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“The door to enter the country is 1000 meters behind you. If you don’t want to die, enter the country as soon as possible!”

Seeing the dark clouds of the demonic beast that covered the sky, Cheng Xiaowei’s complexion greatly changed.

He hurriedly said to Xiao Changfeng and the others.

Immediately, he took a helmet and rode towards the northern Xuan Tie where he was.

And this time.

All the soldiers in the ice sculpture Great Wall walked towards the head of the city.

Although the situation is critical, they are still in order and not in a panic.


General Chu in the registration office also came out at this time.

He rose into the air, holding a pair of iron maces in his hand, and went straight to the dark cloud of Demonic beast in the sky.

“I heard that the Demonic beast in the Ice Forest will kill Northern Plains every once in a while. It seems true, Young Lady, this place is dangerous, let’s go!”

Huang Lao’s eyes were full of vigilance, Spirit Qi was released.

He did enough homework before coming, so he guessed what was happening at this time.

The beast tide strikes.

ice sculpture Although the Great Wall is sturdy, it is not necessarily absolutely safe.

In history, the ice sculpture Great Wall was also broken several times.

Therefore, Huang Lao dare not let Luo Lingxue stay here to take risks.

Luo Lingxue had encountered such a thing, the panic appeared in the beautiful eyes.

Listening to Huang Lao’s proposal at this moment, naturally there will be no opinions.

“Go, protect Young Lady from here!”

Huang Lao ordered quickly.

Suddenly, he and the armored warlords protected Luo Lingxue, and walked towards the entrance of Cheng Xiaowei’s mouth.

At this time the war broke out, the earthquake continued, and Yaowei was heavy.

Although it is only 1000 meters away, it seems to be a distant horizon.

Huang Lao and the armored warriors protect Luo Lingxue and keep moving forward.

But did not pay attention to Xiao Changfeng.

Although Luo Lingxue was worried, he was protected by Huang Lao and the armored generals, and he could not see the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng.

“Xiao Pill Master should follow too!”

Luo Lingxue thought.

And Xiao Changfeng at this time.

He stood on the spot and explored with Divine Consciousness.

I saw that the gates of the ice sculpture Great Wall were not closed, but all opened.

Cheng Xiaowei led a 1000-man Tieqi at the moment and was rushing out of the city gate.

The Northern Xuan Tieqi like Cheng Xiaowei has 3 of them.

A total of more than 3000 people.

The horseshoe stepped on the frozen ground and rumbling roared.

Make the earthquake even stronger.

And outside the ice sculpture Great Wall.

Then naked eye can see a black giant wave like a high tide, rushing quickly.

In this black giant wave, there is a brutal Demonic beast with red eyes and grinning teeth.

And these demonic beasts are all from the ice forest.

At a glance, the Demonic beast running on the ground was 3.

There are snow apes with a height of 20 meters, and there are palm-size demonic beasts.

They came straight to the Great Wall of ice sculpture, it seemed to be irreconcilable.

However, the demonic beasts on the ground are only average in strength.

Most of them are Earth Martial and Heaven Martial.

Only a few Sovereign Martial Monster Sovereign that’s all.

And above the sky, the dark cloud of Demonic beast.

This is the main battle strength of this beast tide.

The weakest of these is Monster Sovereign in Sovereign Martial.

There are more than 30 heads.

There are 9 Monster Emperor in Emperor Martial.

There are 2 Monster Ancestor in Paragon.

One is the Snow Eagle Monster Ancestor, and the other is the White Bear Monster Ancestor.

However, these will not make the Northern Xuan Army in the ice sculpture Great Wall like an enemy.

It really makes everyone afraid.

It is the demon saint with his wings spread out to cover the sky!

That’s right.

In this beast tide, the head is a demon saint.

It was a giant vulture, completely black, only the two claws were golden.

The root feathers glow with metallic luster, and the horrible monster qi rises into the sky, making people feel very depressed.

The giant eagle is 300 meters in size.

And its wings spread out, it is 800 meters, like a huge dark cloud.

“Golden Claw Carving Saint, how can it be shot?”

Seeing this golden clawed sacred saint, General Chu rose from the air and was shocked.

Obviously very surprised by its appearance.

Being in the Great Wall of ice sculpture is naturally no stranger to General Chu.

But the past beast tide will only appear in Monster Ancestor in Paragon.

As for the demon saint, it is rare.

However at this time, this dreaded golden claw carving saint.

Actually left the ice forest and took the initiative to kill.

The situation was extremely critical in an instant.


At this moment the golden claw carving saint has approached the ice sculpture Great Wall.

I saw its huge wings.

Between Heaven and Earth there is a violent tornado.

This tornado has 9 tracks, all of which are 1000 meters in size.

In an instant, 9 tornados with a size of 1000 meters flew to the ice sculpture Great Wall.

“Domain, open!”

General Chu gritted his teeth and propped up his realm.

Holding the iron mace, he greeted the 9 tornados.

However, although he is not weak.

But in the face of the demon saint’s blow, it is still somewhat difficult to resist.

After breaking 6 tornado.

It was hit by the tornado of the 7th lane, and the blood vomited backwards.

At this time, the tornado of track 8 and 9 are still flying.


In an instant ice sculpture violent wind erupted in the Great Wall, many people were set off.

Several armored warriors will also be irresistible and will be blown directly into the sky, without knowing their lives.

Huang Lao gritted his teeth and guarded Luo Lingxue in front of him.

“Beast, Hugh wants to succeed!”

An angry rage rang from the ground of the ice sculpture Great Wall.

Knowing that a black Changhong rose from the ground, killing the Golden Claw Carving Saint.

This black Changhong.

Is a white haired old man wearing black Battle Armor.

The old man’s eyes were full of anger, like an iron-blooded battlefield General.

And as soon as he appeared, the suddenly powerful Saint prestige was able to resist the terrifying monster qi.

The two tornado also waved under his hand and fell apart.

“Zhen Martial Sage appears!”

Seeing the old man in black armor, General Chu was surprised and slightly relaxed in his heart.

If you want to deal with the Golden Claw Carving Saint, you can only rely on Zhen Martial Sage.

Otherwise today the ice sculpture Great Wall is difficult to guard and there is a crisis of collapse.

“hmph! ”

A pair of golden claws and a pair of sharp eyes stared closely at Zhen Martial Sage.

Immediately, a harsh cry came out, the wings were closed, the field spread out, and they were killed towards Zhen Martial Sage.

“At all costs, the beast tide must not be broken!”

Another general in the Paragon realm exhaled and issued a military order.

In this battle, they cannot be defeated.

If you lose, only the dead end!


Soon, this war broke out.

There are also many powerhouses in the ice sculpture Great Wall.

At this time, the soldiers fought against the soldiers, and they fought against the generals.

In the high altitude, Zhen Martial Sage and the Golden Clawed Sacred Handshake, the terrible battle fluctuations make the situation change.

In midair, General Chu and other powerhouses shot out against the Monster Ancestor Monster Emperor in the dark clouds of Demonic beast.

And on the ground.

The Northern Xuan Tie cavalry entered the beast tide, and 10000 arrows fired at the top of the city.

this moment.

ice sculpture The Great Wall fell into a fierce war.

And this time.

Xiao Changfeng, who was not followed, did not follow Luo Lingxue and the others to the door of entering the country.

It’s restraining aura, going down underground.

The large array of feng shui in the ice sculpture Great Wall came from Fengshui Heavenly Venerate.

will know when you see it!

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