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Hong long long !

The earth shook, as if Heaven and Earth were shaking at the same time.

Let Xiao Changfeng and the others feel a bit of a spin.

In the field of vision, a touch of black looks like tide.

Quickly came from a distance.

As night falls, the light is to be swallowed.

And the bright red flag that hunted hunted, as if infested with blood.

With the intention of killing, like a hell ghost army.

“Young Lady, don’t panic, it is the Northern Xuan Army of the Northern Xuan Empire!”

Huang Lao saw the banner and saw Luo Lingxue was a little nervous, and immediately explained.

It seems that Huang Lao did his homework before he set off.

Know some information about Northern Plains.

The rumbling earthquake came from far away and became louder and louder.

Soon everyone saw this Beixuan Tieqi.

The ground shakes so much, but it’s really just a 1000-person team that’s all.

But as soon as they appeared, they gave people a feeling of huge waves slamming and a torrent of steel.

I saw these Beixuan cavalry, covered in a black and bright armor.

Although this armor is not comparable to Xiao Changfeng’s black liquid Battle Armor.

But the same is covering the whole body, only a pair of eyes are slightly hidden.

They held a black long spear in their hands, with sharp pointed guns, exuding cold light.

And on their backs, they all carried a big bow that was one person tall.

The bulging quiver hangs on horseback.

And the horses they ride are also dressed in black Battle Armor.

From horse head to horse hoof, fully armed.

It’s black and armor.

This is the first impression of Beixuan Tieqi.

Moreover, these Northern Xuan Tie rides are uniform, although they are running wildly, but the horseshoe falls, there is only one voice.

As for the cavalrymen on horseback, they moved forward in silence.

Only from the appearance.

You can be sure that this is a strong teacher.

“Heaven Martial is a soldier, Sovereign Martial is a soldier!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness spread and fell on this Northern Xuan Tieqi ride.

The moment is to judge the strength of these cavalry.

Most of them are only the Heaven Martial realm, but the general is the strength of the Sovereign Martial realm.

The same as Luo Family’s armor battle and the mustache and other adventurer equipment.

But whether it is an adventurer wandering between life and death.

Or a well-trained armored warrior.

Compared with this Beixuan Tieqi, it still looks very weak.

like a difference between Pansansha and a rock.

“Middle grade Emperor Treasure!”

At the same time, Xiao Changfeng also discovered.

The armor worn by these Northern Profound Iron Riders, and the weapons in their hands.

All are middle grade Emperor Treasure.

This is just a team of 1000 people.

If the 300,000 Northern Xuan Army is so equipped, it is indeed terrifying.

Not to mention that they are also good at a special battle.

Peep to see the whole leopard!

From this team of 1000 people riding Beixuan Tie, Xiao Changfeng judged the terrifying of the Northern Xuan Army.

If it is placed in the eastern region, I am afraid that the 1000000 army of the Great Martial Dynasty is simply difficult to resist.

“who is the newcomer !”

Soon this Northern Xuan Tieqi came to the crowd.

The headed general, right hand, lifted up, and the running team stood instantly, uniformly.

Then he shouted in a low voice, with solemnity and scrutiny.

“I am waiting for the Luo Family of Middle-earth. My family’s lady was chosen by Ice Fire Sect’s Sect Master. It was not far ten thousand li. I went to Ice Fire Sect to apprentice. This is the certificate of Ice Fire Sect Sect Master. !”

For the scene before him, Huang Lao is already ready.

Suddenly rose into the air, facing the Northern Xuan Tieqi.

Then he waved his hand and a token flew out.

The general of Beixuan Tieqi reached out and grabbed the token. After careful inspection, it was thrown back again.

“The token is true, but you all person must enter this border with this General to register, if there is no follower, kill without mercy!”

The general spoke loudly and his voice was short and powerful.

The words kill without mercy came out, and a cold, murderous aura emerged.

“many thanks general!”

Huang Lao bowed his hand.

Then Bei Xuan Tie rode into the front team after riding, and returned in the direction of coming.

But in order to take care of Huang Lao and the others, instead of running wildly, he moved forward normally.

“Xiao Pill Master, we are going to Ice Fire Sect, let’s go together!”

At this time Luo Lingxue had withdrawn his thoughts and re-excited to Xiao Changfeng.

However, Huang Lao was obviously very vigilant, hoping to persuade Luo Lingxue.

“Lao Huang, Xiao Pill Master saved my life, grandfather taught me to be grateful and seeking to repay the kindness, and Xiao Pill Master is going to Ice Fire Sect too, are we going to walk together?”

Luo Lingxue gathered courage this time, and said Huang Lao instead.

Although Huang Lao was unwilling, he couldn’t stand Luo Lingxue’s lobbying and finally had no choice but to agree.

“Xiao Pill Master, Young Lady is the heart and soul of my Lord. I just tried my best to send her to Ice Fire Sect safely. I hope you can do it yourself!”

Huang Lao walked to Xiao Changfeng and took a slight breath.

Immediately stared at Xiao Changfeng, solemnly said.

The weight of this tone makes people have no doubt that he will go all out for Luo Lingxue.

“I just want to go to Ice Fire Sect.”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly.

“So best!”

Huang Lao obviously still did not believe in Xiao Changfeng, after tightening the rope holding his sword box tightly.

It was back to Luo Lingxue.

The team set off and followed Beixuan Tieqi.

Toward the strange and familiar Northern Plains boundary.

Soon everyone came out of the fringe of the ice forest and stepped into the Northern Plains.

“It’s actually frozen ground. It seems that the living environment of Northern Plains is indeed worse!”

Xiao Changfeng looked at the ground under his eyes slightly surprised.

The land of Northern Plains is different from other places.

The ground here is covered by snow, ice and cold all the year round and has become frozen ground.

There is ice in the soil and cold in the stone!

Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi of Northern Plains, although thicker than the Eastern Region.

But this frozen soil is not very suitable for plant growth.

Only some special plants can take root in this frozen ground.

Perhaps it is because of this.

Xiao Changfeng at a glance, there are very few plants on the Northern Plains, which seems a little empty and lonely.

“There are few other Spirit Qi here, only the Ice Spirit Qi is the most. I don’t know whether it is because it is close to the ice forest, or the whole Northern Plains land!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness is also exploring the situation of all around.

This is his first visit to Northern Plains.

The wind here is cold, the air is cool, and even the scenery looks cold.

The sun in the sky was very bright, but I didn’t feel the slightest warmth.

Humans living on the Northern Plains for a long time.

It seems to be cold and solemn like the climate here.

It’s like the Beixuan Tieqi riding on the road while being alert in the front.

Although Luo Lingxue has Snow Spirit Physique, it is also unable to bear to shrink his neck at this time.

Obviously, some are not well adapted to the climate of Northern Plains.

Xiao Changfeng has 10000 years of cold and qi, and the cold here is beneficial to him.

The entire group is moving silently.

After half a day.

The crowd finally arrived at the border.

With just one glance, everyone’s pupils contracted suddenly, shocked!

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