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Xiao Changfeng is very happy, very happy.

He had originally thought that Third Sister would be attacked by Zhan Tai Saint’s warm offensive,

Then he had to spend some saliva to explain the matter.

It will even affect his relationship with Third Sister.

But he didn’t expect.

Cultivation of Third Sister of Divine Consciousness has long been clearly understood the ugly conspiracy of Saint and the others.

This saves him from having to explain or worry.

Right now, only one thing needs to be done!

Slaughter the Ice Fire Sect and make a justice for the Third Sister.

“Hmph, do you think you can get out of Ice Fire Sect today?”

Now that he has cast aside all considerations for face, Zhantai Saint is naturally too lazy to act again.

The killing intent in her beautiful eyes is intense.

The tragic death of a dozen Elders and the death of many disciplines.

Let her already be full of killing intent to Xiao Changfeng.

At this moment, there is no need to worry about anything.

Just kill Xiao Changfeng and imprison Xiao Yurong.

“9 big brother, Zhantai Saint is the realm of Saint Boundary 3rd-layer, and has a top grade holy weapon. In this Ice Fire Sect, there is also a large Feng Shui array. Let’s take the opportunity to escape!”

Although Xiao Yurong is confident in Xiao Changfeng.

But for the past 2 years, she also knew the power of Zhantai Saint and Ice Fire Sect.

Therefore, she did not suggest that Xiao Changfeng was a hard fight.

It is hoped that the 9 big brother will be able to escape with himself.

“Want to escape? Dreaming!”

Qingyue Saintess sneered, eyes full of resentment.

And Great Elder is now standing beside her.

“Third Sister, with me, no one can hurt you, and today, I will slaughter this place and be angry for you!”

Xiao Changfeng smiled slightly, without fear.

At this time, Zhantai Saint was too lazy to talk nonsense.

She stretched out her hand and suddenly a white cold light looked like an arrow off the string.

Whistling, with a bone chill and terrifying destructive power, went straight to Xiao Changfeng.

She wants to quickly kill Xiao Changfeng to resolve the matter.

So as not to affect the arrival of His Highness the Crown Prince.


The white cold light was almost over the lightning, almost blinking, it appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

Seeing this scene, Qingyue Saintess was delighted.

Luo Lingxue outside the Ice Fire Sect and the others is a tight heart.

“Nine Headed Snake !”

Xiao Changfeng did not shoot, but raised the right hand.

Immediately above his wrist, Nine Headed Snake wakes up!


A horrible demon power came suddenly.

Let Qing Yue Saintess instantly face deathly pale, fear 10000 points.

Great Elder also had a chest tightness, like a boulder pressing on his body.


The shocking roar resounded over the Ice Fire Sect.

The avalanche, which had been frozen, quickly cracked and surged down again.

A black shadow appeared quickly, and white cold light hit the black shadow.

Burst directly.

At this time, the silhouette skyrocketed rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge body of 800 meters.

The inky black color is very conspicuous.

The snake scales of palm-size are shiny with metallic luster.

The snake’s body slides, giving a terrifying feeling.

The huge body is like a mountain.

The most frightening.

It is the 5 fierce snake heads.

“This… what is this?”

The moment I saw Nine Headed Snake, everyone froze.

Whether it’s Ice Fire Sect’s discipline, or the outside old Huang and the others.

All eyes widened and shocked.

They didn’t expect, there will be such a big demon snake appear here.

Is this the dearest pet of Xiao Changfeng?

But why didn’t you feel the slightest breath before?

“Demon Saint!”

Zhantai Saint is also heart startled at the moment, his eyes narrowed, and the sense of crisis in his heart is bursting.

She also did not expect it.

Xiao Changfeng even carried a demon saint on his body.

And this demon saint’s strength is stronger than himself.

“Due to Lord Danzu, all the demon pets are the demon saints of Saint Boundary!”

After Huang Lao was shocked, he exclaimed.

In his view, as Xiao Changfeng’s identity and innate talent.

It is not excessive to have a monster pet at Monster Saint level.

After all, this is a monster that can kill the saint by hand.

But in addition to sighing, there are some fears.

Coming all the way from China, his attitude towards him was not very friendly.

And Lorraine Snow on the side.

It is 2 eyes glowing starlight, the heart of worship is stronger.

“Little 9, kill her!”

Xiao Changfeng ordered Nine Headed Snake.

“Yes, master!”

Nine Headed Snake replied, and five heads opened their mouths together.

Sewage, poison qi, Yinlei, Ghost Fire, evil wind!

Five kinds of Innate Ability spit out all at once and hurled towards Zhantai Saint.

Although the Nine Headed Snake has not made much progress in the past two years, it has also reached Saint Boundary 2rd-layer.

And Demonic beast has an inherent advantage over humans.

Therefore, Zhantai Saint is also afraid to carelessly.

“Ice field, open!”

Zhantai Saint Spiritual Qi is running and the field is expanding.

I saw a mirror cast of ice in her field.

At this time, there are enough 3000 mirrors in the field of 10000 meters.

Nine Headed Snake’s attack fell into it.

Some shattered the mirror, but others were reflected back by the mirror.

These mirrors even have the ability to rebound and attack.

“Shahai Realm!”

But Nine Headed Snake is also not afraid.

Suddenly, the baleful qi spewed out and turned into a 3000-meter terrible area.

Nine Headed Snake’s True Dragon 9 has been cultivation to fifth transformation.

Bloodline, the fierce god within the body, has also awakened a lot, and this baleful qi is even more terrifying.

Not only the destructive power is powerful, but it also corrodes and interferes with the spiritual power.

Hong long long !

Nine Headed Snake and Zhantai Saint fought together in an instant.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Yurong were still where they were, and they never took a step back.

The Great Elder on the opposite side showed fear.

She is very clear that she is not Xiao Changfeng’s opponent.

If Sect Master hadn’t rescued him before, I’m afraid he would have died.

So she didn’t dare to fight Xiao Changfeng again.

But she also has the means to deal with Xiao Changfeng.


I saw Great Elder stretch out his hand and grabbed a piece of cold jade that was half red and half white.

Then he threw it onto Snow Mountain.


Suddenly the ten thousand meters Snow Mountain shook, and the avalanche became more intense.

But at this time Great Elder has no longer cared about the life and death of common disciple.


A pillar of lava fire suddenly gushed out from the top.

Ka-cha !

At the same time, at the foot of Snow Mountain, the frozen ground all around quickly uplifted and cracked.

As if something had come out of the ground.

I saw one after another sharp ground thorns, drilled out of the ground and arranged in Snow Mountain all around.

These ground thorns are composed of frozen soil and cold stone, which are not only sharp but also extremely hard.

“Ice, fire, feng shui, go!”

The Great Elder was full of Spiritual Qi agitated, urging this great Feng Shui array.

I saw the lava pillar of fire condensed into a huge Fire Python 3000 metres long.

this moment.

Fire Python and the ground stab aligned at Xiao Changfeng.

“Third Sister, stand back and see how I slaughter this sect!”

Xiao Changfeng took out the forbidden soul gourd and let Xiao Yurong back with him.

Then he faced the entire Ice Fire Sect and punched out without hesitation.

Whoever kills my loved ones must be killed!

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