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While Zhantai Saint was beheaded.

The martial skill of the World of Ice and Snow disappeared instantly.

Nine Headed Snake’s shaman realm has been restored, and the frost on its surface has also collapsed into a sky of ice chips.

“Little 9, swallow her!”

Xiao Changfeng put away Sword Domain and gave a command to Nine Headed Snake.

Zhantai Saint is, after all, Saint Boundary powerhouse, a body full of majestic Spirit Qi.

For Nine Headed Snake, it is a good medicine for flesh and blood.

Nine Headed Snake didn’t hesitate anymore, and immediately slammed.

Gu Lu swallowed Zhantai Saint into his belly.

The ice field disappeared.

Zhantai Saint died.

Huang Lao and the others witnessed all this with his own eyes, but felt that a heart must jump out of his throat.

At this time, Nine Headed Snake turned into a bracelet and fell on Xiao Changfeng’s wrist.

“9 big brother!”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng come back again, Xiao Yurong flew up to greet him.

Her expression is a bit complicated.

Surprised, relieved, and stopped talking.

Obviously, the death of Zhantai Saint has a special meaning for her.

At this time, the screams of the Ice Fire Sect disciples below are also decreasing.

Eventually disappeared completely.


The Demon Master will fly back to Xiao Changfeng with Yin Yang ghost.

“Master, no one has a mouth!”

Demon Master humbled his head to report.

Xiao Changfeng nodded.

Immediately, the Demon Master will bring the Yin Yang ghost back to the Forbidden Gourd.

This is the end.

Ice Fire Sect was completely slaughtered.

From the Sect Master to the common disciple, no one was spared.

“Third Sister, I didn’t come to you in time to make you suffer, sorry!”

Xiao Changfeng did not care about Ice Fire Sect, which had become history.

Instead, he gently dropped his hand on Third Sister’s shoulder.

“9 big brother, I’m fine. Didn’t you say that our family doesn’t speak 2 words? Although I have left Dongyu in the past 2 years, I have grown a lot. You see I am already in the Emperor Martial environment!”

Xiao Yurong pressed those unhappy memories to his heart.

A smile reappeared on the delicate pretty face.

Although she suffered a lot this time.

But it has also grown a lot.

Both the strength and the state of mind are much stronger than before.

It’s not without gain.

even more how have you seen the 9 big brother now?

There is nothing better than this!

“By the way, 9 big brother, I know where the dao sect treasure house is, there are many treasures in it, I will take you there!”

Xiao Yurong took Xiao Changfeng’s hand and went down.

Xiao Changfeng did not refuse, letting the Third Sister pull it.

Ice Fire Sect inheritance is 1000 years old, although the background is not as good as North Tang Sect.

But there are also many treasures in the collection.

Xiao Yurong has been in many times and is already familiar with the location.

As for breaking the formation to open the treasure house, Xiao Changfeng is not at all difficult.

There are many cultivation techniques and martial skills in the treasure house.

There are also many apart from this Sovereign Item and Emperor Treasure.

But most of them are ordinary treasures.

Only Spirit Stone made Xiao Changfeng look twice more.

Because of the Spirit Stone in Ice Fire Sect, except for No Attribute.

There are also 2 special Spirit Stones.

A kind of ice Spirit Stone that is pale blue and exudes a chill.

The other is the red color, starting with the hot Fire Spirit Stone.

These two Spirit Stones with attributes are extremely rare treasures.

Xiao Changfeng also put it in his storage ring separately.

After sweeping away the 1000-year accumulation of Ice Fire Sect.

There is no point in continuing to stay here.

“Third Sister, let’s go!”

Did not care about those spectators.

Xiao Changfeng left Ice Fire Sect with Xiao Yurong, and soon disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

Xiao Changfeng came full of killing intent.

Slaughtered the whole family and left.

And from start to finish, that’s all in half a day!

In just half a day, 1000 years of inheritance, Ice Fire Sect, one of the Northern Plains Three Great Sects.

It was destroyed in the long river of history.

This made Huang Lao and the other spectators who followed from Samurai City.

They all felt trembling all over, and couldn’t believe it.

“Ice Fire Sect, was it slaughtered like this?”

A spectator stared wide-eyed and looked at the ruins of the Ice Fire Sect gate in disbelief.

This is Ice Fire Sect!

One of the Northern Plains Three Great Sects, with a deep heritage and a Saint presence.

However, it was only half a day.

It was the gate of the mountain shattered, Elder died, and the discipline was wiped out.

Even Zhantai Saint died of the snake belly, body dies and Dao disappears.

“This Outsider is too scary. He was alone, but slaughtered the entire Ice Fire Sect, and even the ice, fire and feng shui could not stop him!”

The person next to him was trembling with fear, and the fear in his eyes was about to overflow.

Xiao Changfeng was killed alone.

Although there is Nine Headed Snake, it is also his favorite.

Even more how he killed Zhantai Saint at the end.

It can be said that the entire Ice Fire Sect goes up and down.

Except that Qing Yue Saintess died under Xiao Yurong’s sword.

Everyone else died in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

It can be called extinguishes a Sect!

This tragedy was rarely seen in 1000 years.

But they saw it alive, and they were also witnesses.

This… this is scary.

“Lao Huang, what shall we do now?”

The Sovereign Martial realm commander in the armored warrior, at this time brows tightly knit, asked Huang Lao.

Their mission is to protect the Young Lady and send the Young Lady to the Ice Fire Sect apprentice.

But now Ice Fire Sect is slaughtered.

Are they still here? Or return to Middle-earth?

Hearing the command of the leader, Huang Lao also reacted from the horror.


Without Ice Fire Sect, what kind of teacher do you still worship?

Didn’t even see Zhantai Saint died?

“This matter is beyond our foresight. Return to Middle-earth as soon as possible!”

Soon, Huang Lao made the decision.

Ice Fire Sect was slaughtered and it is useless to stay in Northern Plains.

even more how now their situation is very bad.

The death of Zhang ten thousand li, the death of Han Chuan City Lord, and Ice Fire Sect were destroyed.

Although all this is done by Xiao Changfeng.

But they entered Northern Plains with Xiao Changfeng.

Will certainly be treated as an associate.

The thought of the 300,000 Northern Xuan Army, and the various dangers along the way.

Huang Lao felt that his and the others’ situation might be more dangerous.

“Old Huang, can Xiao Pill Master escape?”

At this time Luo Lingxue also thought of this problem.

But she didn’t think about herself for the first time, but Xiao Changfeng.

The slaughter of Ice Fire Sect is definitely an unforgivable sin.

Among the Northern Plains, within the Northern Xuan Empire.

Xiao Changfeng’s desire to leave seems not so easy.

300,000 Northern Xuan Army, and the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse in the Imperial Palace.

Maybe they will all be dispatched!

“Young Lady, Lord Danzu Heaven helps the worthy, let’s take care of ourselves first!”

Huang Laoji stomped his feet anxiously, and when he was still worried about others.

“Come on, take care of the Young Lady while others are not responding now!”

Huang Lao turned around and ordered the armored warriors.

Then with Luo Lingxue, quickly left the place.

The rest of the spectators stood there dumbly, looking at the location of Ice Fire Sect, and their hearts could not be calm for a long time.


At the beginning of April 4, Xiao Changfeng slaughtered the Ice Fire Sect.

When the news came out, Northern Plains was shaking!

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