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Northern Xuan Empire, Ruler of Northern Plains.

It is the real Northern Plains overlord, I am afraid that only the Winter Clan can crush him.

The strength of the Northern Xuan Empire is understood through these days.

Xiao Changfeng is also known.

A large array of Feng Shui arranged by Fengshui Heavenly Venerate was found in the ice sculpture Great Wall.

Xiao Changfeng guessed that Fengshui Heavenly Venerate is a member of Northern Plains.

However, he did not expect it.

Fengshui Heavenly Venerate is actually the founding emperor of the Northern Xuan Empire.

This… this is incredible.

“Once in the Northern Plains, the ten nations stood side by side, fighting each other endlessly, the war was not going out, and the people’s livelihood was suffering.”

“And Fengshui Heavenly Venerate is the Crown Prince of the Northern Xuan Kingdom of the Ten Kingdoms!”

“Fengshui Heavenly Venerate is an extraordinary natural talent since childhood, and Martial Dao Cultivation is also extremely rapid. In just 100 years, Heavenly Venerate has achieved its place.”

“And after he broke through to Heavenly Venerable Realm, the first thing was to lead the army out!”

The old man spoke slowly, telling the life story of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate.

“At that time, the conquest of the Ten Kingdoms continued, although the Northern Xuan Kingdom was not the weakest, but also not the strongest.”

“However, under the leadership of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate, it took only ten years to destroy 9 countries, unify Northern Plains, and establish the current Northern Xuan Empire!”

Fengshui Heavenly Venerate’s life story is not complicated.

Crown Prince, a small country, later succeeded to become the emperor.

After the breakthrough reaches Heavenly Venerable Realm, it is to lead the army out.

After exterminating the other 9 countries, the Northern Xuan Empire was established.

This war of annexation and unification has also occurred in the Eastern Territory.

So Xiao Changfeng is not surprised.

“But then something strange happened!”

The old man’s voice lowered and his tone became more dignified.

Strange things?

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

And the old man didn’t sell the key, he stated it.

“After Fengshui Heavenly Venerate established the Northern Xuan Empire, it disappeared shortly afterwards. At that time, the whole country made a sensation, and countless powerhouses went out to find it, but no trace was found.”

“Even in other regions, there is no news of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate. This matter lasted for a long time, but in the end it was nothing, but it became the biggest unsolved case in the Northern Xuan Empire!”


Xiao Changfeng was also slightly surprised.

It stands to reason that Fengshui Heavenly Venerate has just established the Northern Xuan Empire and is in the busiest state.

Will not suddenly go away.

With the strength of Heavenly Venerable Realm, he wants to kill him silently.

It’s not too realistic!

So where did Fengshui Heavenly Venerate go?

3000 years ago, the little bit information alone.

Xiao Changfeng cannot be deduced naturally.

But this matter was also remembered by him.

Perhaps there is a secret hidden in it.

“Where did Fengshui Heavenly Venerate disappear?”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it and asked.

“In the imperial palace, it is said that Fengshui Heavenly Venerate was not abnormal that night. On the morning of the 2nd day, everyone discovered that Fengshui Heavenly Venerate was missing and there was no trace in the bedroom, as if it disappeared out of thin air.”

old man cautiously said.

This is a secret of the Northern Xuan Empire and is a taboo for the Imperial Family.

If this time is not on the 10000000 Spirit Stone, he will not take the risk.

Fortune is moving, he is also unable to bear.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t have complete faith in what the old man said.

But Fengshui Heavenly Venerate’s mysterious disappearance news, he still believed a little.

It’s just that he didn’t crack the case this time.

He asked about the focus of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate, or for Supreme Treasure looking for Earth Attribute.

“I heard that Feng Shui of the ice sculpture Great Wall was arranged by Fengshui Heavenly Venerate?”

Xiao Changfeng took out ten top grade Spirit Stones again, equivalent to 10000000 Spirit Stones.

When the old man saw Spirit Stone, his pupils shrank suddenly and his heart was ecstatic.

“Fengshui Heavenly Venerate extraordinary natural talent has created a unique and unmatched Fengshui Formation, which has also spread in Middle-earth and elsewhere.”

“The ice dragon feng shui array under the ice sculpture Great Wall is the second largest feng shui array arranged by Fengshui Heavenly Venerate, which is specially used to resist the demonic beast in the ice forest.”

This news is not taboo.

Therefore, the old man also said it without psychological burden.

10000000 Spirit Stone, he struggled to earn it for ten years!

“The second feng shui battle? Is it the first?”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes gleamed finely, grasping the key in the old man’s words.

“That is natural!”

The old man was obviously very happy, and he was also introduced without scruple.

“Although the ice dragon feng shui array is out of the ordinary, the real first feng shui array is naturally the Yellow Springs feng shui array in Imperial Capital!”

“Yellow Springs Feng Shui is a Fengshui Heavenly Venerate that consumes countless treasures to protect Imperial Capital’s large array. This array can be attacked and defended, and there are many magical effects. It is said that if it is fully excited, it can summon out Yellow Springs from hell. “

“However, since this formation, it has not been stimulated, so it is still unknown whether summon can really come to Yellow Springs!”

The old man continued to speak and gave the message of Yellow Springs Feng Shui formation.

summon Yellow Springs?

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, slightly improved for Fengshui Heavenly Venerate array.

Yellow Springs is a special place in hell.

The Yellow Springs great hand seal previously exhibited by Xiao Changfeng.

It is a simulation of Yellow Springs breath, formidable power is not bad.

If this Yellow Springs Feng Shui array really can summon come to Yellow Springs, even if it is just an illusory shadow, it is enough to see out of the ordinary.

“Yellow Springs feng shui array has never been inspiring, and he just said that Fengshui Heavenly Venerate has spent countless treasures in order to arrange this array. Perhaps there is the Earth Attribute Supreme Treasure I need!”

It’s too much trouble to search like a headless fly.

Xiao Changfeng originally intended to learn about the ancestral home of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate, and then try try one’s luck.

But didn’t expect learned the true identity of Fengshui Heavenly Venerate.

And the news of Yellow Springs Feng Shui formation.

This array may be very strong, but with Xiao Changfeng array attainments, naturally not afraid.

“This guest, the old man does not know why you asked about Fengshui Heavenly Venerate, but the old man advises you not to call Yellow Springs Feng Shui big idea.”

Perhaps for the sake of Spirit Stone, the old man actually took the initiative to speak, reminding Xiao Changfeng.

“How to say?”

Xiao Changfeng asked calmly.

“When you enter the customs, you should know that the Imperial Family is the most important thing. Imperial Capital is the place where the Imperial Family is the most, and there is Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse to sit in there. Looking for trouble there is tantamount to courting death!”

“Apart from this, Fengshui Heavenly Venerate also left a treasure called 9 Heaven Breath Earth. If you dare to move the Yellow Springs Feng Shui formation, you will definitely be noticed by 9 Heaven Breath Earth, when the time comes If someone else starts, you will be bombarded by Yellow Springs Feng Shui Formation!”

old man kindly reminded.

The news about 9 Heaven Breath Earth and Yellow Springs Feng Shui formation is not a secret.

Many people in Northern Plains know it, so he is not worried about leaks and trouble.

Hearing the words of the old man, Xiao Changfeng heart startled, an ecstasy rushed out immediately.

9 Heaven Breath Earth!

Really travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily!

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