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The Samukawa City Lord was so defeated?

Everyone saw with their own eyes that from at first, the City Lord of Samukawa fell into a disadvantage.

Being pressed and beaten by Xiao Changfeng, he has no ability to resist.

Glacier field, ice giant palm, ice and snow dragon, and the last 1000 meters water dragon.

All were shattered by Xiao Changfeng.

In the end, the Samukawa City Lord couldn’t even hold the long spear and was smashed to the ground by the Heaven Overturning Seal.

Isn’t this defeated?

Many onlookers were pale and horrified.

They didn’t expect that the City Lord of Samukawa would be defeated.

This… this is incredible.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng put away the Sword Domain, dropped from the sky, and headed towards the place of the City Lord of Shamkawa.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s hearts were raised.

What is he going to do?

Does he want to kill the Samurai City Lord?

If it were before, everyone would never have such thoughts.

After all, this is the Lord of the entire City, the chief official of the frontiers, representing the face of the Beixuan Empire.

If he dared to move him, it would be an enemy of the entire Beixuan Empire.

In the entire Beixuan Empire, no one would dare to do this.

But Xiao Changfeng is different.

He decisively killed Zhang ten thousand li before.

Kill Zha Mu and Zha Xian easily.

Even after Samukawa City Lord moved out of His Highness the Crown Prince, he still shot.

So everyone can’t guess his behavior.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and looked at Xiao Changfeng tightly.

They are worried about the Samukawa City Lord.

At this time, Huang Lao was also frightened, guarding Luo Lingxue blankly.

But he dare not say a word.

this moment.

Above heaven under earth, all eyes are on Xiao Changfeng’s body.

The same is true of Samukawa City Lord’s eyes.

He didn’t die, but he was seriously injured.

At this time, skeleton broke numerous times, and internal organs were broken and injured.

He coughed up blood constantly, absorbed Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi with all his strength, and wanted to restore the power of World War I.

But his injury was too serious.

Can’t stand up again at all.

Not to mention against Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng could easily crush him with just one finger.

“If you kill me, it’s a first-degree capital crime. When the time comes above heaven under earth, you can’t escape death!”

Hanchuan City Lord gritted his teeth and threatened Xiao Changfeng.

The Northern Xuan Empire has 300,000 Northern Xuan Army.

Among the Imperial Palace is the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

A death of oneself will inevitably cause the Imperial Court to be furious. When the time comes Xiao Changfeng No matter where he goes, he will never escape.

“Tell me about Crown Prince!”

Xiao Changfeng expressionless, standing in front of Hanchuan City Lord, spoke lightly.

And heard Xiao Changfeng’s words.

Hanchuan City Lord eyes shrank, immediately grinned.

He felt that Xiao Changfeng must be afraid.

After all, this is a big sin, and it also involves His Highness the Crown Prince.

It seems that he is not as stiff as he thought.

“Outsider, your strength is not weak. If you can abandon your secrets, you may be reused by His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Hanchuan City Lord did not want to die, at this time he felt Xiao Changfeng’s fear.

So he spoke quickly, no longer threatened, but had a sense of temptation.

Xiao Changfeng looked at him lightly and did not speak.

He just wanted to see if he could borrow this His Highness the Crown Prince, go to Imperial Capital, and look for 9 Heaven Breath Earth that’s all.

But Hanchuan City Lord was obviously wrong.

But it does not prevent him from introducing His Highness the Crown Prince.

“His Highness the Crown Prince is my first Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Profound Empire. I am ascend and become a Saint before I am 100 years old. Although you have a good innate talent, compared with His Highness the Crown Prince, it is like a ant with Divine Dragon that’s all!”

Hanchuan City Lord obviously admires His His Highness the Crown Prince very much, with a touch of awe in his eyes when he speaks.

“I’m not afraid to tell you that His Highness the Crown Prince is a person who is favored by God. The aurora is born on the day of birth. It illuminates the entire Northern Plains and is looked up by countless people.”

“Looking at you so young, it should be Heaven’s Chosen on the Hidden Dragon List, but His Highness the Crown Prince was also the Heaven’s Chosen of the Hidden Dragon List, and it was also the Hidden Dragon List of that generation. “

“Now the strength of His Highness the Crown Prince is even discovered mystery. With your strength, you may be able to take the trick of His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Hanchuan City Lord spoke about the power of His Highness the Crown Prince.

These are no secrets, as the entire Northern Xuan Empire knows.

And he also wants to use this to oppress Xiao Changfeng and make Xiao Changfeng more afraid of flinching.

The first Hidden Dragon List was first!

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, slightly surprised.

Hidden Dragon List only includes Heaven’s Chosen under 30 years old.

If you are over 30 years old, or if you die halfway, you will be removed.

Over the years, there are naturally many Hidden Dragon List first.

But Xiao Changfeng didd’t expect.

I will meet a person here.

And already ascend and become a Saint, breakthrough to Saint Boundary.

The young god and many god sons who can overcome Divine Race.

It can be seen that the His Highness the Crown Prince is indeed extraordinary natural talent, with extraordinary strength.

But Xiao Changfeng did not have any fear.

What about Saint Boundary?

More than one Saint died under his own sword!

“By the way, the cultivation technique of His Highness the Crown Prince cultivation, called “9 Candles Day and Night Power”, is a godsend. It is impossible to create anything in the world, but it is only His Highness the Crown Prince who can cultivate this cultivation technique. “

“His Highness the Crown Prince also owns Divine Physique and Grade 9 Martial Spirit, as well as Supreme Divine Ability, and has mastered the use of countless feng shui arrays, turning hands into clouds and rains!”

“His Highness the Crown Prince will become Heavenly Venerate in the future, which is a god realm, and there is a great possibility. If you can follow His Highness the Crown Prince, it will be your honor.”

Samukawa City Lord continued talking.

While confiding the power of His Highness the Crown Prince,

On the one hand, it hinted that Xiao Changfeng took the opportunity to bow to His Highness the Crown Prince.

“9 Candles Day and Night Work”.

Owns Divine Physique and Grade 9 Martial Spirit.

Also owns Innate Divine Ability.

And also mastered Feng Shui Formation.

This kind of His Highness the Crown Prince is indeed extraordinary.

Even the little god of Divine Race is inferior.

It is precisely because of this.

Although today’s Emperor Xuan has more than a dozen princes.

But the Crown Prince’s position fell on the current His Highness the Crown Prince without any suspense.

And the 100000000 absolutely 100 surnames of the entire Beixuan Empire.

They also firmly believe that His Highness the Crown Prince can become stronger and lead the Beixuan Empire to go further.

“What does he come to Ice Fire Sect for?”

Xiao Changfeng probably knows the strength of His Highness the Crown Prince.

But he also wants to go to Ice Fire Sect, so he asked one more question.

“If you ask others about this matter, you will definitely not get an answer, but I have heard the gossip!”

The City Lord of Hanchuan is full of confidence and thinks it has shocked Xiao Changfeng.

Then, as long as you follow good temptations, you can lift the death crisis.

So he doesn’t mind revealing more secrets to win the trust of Xiao Changfeng.

As long as we survive this crisis, we must report to His Highness the Crown Prince.

Kill this arrogant Outsider on the spot!

“I heard that the cultivation of His Highness the Crown Prince is in trouble, and if you want to solve the trouble, you need to find a special physique called 3 Yang Spirit Physique to make the drug primer.”

“Two years ago, the Ice Fire Sect master accidentally found this special physique in the Eastern Region when he was out, but unfortunately he was not strong enough. I heard that the breakthrough has recently reached the Emperor Martial realm, so His Highness the Crown Prince will visit the Ice Fire Sect personally to prepare Take people away.”

East domain!

3 Yang Spirit Physique!

Xiao Changfeng squinted his eyes, and a baleful qi like the Demon King burst out!

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