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The news of Ice Fire Sect is getting worse.

It is said that Emperor Xuan was very angry about the matter and issued an imperial order, which was wanted all over the country.

Not only that, the Northern Xuan Army was mobilized, and the parties began to search.

So care.

The search in full swing began.

However, Xiao Changfeng performed the transformation technique this time, which is no longer the original face.

Since he was going to Imperial Capital, he naturally didn’t want to kill him all the way, so that was too much obstacle.

So no matter how others search, he can’t find any trace of him.

As if evaporated from out of thin air.

Instead, Huang Lao and Luo Lingxue entire group.

Even if they have searched for extremely rare places to walk.

But still meet other people from time to time.

Huang Lao had to fight while taking Luo Lingxue to continue to escape.

On the way to escape, there are few armored warriors left.

Also less and less!


Where Ice Fire Sect is located.

At this time, he was surrounded by the guard troops of the nearby city.

Prohibit any unrelated persons from approaching.

In Hanchuan City, an Imperial Court clerk also came to conduct rigorous investigations and interrogations.

This day.

The army surrounded by Ice Fire Sect stood still.

A member of the Imperial Court wearing an official uniform waited in front of the Ice Fire Sect.

It seems to be waiting for a great character.

The position of this Imperial Court clerk is not low, but is the Grade 1 officer.

It is also a powerhouse in Paragon.

In this Ice Fire Sect incident, Emperor Xuan sent him.

What makes a Grade 1 official wait is not ordinary.


The big official’s eyes are light flashed, looking forward.

I saw in the sky, a warship like a dragon boat slowly came.

This warship is shaped like a dragon boat with a gold and jade in glorious splendour dragon head statue.

The stern is sculpted a lifelike dragon tail.

As for the center of the ship, there is a golden red palace.

The palace is magnificent and comes with an imposing manner of the superior.

But above the palace, there is a bronze statue of a human face, which looks very strange.

This dragon boat is 100 meters long.

And in all around, there are some small warships flying.

It’s like guarding a dragon boat.


This special fleet is stopped in front of Ice Fire Sect.

Grade 1 Officer flew forward, stooped and bowed his head, and performed a courteous gift.

“Chen Wei Deluo, welcome His Highness the Crown Prince!”

Officer Grade 1 named Wei Delu spoke respectfully.

At this time, the soldiers of Ice Fire Sect all around also bowed their heads to salute.


The palace gate in the dragon boat was slowly pushed open.

Afterwards, two maidens with peerless faces walked out and separated.

da da da!

Clear footsteps sounded.

I saw a tall silhouette walking out of the palace.

This is a luxurious man in his 30s.

He was extremely beautiful, and the five officials were exquisite, as if it were the most beautiful face in the world.

But this exquisite appearance, but not at all makes him look feminine.

Tall, burly body, and long hair like a black waterfall.

Exudes the temperament of uncommon martial heroism.

In his eyebrows, there is a dark red mole, as if born.

This mole did not destroy his beauty, but added a special charm.

Let people take a glance, it will be impossible to bear sink into it.

This is His Highness the Crown Prince of the Northern Xuan Empire.

That person hailed by the Han Chuan City Lord as God’s favor.

Crown Prince was wearing a gold red robe, although he did not exude any coercion.

But it made people breathless.

“Master Wei is free!”

Crown Prince glanced at Weideluo and said.

His voice was like the coldness of Northern Plains, making people listen to his ears, but unable to bear trembling.

“Thank You Your Highness!”

Wei Delu got up again.

At this time, Crown Prince also stepped out and walked off the dragon boat.

But he did not stand on the ground.

It’s a step by step.

Each step falls, there is a gorgeous rays of light carrying.

This is an extremely rare aurora in Northern Plains.

But at the foot of Crown Prince, it appeared frequently.

Because he owns the Aurora Divine Physique.

This is what he had when he was born.

Now in Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, Aurora is born with your heart.

Crown Prince walked down slowly.

His eyes crossed Weideluo and fell on Ice Fire Sect.

Above Snow Mountain, the corpses ran across the field and were devastated.

The remains of the ice, fire and feng shui formation are also left in place.

Everything is protected intact.

“Master Wei, did you find anything?”

Crown Prince glanced at it, and then looked back at Weideluu, asking.

“Reporting back to Your Highness, based on our on-site investigation and witness testimony, there are now 3 things that can be determined.”

“First, the murderer is Outsider, named Xiao Feng, and the identity token records the Emperor Martial realm 5th layer, but it is obviously false. When the other party killed the Hanchuan City Lord, he exposed the real realm, which is the Paragon realm 6th-layer. As a result, the other party’s name may also be fake.”

“Second, there is no survivor on Ice Fire Sect, and even Saint James was swallowed by the demon saint, but according to witnesses, the murderer came for his younger sister, and his younger sister was Ice Fire One of the disciplines in Sect, the identity of this discipline, is still being pursued.”

“Third, the murderer has escaped after slaughtering the Ice Fire Sect, but so far, there is no clue that the other party is good at disguising and hiding, otherwise with his appearance of an outsider, there is absolutely no clue.

Weidelu has been here for a few days, and he knows something about it.

Open your mouth at this time and tell His Highness the Crown Prince important information.

He also did not know why His Highness the Crown Prince came to Ice Fire Sect.

He is not clear about Xiao Yurong.

But His Highness the Crown Prince is very clear.

As early as 2 years ago, when Zhan Tai Saint had just brought back Xiao Yurong, he told him about it.

At that time, Xiao Yurong had insufficient strength, so he did not take it away directly, but raised it in Ice Fire Sect.

This time I also got a report from Zhantai Saint, saying that Xiao Yurong had broken through to the Emperor Martial environment.

So he will come.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that he hasn’t arrived yet, Ice Fire Sect has been slaughtered by others.

The life and death of Ice Fire Sect is not important to him.

But for Xiao Yurong, he had to get it.

Hearing the statement from Crowne, Crown Prince did not speak.

His eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking.

Weidelu did not dare to disturb, standing still and waiting quietly.

“This palace knows who the murderer is!”

Suddenly Crown Prince opened his mouth, leaving Wei Delu surprised.

“Your Highness has guessed?”

Wei Delu wondered, he didn’t expect His Highness the Crown Prince through such a clue, is to determine the identity of the murderer.

“He is not Xiao Feng, but Xiao Changfeng!”

The corner of Crown Prince’s mouth is slightly warped, revealing a touch of playfulness.

Immediately without waiting for the response of Weidelu, it was quickly ordered.

“Submit the order, this palace offers to fight Danzu.”


At the beginning of April 4th, Crown Prince sent out a message to offer Xiao Changfeng.

This news came out that the entire Northern Plains was completely detonated!

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