to be unstoppable, directly penetrating the Ice Dragon and Snow Dragon City.

It shocked everyone.

At this moment, everyone looked at the rays of light and felt the breath of Eternal Inextinguishable and Freedom, even Four Great Heavenly Venerables.

“what is this?”

Cold Heavenly Venerate’s eyes widened and his face was shocked, not knowing why.

She has never seen this thing.

But the Eternal Inextinguishable, the unrestrained breath, made her feel shocked.

As if facing the Spiritual God of aloof and remote.

But Xiao Changfeng merely a trifling Paragon.

How to make yourself feel this way?

“I don’t know, but it’s very powerful!”

Winter Heavenly Venerate beautiful eyes narrowed, staring at Five Elements fairy wheel.

This kind of breath is on the Divine Item, which she has never felt before.

I just feel beyond my cognitive range.

Perhaps, only Spiritual God can be comparable.

As for the reason, with her knowledge, she did not know.

Even Winterly Venerate does.

Not to mention other people.

At this moment everyone looked at Xiao Changfeng with shocked and puzzled eyes.

“Great Five Elements Immortal Art, it turns out this is the real face!”

At this moment Xiao Changfeng’s heart is full of joy.

He felt the changes in his body and understood the special features of Great Five Elements Immortal Art.

I found countless lines of sight watching me.

Xiao Changfeng thoughts move.

The Five Elements fairy wheel rays of light suddenly dimmed, and then slowly dissipated.

The five colors of light on him are gradually disappearing.

Reveal his figure again.

At this time, his skin became slightly bronze from the previous fairness like jade.

It looks more masculine.

The height is also slightly improved, has reached 1.8 meters.

apart from this, nothing else has changed much in appearance.

But his within the body is actually 5 kinds of True Yuan fuse together.

Turned into Five Elements True Yuan!

Meridian, skeleton, flesh and blood have also been further tempered.

If someone can see through, you will find that Xiao Changfeng’s within the body at this time is brilliant and shining.

It looks like a variety of Divine Jade divine gold.

“My Nascent Soul has also become stronger, containing Power of Five Elements, maybe it should be called Five Elements Nascent Soul!”

Xiao Changfeng smiled.

At this time, among his dantians, the original Nascent Soul also had a faint light of 5 colors at this time.

Because the casting of Five Elements immortal physique was successful, Nascent Soul was also strengthened.

In addition to Five Elements Nascent Soul.

Among the dantians are Fire Lotus and Yixuan Loess.

It is Cold Flame Fire and 9 Heaven Breath Earth.

As for Profound Nether cold beads, it was because the coldness was too strong and was taken into the storage by Xiao Changfeng.

apart from this.

There is also a Flying Sword in the Dantian.

“With Five Elements True Yuan tempering, its quality should be improved.”

Xiao Changfeng thoughts move, Five Elements True Yuan immediately poured into the dantian.

Then it fell on the Flying Sword and began to evolve.

The Flying Sword of the Void is a middle grade magic weapon, and then upward, it is the top grade magic weapon!

Its formable power is also comparable to Heavenly Venerate.

“In addition to these, my realm finally broke again, reaching the late Great Ascension!”

Taking back Divine Consciousness, Xiao Changfeng clenched his fists slightly.

Five Elements True Yuan within the body has broken through 100 drops.

This also means that he has moved from Great Ascension Middle-Stage breakthrough to late Great Ascension.

Its strength bring it up a level.

The power of Sword Domain will also be more powerful.

“Not only that, after my Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll Great Accomplishment, my body weight has also been greatly improved, it should be 10000 pounds.”

Feeling his own weight now, the joy in Xiao Changfeng’s heart is even stronger.

Qilin Xuan Celestial Body is based on weight.

Before Xiao Changfeng had cultivated to Great Success Realm, his weight reached 10,000 jin.

With such a weight, you can step on a big pit on the ground with a random foot.

If it is a punch.

The formable power is bound to be more terrifying than before.

“Apart from this, Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll Divine Ability, I have mastered it too!”

Xiao Changfeng grinned and seemed very satisfied with the new Magical Powers.

Great Five Elements Immortal Art, 5 volumes cultivation technique not only has 5 Martial Spirits, but also awakens 5 Innate Divine Ability.

Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll is endless.

The White Tiger battle volume is tiger’s roar dragon’s cry.

Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll is Golden Fire Eyes.

Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is black liquid Battle Armor.

Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll also has an Innate Divine Ability.

Five Elements immortal physique!

Five Elements Fairy Wheel!

realm promotion!

New Divine Ability!

During this retreat, Xiao Changfeng’s gains have never been greater.

And his strength has also been greatly improved.

“If Crown Prince is still alive, just give him a try!”

Xiao Changfeng missed the Crown Prince of the Northern Xuan Empire a little bit.

At this time, his strength increased greatly, but he could not find the enemy, and he felt a bit regretful.

“However, this cultivation has absorbed a lot of Spirit Qi, even this ice dragon on the verge of collapse, it seems that I have to refine some medicine pill to compensate!”

Looked down at the snow dragon under the eyes.

Xiao Changfeng can also feel the Spirit Qi thin and on the verge of collapse of the Snow Dragon.

He has no way to deal with this matter. After all, when the cultivation reaches a critical moment, he cannot control it.

There is a touch of luck in my heart.

Fortunately, I chose to cultivate in the Snow Dragon.

Otherwise, if you change places, I am afraid there is not enough Spirit Qi to provide.

As a result, Five Elements immortal physique may not be able to be cast.

So far, he can only refine some medicine pill to make up for the loss of the Dong clan.

Hope Winter Heavenly Venerate can agree!

At this time Winter Heavenly Venerate and Cold Heavenly Venerate and the others have already flown.

Four Great Heavenly Venerables are all there, and Xiao Changfeng greets him, ready to speak.

“Danzu, the dragon of ice and snow has an accident because of you. You need to explain this to me!”

Winter Heavenly Venerate took the lead in opening his mouth, staring at Xiao Changfeng.

“This is indeed my fault. I would like to refine a batch of medicine pill for compensation!”

Xiao Changfeng revealed his own method of compensation.

However, Heavenly Venerate is actually the hook the head.

“The deity does not need your medicine pill, but it needs you to do one thing!”

“Because of the ice dragon, there are already many people in Snow Dragon City who are dissatisfied with you. They jointly said that they want to challenge you, as long as you take the challenge, this thing this Venerable will no longer be investigated!”

Dong Heavenly Venerate opened the mouth and said.

After listening to Xiao Changfeng, it was a joy in his heart.

Is this a sleepy come to send a pillow?

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