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Stepping into the ripples in space, the silhouette disappeared of Xiao Changfeng.

He has gone to a quiet room in the Snow Dragon.

Looking at the back of Xiao Changfeng’s departure, Dong Heavenly Venerate’s beautiful eyes reveal a touch of interest.

As the patriarch of the winter tribe.

Winter Heavenly Venerate naturally has to be considered for the winter family.

Time and Space Sand leak is an extremely rare space category Divine Item.

Naturally, she is also a little emotional.

She had been hesitating before.

After all, the snake Heavenly Venerate is also a Demi-God powerhouse, and if it goes to war, it will inevitably lose of life.

So she decided to see Xiao Changfeng first and then talk.

And Xiao Changfeng said 3 points.

It was her who finally made the decision.

Needless to say the first point.

Point 2 Interesting, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

As for point 3.

This is the key to let Winter Heavenly Venerate make the decision.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is too naive to make people laugh.

But she doesn’t think so.

Xiao Changfeng’s rise is very rapid, and no matter where it is, it will become the most eye-catching existence.

The Dong people have also done an understanding and investigation of Xiao Changfeng.

For the process of its rise, Winter Heavenly Venerate is also well-known.

However, she is also unable to see through Xiao Changfeng.

This person like a cut everything is born out of thin air.

Whether it’s Alchemy Technique or something else.

Even cultivation makes Dong Heavenly Venerate feel a little different.

This made her have to think more.

After all, she is the Patriarch of the Dong tribe. Her high vision and profound knowledge are not comparable to ordinary people.

And even she couldn’t see through, enough to prove Xiao Changfeng’s out of the ordinary.

So she decided not to do it for now.

Take the opportunity to observe, perhaps there may be unexpected gains.

“I hope you will not let this deity down!”

Winter Heavenly Venerate looks into the distance.

Then he looked back and got up to pick up the hammer and chisel again.

The sound of ding ding dong dong rang in the cave.

Dong Heavenly Venerate continued to sculpt ice sculpture, very pious.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng has stepped into the quiet room of ice sculpture.

This is a small room.

Inside it is a ice bed and a pair of ice tables and ice chairs with a cold ice sculpture.

apart from this, nothing.

The quiet room all around is covered with ice, and only a small door leads to the outside.

This is the interior of the Snow Dragon.

Where exactly, Xiao Changfeng doesn’t know.

Because in this quiet room, his Divine Consciousness was suppressed so much that he couldn’t disperse too far.

However, the rich Ice Spiritual Qi and Earth Spiritual Qi are intertwined.

Make a breath, True Yuan with the body seems to have one more drop.

“Winter Heavenly Venerate should be able to observe me, but it does not matter, I can arrange a spiritual imaginary formation!”

After Xiao Changfeng scanned the entire quiet room, he immediately sat on the ice bed.

Winter Heavenly Venerate’s thoughts, he already guessed.

But obviously, he won.

As for observation, he is not afraid.

Even if it is Winter Heavenly Venerate, its Divine Consciousness is not as good as its own Thunderbolt Divine Consciousness.

Even more how, I can also arrange the Formulation.

Use Formation to isolate snoops.

Soon, Xiao Changfeng’s thunderbolt Divine Consciousness slowly spread out and filled the entire quiet room.

Now Xiao Changfeng’s control over Divine Consciousness has long been far exceeded.

At this time, Divine Consciousness was used to form an array. In the quiet room, a special spiritual imaginary formation was placed.

There is no attack and defensive power in this formation.

But it can block the spirit and gaze of outsiders.

of course.

This array is not simply a barrier.

Instead, it will transform some false pictures.

Let snoopers think that they are seeing the truth.

After arranging the spiritual imaginary formation, Xiao Changfeng was slightly relaxed.

But he was not in a hurry to cultivate.

Instead, sit cross-legged on the ice bed and absorb Spirit Qi to improve your condition to the best.

one day later.

Xiao Changfeng opened his eyes again.


Feeling the completeness of the mental imaginary formation, as well as his own condition, Xiao Changfeng made a decision.

Reached off the storage ring with 9 Heaven Breath Earth.

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed with fine mans, and then he took out 9 Heaven Breath Earth.


A touch of yellow light was as bright as the sun, and the rays of light were put in the quiet room.

An aura of good virtue contained the stuff in the quiet room.

The ice around all seemed to be unbearable, with signs of ka-cha breaking.

But the ground is hidden in the dragon of ice and snow.

Suddenly, a sudden shock, Spirit Qi came from all directions and gathered in this quiet room.

The Earth Qi is a higher-priced existence than the Earth Qi, and it is one of the most refined energies in the world.

However, Spirit Qi at this time seemed to come to the nest like Ruyan, and it quickly came in.

“9 Heaven Breath Earth!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes reflected a bright yellow light.

I saw a yellow loess in front of him.

This loess shows a strange golden color, a yellow light like gold but not gold.

Although it is only three fingernails in size, it seems to be very heavy, even this ice dragon can’t bear it.

It seems that there is a world in it.

The intense Qi to Spirit Qi makes Xiao Changfeng feel heavy and breathless.

This is 9 Heaven Breath Earth.

It is Innate Object, the ancestor of the earth.

Although it is only a small piece, if you give enough time, you can grow into a world.

It is the real Supreme Treasure.

“Actually, there are 3 fingernail sizes, which is beyond my expectations. Maybe this time I can directly cultivate to the Great Success Realm!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes showed surprise.

He had expected that his fingernails would be satisfied.

But the reality gave him a big surprise.

“It’s not too late to start cultivation!”

Xiao Changfeng waited too long for this day.

So after suppressing the surprise, he is ready to start cultivated.

Sitting cross-legged, his mind settled.

Then Xiao Changfeng started Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll according to the memory of Great Five Elements Immortal Art in his mind!


Spiritual Qi was suddenly absorbed by him into the body.

“The soil is Qilin, Lord Feng Shui!”

Xiao Changfeng was thinking about Qilin Profound Heaven Scroll’s key in his mind, and then he would inhale Spirit Qi in the body to start the operation according to the cultivation technique.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, now there is only one soil.

As long as this volume of cultivation success, Xiao Changfeng’s Great Five Elements Immortal Art is truly complete.

Ka-cha !

Just when Xiao Changfeng absorbed Spirit Qi into within the body.

There was a tiny crack in the ice bed under him.

It seems to be unable to bear the weight of Xiao Changfeng.

Throughout the Dragon of Snow and Snow, countless places of Spirit Qi came from all directions.

This makes Spirit Qi in the quiet room more and more.

Fortunately, Xiao Changfeng wrapped the quiet room with a spiritual imaginary formation, otherwise such a big change will inevitably cause others to spy.

And this, tightly just started that’s all!

9 Heaven Breath Earth turns into flying sand, now surrounding Xiao Changfeng’s body.

More and more Spirit Qi comes in and is absorbed into the body by Xiao Changfeng.

Gradually, Xiao Changfeng’s skin turned from pale to waxy.

But his body is getting heavier and he has more and more cracks under the ice bed.


And with the cultivation of Xiao Changfeng, his breath.

It is also growing at a terrifying rate!

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