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This sword is out.

Zamu and Zaxian couldn’t believe it.

Luo Lingxue and Huang Lao on the side couldn’t believe it either.

The people who were going to see the lively Northern Plains next to them couldn’t believe it.

Zhang ten thousand li, who was powerful and overbearing, died in a blink of an eye.

And under the eyes of everyone, there is no scruples and no hesitation.

Just a sword was killed.

This… this is incredible!


When Zhang Ten thousand li’s head slipped from the neck and fell to the ground.

Everyone reacted from the shock.

“There was an accident, a major event, Zhang Young Master was killed, City Lord of Teng Wangcheng will never let him go, and even His Highness the Crown Prince will avenge him!”

“This Outsider, dare to kill Zhang Young Master, so we don’t take us seriously!”

“Damn, this Outsider is so arrogant, I really thought I would be no one in Northern Plains.”

The group is angry, all around originally watched the lively crowd.

Suddenly got up and glared at Xiao Changfeng.

That one after another gaze seemed to be Xiao Changfeng Myriad Arrows Piercing Heart.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense and violent.

As if it could explode at any time.

And Huang Lao who saw this scene.

It was cold hands and feet, only felt a cold, straight from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head.

“It’s over!”

His pupil shrink turned into a small black spot.

The fear in my heart is also stronger than ever.

Although he does not know the true identity of Zhang ten thousand li.

But from the voice of the audience surrounding the audience, I also understood that Zhang Ten thousand li’s origin is not small.

Luo Family is only a 2nd Rate Influence in Middle-earth.

Not to mention here in Northern Plains!

Far can’t hydrolyze near thirst.

At this time in a foreign land, the only people you can rely on are a few of you.

As for other people.

If you don’t want to use it, you won’t be on your side.

Even if it is reasonable, it will become irrational.

And this time.

Zhang ten thousand li actually died, and died in front of them.

In this way, the seriousness of the matter is greatly improved.

Previously it was just a conflict.

Now it is killing people in public, and not ordinary people.

Huang Lao dare not think about the consequences of this matter.

Even if you are yourself, such a broken body should be repaid to Lord’s life-saving grace.

But what about Young Lady?

Young Lady is Lord Pearl’s palm.

If the Young Lady is hurt, even if you are dead, you are ashamed!

How to do? How to do?

Or take Young Lady to Ice Fire Sect now!

No, this is not an ordinary thing. Zhantai Saint, as a Northern Plains, does not necessarily protect the Young Lady.

Or return to Middle-earth now?

I am afraid it is also difficult, after all, the matter will soon spread.

when the time comes to myself and the others will inevitably be hunted down.

And the ice sculpture Great Wall is also difficult to get through.

This won’t work, nor will it work, what should I do?

this moment.

Huang Lao is too late to blame Xiao Changfeng.

All he thought about was how to preserve the Young Lady.

But no matter what he thought, it seemed very dangerous.

“Outsider, you dare kill my Young Master, you committed a monstrous crime, die for me!”

Just then, a surprised and angry roar sounded.

I saw Zhamu’s eyes raised, and the surprised and angry in his eyes were as thick as he was going to spray out.

He and Zhan Xian are siblings.

It is also dedicated to protect Young Master.

However, at this time, the Young Master was killed under his own eyes.

This makes him both shocked and angry, and a strong fear.

This fear is not for Xiao Changfeng.

But to Sir City Lord.

They couldn’t imagine how thunderbolt would be furious if Sir City Lord knew about this.

And he and his younger sister will inevitably not escape the blame.

For today.

Only catch the murderer to atone for the crime.


A violent breath burst out from Zha Mu’s body.

Like a volcanic eruption!

There is also the visible baleful qi from naked eye, beating like smoke on the surface of his body.

His face turned sullen, like a furious black bear.

“Zamu is going to run away. I heard that this Zamu possesses Martial Spirit, the most brutal, you say, will he tear that Outsider to pieces?”

The audience felt Zamu’s horrible baleful qi, and they all backed away.

People who know Zhamu even more, whispered.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

The Martial Spirit behind Zamu quickly merged into his within the body.

Suddenly Zha Mu’s figure soared, and directly broke through the roof of the snow storm building.

It turned into a brown bear with the size of ten meters.

Hair like steel needles, bear paws as big as grinding discs, with sharp fangs and bear claws.


Zhamu is condescending, overlooking Xiao Changfeng.

Immediately the bear claws whizzed and fell suddenly.

Pu chi!

An armored warrior in front of Xiao Changfeng has yet to react.

It was directly torn into pieces by a claw.

The body was thrown aside by Zamu like a rag pocket.

Cruel, vicious, and terrifying!

At this time, Zamu is like a demon coming out of hell, which is frightening.

Many onlookers in Fengxue Building quickly moved away at this time, looking at this place from a distance.

At the moment, Zha Xian was holding an iron hairpin in his hand, and was killing Huang Lao.

In the eyes of outsiders.

Xiao Changfeng and Huang Lao are in the same group.

Therefore, Zha Xian attributed the death of Zhang ten thousand li to Huang Lao and the others.

Old General Huang turned his mind and took out the silk sword and the negative Yue sword.

Fight fiercely with Zha Xian.

Pu chi!

Another armored warrior will be killed by Zamu.

After Martial Spirit melted, he was too strong.

The sharp bear claws directly ripped the Battle Armor of the armored warriors.

The attack of the armored warriors couldn’t break his hard fur and fleshy body.


The scared Luo Lingxue hid behind Xiao Changfeng and saw the miserable death of the armored warriors.

It also screamed unconsciously.

She was filled with fear, shiver coldly.

A pair of jade hands gripped Xiao Changfeng’s clothes tightly.

“Mysterious intermediate martial skill: Bear cracks the earth!”

Zhamu came to Xiao Changfeng after killing three armored generals.

The rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is condensed in his palms.

At this time, his furious eyes stared at Xiao Changfeng.

Two bear paws bloom bright radiance, and there is also a strong oppression.

It seems that this is not a bear’s paw, but two heavy mountains.


Zhamu’s palms overlapped, and he suddenly photographed Xiao Changfeng.

It seems that Xiao Changfeng and Luo Lingxue will be photographed into meatloaf.

Seeing this scene, Luo Lingxue’s scream became even harsher.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s expression remained unchanged, and he did not even lift his eyelids.

“You are going to die too!”

Xiao Changfeng waved his sleeve and grabbed it in the air.

A giant yellow Spiritual Qi hand appeared out of thin air on top of Zha Mu’s head, making a thunderous turning sound.

Then in the horrified eyes of everyone, he flipped his palm to take a picture.

A bang.

Half of the wind and snow building collapsed, and Zha Mu was also forcibly shot into the ground by this palm.

After Spiritual Qi’s giant hand dissipated.

Everyone saw Zhamu who was photographed into meatloaf.

The powerful Zhamu was slapped to death?

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