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One person beats one generation.

Known as the strongest dark horse of the contemporary.

And now, it is from Pill Emperor to Danzu.

How can such Xiao Changfeng not be awesome.

this moment.

The feeling of worship in Luo Lingxue’s heart exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“Not good, Xiao Pill Master is Paragon, but Ice Fire Sect and Zhantai Saint!”

Luo Lingxue reacted quickly and was even more worried.

Although Paragon is strong, it is still far worse than Saint Boundary.

“Young Lady, as early as not long ago, Master Danzu killed Thundercloud Saint in Martial Spirit Hall in public, and took people to slaughter the North Tang Sect!”

Luo Lingxue was worried, but Huang Lao was not worried.

Although Ice Fire Sect is strong, Lord Danzu, but a character who can cross the border to sacred the Holy.

Even if you really can’t beat it, you can retreat.

But why did he go to Ice Fire Sect?

In the words of Han Chuan City Lord just now, what stimulated him and let him burst out such terrifying killing intent?

“No, if Lord Danzu really slaughtered the Ice Fire Sect, wouldn’t we be in vain for this trip!”

Huang Lao reacted quickly from the shock.

He and Young Lady were not far ten thousand li and came to Northern Plains.

Isn’t it just to visit Ice Fire Sect?

If Ice Fire Sect was slaughtered by Xiao Changfeng, wouldn’t it be a trip in vain.

However, he knew that the development of things at this time was not influenced by him.

“Lao Huang, let’s take a look!”

Luo Lingxue suddenly said.

She still worried about the safety of Xiao Changfeng, especially when she knew that Xiao Changfeng was an idol she admired.


Old Huang hesitated.

This time Ice Fire Sect is likely to break out of the Saint Wars.

It doesn’t matter if you are, but if the Young Lady is injured, then you will have no face to see Lord.

“Lao Huang, we are outside, take a look at it from afar!”

Luo Lingxue grabbed Huang Lao’s hand and begged in a low voice.

“Okay, but we can only wait and see from a distance. Once an accident occurs, we leave immediately!”

Huang Lao was silent for a moment, but finally failed to appeal to Luo Lingxue, nodded agreed.

Of course, there are also some of his own reasons.

After all, Saint Wars, rarely seen.

Even more how is Xiao Changfeng’s.

So he also wanted to see it.


Huang Lao and the remaining armored warriors protected Luo Lingxue and flew in the direction of Ice Fire Sect.

And it’s not just them who want to see the excitement.

In the city of Hanchuan, many martial artists also rose into the air and flew towards the Ice Fire Sect.


This battle is bound to shock the world, absolutely not to be missed!


The mountain gate of Ice Fire Sect is a large volcano up to ten thousand meters.

At the top of the mountain is a huge volcanic crater, from which heat waves come out.

Occasionally, lava oozes out, and after chiming with ice and snow, it makes chi chi sound and white mist.

Therefore, the top of Ice Fire Sect is covered with white fog all year round.

And above Snow Mountain.

It is densely packed with many house buildings.

There are no exquisite pavilions, nor palaces of gold and jade in glorious splendour.

There is only one house made of cold stone and frozen soil.

According to the special terrain, Snow Mountain is mainly divided into 3 areas.

On one side is the place where the ice is freezing.

This is where the disciples of cultivation Ice Attribute cultivation technique live.

The ground on the other side is dark red, with less ice and snow.

This is where the branch of lava is located, which was attracted by sect powerhouse in the past.

This is for the residents of the cultivation Fire Attribute cultivation technique.

And in the middle of these two places.

It is an area where ice and fire are mixed and the temperature is suitable.

This is where the Outer Disciple lives.

As for the Sect Master Hall and Elder’s residence, it is at the top of Snow Mountain.

Of course, Ice Fire Sect chose this as the mountain gate.

Nature also has its special features.

Under the ground, there is a cold vein, which is melted by the freezing of the ground water, and the cold is extremely rich.

Inside the volcano, the lava is rolling and the heat waves are raging.

These two places are not allowed for non-Inner Disciple.

And want to cultivate here for a long time.

Only Direct Disciple.

Inside the volcano, there are many land of cultivation.

One of the platforms to be exhibited is the best cultivation place here.

At this time, a shadow is sit cross-legged here, absorbing all around the rich fire Spirit Qi.

It is Xiao Yurong!

I haven’t seen it for more than 2 years, and now Xiao Yurong has become more beautiful.

The hair that was once lush because of the cultivation of the 9 Sunshine Bible has already returned to normal.

And her 3 positive Spirit Physique has now reached Peak in the Small Accomplishment realm.

It is only one step away from Great Success Realm.

At this time she sat cross-legged, full of Spirit Qi full of fire, she was all red and translucent.

Like a piece of fiery-red jade, magnificent.

Three sun illusory shadows appeared around her, turning slowly.

Every time you give up, it will make her breath stronger.

And her strength has also been greatly improved.

It is now Emperor Martial’s focus.

It is also because she just broke through, so she needs to stabilize the realm here.

Just when Xiao Yurong concentrated on cultivation.

A beautiful shadow walked by.

Looking at Xiao Yurong’s eyes, full of deep jealousy.

This is a young woman, about 20 years old.

Although his appearance is not as good as that of Xiao Yurong, he is also a capital of the upper middle class.

The strength of Sovereign Martial 3rd-layer.

In Ice Fire Sect’s recipe, it is a well-known figure.

So she became Ice Fire Sect Saintess.

“Hmph, make you proud for a few more days, and when His Highness the Crown Prince arrives, it’s your end!”

Qingyue Saintess had coldly snorted in his heart, and the jealousy in his eyes made no secret.

Because Xiao Yurong is prettier than her and stronger than her innate talent.

Let her originally be sought after, was compared.

Today’s Ice Fire Sect, Xiao Yurong is regarded as Goddess.

It is precisely because of this that Qingess Saintess is so jealous.

But she did not play tricks.

Because at at first she knew why Master wanted to bring her back.

No matter how long the innate talent is, how high is the innate talent?

It’s not hard to escape the fate of being used as a drug primer.

I really thought that Master wholeheartedly nurtured you, want to train you to be the next generation Sect Master?

Dream about it, the next generation of Sect Master, only I am qualified.

In another 2 days, wait for His Highness the Crown Prince to arrive.

You will be treated as a drug primer.

when the time comes when I sit on the thighs of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Thinking of this, Saintess Qingyue felt refreshed.

“Master is also out of the gate, and she must have waited too long for this day, this time has made great achievements, maybe I Ice Fire Sect can leap into the head of the three sects, when the time comes whether it is resources or fame Nothing is comparable to Limitless Sect and Zhenyuanjiao.”

“It’s your pleasure to change the glory of Ice Fire Sect 10000 with your own life!”

Qingyue Saintess sneered, at last glanced at Xiao Yurong, and immediately turned around and left here.

Soon she returned to the entrance of Ice Fire Sect through a special exit.

However, just when she walked out.

A monstrous killing intent is coming.

“Zhantai Saint, come out and lead to death!”

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