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“His Highness the Crown Prince… lost?”

Looking at the Crown Prince who was seriously injured from the sky, the 100 military and military officials and the palace guards could not believe it.

Although they have never seen the Martial Spirit of the candle dragon.

But in the palace, I also heard about the strength of the Martial Spirit of the candle dragon.

Even more how this time I saw with my own eyes, my heart has been shocked.

Open your eyes for the day and close your eyes for the night!

Breathing out the winter wind, raining out of thin air!

What a terrifying power this is, no different from the legendary Spiritual God.

Yet such a powerful His Highness the Crown Prince.

Actually defeated!

He was seriously injured and his breath was extremely unstable.

This… this is incredible!

“Danzu is too strong, even his His Highness the Crown Prince, who owns the Martial Spirit of the Candle Dragon, has defeated it!”

“What martial skill was that just now, the flame spewed out of the eyes, and the flame’s formidable power was too strong.”

“Didn’t expect His Highness the Crown Prince took out the candle dragon Martial Spirit, and eventually lost, hey!”

Many spectators inside and outside Imperial Capital saw this result at this time.

All sighed and grieved for the defeat of His Highness the Crown Prince.

After all, His Highness the Crown Prince is the middleman of the Northern Plains and the future heir to the Northern Xuan Empire.

It is also the strongest Heaven’s Chosen in the hearts of countless Northern Plains people.

He has long been a spiritual pillar in the hearts of Northern Plains people.

but now.

This spiritual pillar collapsed!

Before this battle, no one was optimistic about Xiao Changfeng.

No doubt he will lose.

After all, no matter from the perspective of realm, strength, and innate talent.

Xiao Changfeng not at all is stronger than Crown Prince.

And His Highness the Crown Prince is more cultivated 70 years, realm is higher.

Naturally it will be stronger.

But now this result has broken their cognition.

At this time Crown Prince and even the Martial Spirit of the candle dragon were displayed, but they still lost.

Explain that there is no room for turning back in this battle.

The first battle between the old and new Hidden Dragon List will come to an end!

However, Xiao Changfeng at the moment did not stop.


I saw his wings fluttered, the whole person turned into a blue flame Changhong.

From the sky, head straight to Crown Prince.

At this time Crown Prince was seriously injured, and one foot stepped out of the gates of hell.

If there is a strong attack again, I am afraid there is a threat of death.

This is irreconcilable!

For a time, 10000 outcry!

“Shameless, he has already won, but dare to shoot, is he trying to kill His Highness the Crown Prince?”

“This battle is over, Dan Zu has won. What else is he dissatisfied, he wants to be irreconcilable!”

“Too arrogant, too arrogant, killing Sect extermination in my Northern Plains is not counted, even in this Imperial Capital, but also to kill His Highness the Crown Prince in public, it is really unforgivable, I hope Your Majesty can give him sanctions!”

Everyone was angry.

In their view, Xiao Changfeng had already won, and actually had to shoot His Highness the Crown Prince.

However, they forgot that this appointment was originally proposed by Crown Prince.

But in their eyes, Xiao Changfeng is just an outsider.

Therefore, they are naturally hostile to Xiao Changfeng.

“impudent !”

At this time, Emperor Xuan was also angry.

He grabbed his hand and suddenly Spirit Qi converged into a Spirit Qi dragon claw of 1000 meters.

That’s right, it’s dragon claw.

The cultivation technique of Xuandi cultivation seems to be related to True Dragon.

Even though this dragon claw has no dragon power, it has several points of godlikeness.


Spiritual Qi dragon claw with a size of 1000 meters whizzed out, took Destruction Strength and went straight to Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Emperor Xuan also stepped out and the teleport disappeared in place.

Not only the Emperor Xuan, but the other 4 Saints are also teleporting.

They must not watch Crown Prince die before their eyes.

However, before Crown Prince flew too high, ten ten thousand meters.

Although it fell a lot at this time, it also had a height of 7 8 ten thousand meters.

Although Emperor Xuan is the powerhouse of Saint Boundary 9th layer.

But he couldn’t fly to Crown Prince so quickly.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng has approached Crown Prince.


Spiritual Qi dragon claw is very fast, before Xiao Changfeng approached Crown Prince, it roared.

This Spirit Qi dragon claw is as hard as iron, and breaks through the air.

With a few long white waves, he suddenly grabbed Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was very small under Spiritual Qi dragon claw.

As if the next moment is about to be caught.


The surging cold flame fire exploded from within the body.

Converged on the wings.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng’s wings were like knives, which were transformed into 2 flame god knives.

Pu chi!

Emperor Xuan obviously underestimated the formidable power of Cold Flame Divine Fire.

Under the blessing of Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit, the Spirit Qi dragon claw was cut with both wings.

It’s just like cutting butter with butter.

Immediately Xiao Changfeng continued to rush towards the Crown Prince.

“Bold, you dare to take action, I will let you die better than life!”

Seeing his Spirit Qi dragon claw being cut.

Emperor Xuan eye socket cracked, threatened by roaring.

Crown Prince cannot die, this is not only his own son, but also the hope of the Northern Xuan Empire!

He is very clear that he is innate talent.

I want to break through to Heavenly Venerable Realm in this life, I am afraid it is unlikely.

But Crown Prince extraordinary natural talent has unlimited future achievements.

It is the legendary divine realm, and there is no chance.

So he must not watch Crown Prince die.

Otherwise, the Northern Xuan Empire will also fall into a very long period of darkness in the future.

However, Xiao Changfeng ignored the threat of Xuan Emperor.

Crown Prince must die!

Otherwise, the threat of Third Sister will always exist.

For the sake of Third Sister’s safety, he will never let Crown Prince go.

“Bold thief, you killed Crown Prince, and you can’t escape Imperial Capital, don’t you want to live?”

Another Saint Boundary powerhouse also threatened.

At this time, they were still far away from Crown Prince and Xiao Changfeng, and could not keep up.

I just hope to be able to hold Xiao Changfeng with threatening words.

“Outsider, you have won this battle, give up this impulsive behavior, this seat promises you, can send you away from Northern Plains, otherwise either the fish dies or the net splits, you don’t want to leave alive!”

“Stop if you don’t want to die, otherwise I’ll wait for you and wait for you to die!”

“Sin obstacles, don’t stop quickly!”

The remaining three Saints all exported loud threats.

The powerful Saint prestige is also urged to the extreme.

at the same time.

In the imperial palace, there is also a Heavenly Venerate coercion in the wake.

Obviously, the situation here also caused the anger of a Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

this moment.

Countless threats and pressure fell on Xiao Changfeng, as if to tear him into pieces.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s expression is very calm.

He didn’t care about the threat of others.

At this time, he had flown to Crown Prince.

“Sword of Divine Consciousness, cut!”

The sword of Divine Consciousness has long been condensed, and Xiao Changfeng cut it without hesitation.

Crown Prince, who had planned to struggle desperately, was instantly hurt.

A mournful scream was also heard from him.

However, in the next moment, Xiao Changfeng has wings like a sword.

Directly cut Crown Prince in half, the screaming came to an abrupt end.

at this time.

Xiao Changfeng stopped his body and responded coldly:

“I can’t save anyone I want to kill!”

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