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Ka-cha !

Serpentine black hair climbed into the yellow palm.

The corpse Heavenly Venerate hadn’t responded yet, the black snake with hair was wide open, and fiercely bit on the yellow palm.

Suddenly this was yellow and bloodless, like the palms of some deflated corpses.

It was quickly disappeared under the bite of the black snake.

“Not good !”

The corpse Heavenly Venerate felt the horror of the black snake in his hair, and suddenly panicked in his heart, quickly withdrew and backed away.

He was extremely fast and escaped quickly.

However, his right hand palm has disappeared.

There is only one bare arm.

There were severe bite marks on the wound, but no blood bleed out.

“Heavenly Venerate?”

Heavenly Venerate couldn’t care about his injury. At this time, his eyes glowed with yellow light, staring closely at the black snake in front of Xiao Changfeng.

I am the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer.

It is also Heavenly Venerate that can hurt yourself so easily.

And its strength, compared with itself, is only stronger than weak!

Faced with a strange and powerful Great Heavenly Venerate, the corpse Heavenly Venerate is also afraid to carelessly.

At this time, Shou Heavenly Venerate came quickly and stood beside the corpse Heavenly Venerate.

Oh la la !

Under the frightened attention of everyone.

There are more and more black snakes in the hair, as if they are soaring.

Then a rainbow of pale-gold lights up from the Time and Space Sand leak.

Arrogance, contempt, and a strange temperament emerged.

A silhouette of the snake Heavenly Venerate appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng did not reach an agreement with her in advance.

But Xiao Changfeng encountered mortal danger.

She did not want to see it, so she took the initiative to show up.

Perhaps it is because of this.

At this moment the lazy temperament of the snake Heavenly Venerate disappeared.

Instead, it turned into coldness and disgust.

As if disturbed by good things.

“impudent !”

Feel countless eyes staring at myself.

The proud snake Heavenly Venerate black brows slightly wrinkle, coldly shouted.

In an instant, there were countless 100 surnames in Imperial Capital. They all felt tingling eyes, and blood ran out of them.

The wailing and screaming sounded instantly, like boiling water.

Although Heavenly Venerate and the others were not injured, they were also greatly affected.

For a while, everyone bowed their heads and dared not look directly at the snake Heavenly Venerate.

At this time, the snake Heavenly Venerate swept beautiful eyes and fell on the body of Heavenly Venerate.

She knew very well that it was the hand that Heavenly Venerate had just moved.

“in danger!”

Just as the snake Heavenly Venerate’s eyes swept, the corpse Heavenly Venerate felt an unprecedented sense of death crisis.

His scalp was numb, and his heart was terrified.

“This should be Heavenly Venerate, the snake of White Python Secret Realm!”

The corpse Heavenly Venerate sits in the emperor’s palace, but it’s not that 2 ears don’t hear anything out of the window.

He has long heard of the White Python Secret Realm and the battle with the Eastern Territory.

I even wanted to leave Northern Plains before to catch Xiao Changfeng.

But the news of the Battle of East Territories made him dispel this idea.

He used to sit in the imperial palace.

But 9 Heaven Breath Earth was stolen under the eyes.

So he hair stands up in anger and wants to bomb the thieves and regain the treasure.

Anger made him forget Xiao Changfeng’s identity.

It was not until this time that the snake Heavenly Venerate appeared, he stirred up a cold sweat, guessing the identity of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

“Snake Heavenly Venerate, this is a misunderstanding…”

The corpse Heavenly Venerate does not want to be enemies with the snake Heavenly Venerate, at this time brace oneself speaks, hoping to resolve the matter peacefully.

“Magical Powers: Petrified Magic Eye!”

But would the snake Heavenly Venerate listen to his nonsense.

In an instant, Magical Powers is exerted, and the gray light shoots out from both pupils.

Cut through the sky and go straight to Heavenly Venerate.

“Rotten field, open!”

Heavenly Venerate heart startled, and instantly opened the field.

His realm is full of decay and decay, as if anything, any creature falls in the realm.

Will be rotted to death.

However, the field of decay has not been fully expanded, and the petrochemical magic light has already hit.

Ka-cha !

In the horrified eyes of the corpse Heavenly Venerate.

The petrified magic light hit the decay field, and the disgusting decay was turned into stone in an instant.

Just in the blink of an eye.

The entire area of 鈥嬧€媎ecay has been petrified. If not Heavenly Venerate runs fast, I am afraid he will also be turned into stone.

“Her strength is stronger!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, seeing this scene, I have some judgment in my heart.

In the Battle of the Eastern Regions, the snake Heavenly Venerate is also very strong.

But it is not as perverted as it is now.

It was just a petrified magic light that almost defeated Heavenly Venerate.

Obviously Xiao Changfeng taught her to visualize the method, which is of great effect to her.

Today, she may have completely entered Half God Realm.

It also stands at the pinnacle of this World.

“Time and space swallowed!”

The snake Heavenly Venerate did not stop.

I saw her reached out and beckoned, an illusory golden python illusory shadow quickly flew out.

This golden python is not Spiritual Qi, nor monster Qi.

It is Time and Space Strength which is a combination of time and space.

The golden python went straight to Heavenly Venerate.

“Heaven Rank Intermediate Martial Skill: Corpse Water Huang Ze!”

Heavenly Venerate was horrified in his heart, not daring to carelessly.

Spiritual Qi, which is suddenly surging, works.

Because his cultivation technique is special, Spirit Qi is full of decay.

I saw a hazy yellow water on the blue sky.

Shuize hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire sky.

Soon the water of Huang Ze turned into a rushing river, similar to the water of the Yellow River exhibited by Xiao Changfeng.

The river fell and greeted the golden python, trying to block the attack of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

However, as soon as the two touched, the Corpse Water, which contained decay and death, was directly engulfed by the golden python.

And the speed of golden python is not reduced, continue to kill Heavenly Venerate.

“Shou Heavenly Venerate, help me!”

Looking at the rapidly approaching golden python, the look of horror in the eyes of the dead Heavenly Venerate is more intense.

seeing is believing.

Today he finally saw the power of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

I also understand why after the battle in the Eastern Regions, the many Heavenly Venerate begin to stir, put away their own careful thinking.

Before being able to solve the snake Heavenly Venerate.

The behavior of beat the grass to scare the snake really cannot be done!

However, Heavenly Venerate doesn’t want to lose now, let alone die.

If in other places, he might have to run away.

But here is Imperial Capital, who has been guarding the imperial palace all year round.

Most familiar with here.

And there is Shou Heavenly Venerate to help.

It can be said that the time, place and people are all occupied.

So even if he is facing the Devil-God snake Heavenly Venerate, he dares to fight desperately.

“it is good!”

Shou Heavenly Venerate did not hesitate and immediately nodded to agree.

At this time, Emperor Xuan and the others dared to stay here.

Quickly turned back to the Great Hall of Feng Shui.

As for Crown Prince’s hatred.

You can only wait until the battle of Heavenly Venerate is over to see the situation!

“Netherworld gate opens, hell ghosts come!”

The corpse Heavenly Venerate and Shou Heavenly Venerate back to back with 2 long screams.

Immediately, 2 violent to suffocating horror imposing manners erupted from the two of them within the body.

This imposing manner didn’t rise from the sky, but spread out quickly and enveloped the entire Imperial Capital.


Suddenly, there was a breeze, and the sounds of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves were incessant.

The entire Imperial Capital seems to be a ghost.

At this time, one after another formation mark lights up everywhere at Imperial Capital.

Yellow Springs Feng Shui battle, open!

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