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The war in the Eastern Territory began as early as the outbreak.

It attracted the attention of all parties.

Everyone was excited about the leak of Time and Space Sand.

Xiao Changfeng is undoubtedly a key to White Python Secret Realm.

Everyone wants to hold this key in their hands.

It’s just that the Qiu clan failed to hunt down.

Now it’s Xia’s turn.

Therefore, this war affects the hearts of countless great characters.


The result of the Battle of East Territories was spreading the word.

However, this result made all influence shocked his chin.

The Xia tribe was defeated?

It even caused the fall of Heavenly Venerate.

How can this be!

However, with more and more news, all influence gradually became silent.

Pill Emperor appeared, which did not surprise everyone.

After all, it was his hometown, and his father.

Although Heavenly Sovereign’s help was surprising, everyone could barely accept it.

After all, Heavenly Heavenly Sovereign has just participated in the Battle of Iron Hammer City in Middle-earth.

And beheaded the battle Heavenly Venerate, the world shocked.

“Are Heavenly Venerables cutting another Heavenly Venerate?”

Some people speculated that it was Divine Mayor who sent the divine might.

However, the news soon came to shock everyone.

East Sea Dragon Palace.

Ao Xuan was informed of the battle of the Eastern Territory for the first time.

Suddenly, he was so angry that he directly smashed a palace with one claw, and his anger could not be overcome.

“The Xia people’s group of wastes can’t even kill a Xiao Changfeng!”

Ao Xuan hated Xiao Changfeng for killing children.

In White Python Secret Realm, Stinger Mother is sent to kill.

But time and time again failed to succeed.

At this time, the Xia people shot, he thought he could hear the news of Xiao Changfeng’s death.

didn’t expect The result was just the opposite.

How could he not be angry in his heart.

“The snake Heavenly Venerate in the Didn’t expect White Python Secret Realm was born with this little bastard. The Venerable Realm 9th Layer is not easy to deal with.”

Ao Xuan learned from the news that he knew the strength of the snake Heavenly Venerate, and was even more upset.

He was injured by Martial Goddess, but he has not fully recovered.

This is also the reason why he did not shoot this time.

From the news, this snake Heavenly Venerate is not an ordinary Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

Going in your current state, I’m afraid you can’t beat it.

“But since she appeared, Time and Space Sand leaks are likely to be brought out by her too. Although I am not an opponent, Sect Master may have ideas!”

Ao Xuan’s eyes are slightly narrowed, and the cold glow of his eyes flashes.

There are 4 big Loose Immortal and 5 big ghosts in the ghost Immortal Sect.

However, they are not united with each other, but occupy their heads.

Therefore, Ao Xuan did not intend to find other people to help.

But the Time and Space Sand leak is a rare Divine Item.

Sir Sect Master who wants to come to Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail will be interested.

As long as Sir Sect Master is willing to take action.

The little snake Heavenly Venerate is nothing difficult at all.

“Little bastard, I will definitely let you die without burial!”

Thinking of this, Ao Xuan also made up his mind.

Suddenly the killing intent in my heart rises!


Western Region, Myriad Treasures Secret Realm.

Jin Heavenly Venerate’s news channel is also very well-informed.

However, after learning the result of the Eastern Territory’s battle, he opened his mouth wide and stayed dull for a while.

“The snake Heavenly Venerate in the White Python Secret Realm was actually born, and it is still so strong, is the snake Heavenly Venerate always on the children of Pill Emperor? Ahhh, my Divine Item, I just missed it!”

Kim Heavenly Venerate reacted and suddenly looked like ghosts and howl like wolves.

With his dear life, he heard Divine Item and couldn’t sit still.

During this time, I went to the West Sea several times and wanted to find a way to enter White Python Secret Realm.

But time and time again, they all failed to return.

At this time, after hearing the battle in the Eastern Territory, I know that Time and Space Sand leaks are likely to be born with the snake Heavenly Venerate.

The regret in my heart is unprecedented.

But although he loves Aibo, he is more desperate.

Thinking of the powerful strength of the snake Heavenly Venerate, he was very tangled in his heart.

In the autumn, Song Heavenly Venerate and Maple Heavenly Venerate.

After learning the news, he was completely dumbfounded.

“The Heavenly Venerate of the Xia tribe is actually dead!”

Song Heavenly Venerate had a hard time accepting this news.

It’s too shocking!

It’s incredible!

Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse has all kinds of life-saving techniques, even if you can’t beat it, you can escape.

Even more how Lian Heavenly Venerate is also the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th layer.

It is so dead.

It’s really frightening.

“Not only that, according to our eyeliner, Lian Heavenly Venerate died almost without resistance. This kind of strength can never be done by the extraordinary Venerable Realm 9th Layer!”

Maple Heavenly Venerate facial expression grave, Shen Sheng spoke.

The news of the Battle of the Eastern Territories was terrifying, but he was calm by nature.

Apart from the shock, a more terrifying conclusion was also analyzed.

“You mean… Demi-God?”

Song Heavenly Venerate sucked in a cold breath, and immediately spit out a guess in disbelief.

Above Heavenly Venerate, there is God Realm.

But some extremely powerful Heavenly Venerate will also be called another name.

That is Demi-God!

The so-called Demi-God, as the name implies, is the meaning of half-step god realm.

They are more powerful than the ordinary Venerable Realm 9th Layer, and they are only half a step away from the Divine Realm.

Such a powerhouse is almost standing on Martial Dao Peak in Xuanhuang Great World.

The Patriarch of Four Great Divine Clans is this realm.

This is exactly the way to deter Xiao Xiao and maintain the respect of Divine Race.

And apart from this.

There is very little Demi-God.

Now in the entire Xuanhuang Great World.

I am afraid that all Demi-God powerhouses together will not exceed ten.

If the snake Heavenly Venerate is Demi-God powerhouse.

Then it is too terrifying.

Unless the Patriarch of Four Great Divine Clans join forces, it will be difficult to defeat it.

As for beheading it, it is even more difficult than heavenly ascension.

“I don’t know, but her strength has surpassed the ordinary Venerable Realm 9th Layer, most likely Demi-God!”

With such little news, Feng Heavenly Venerate could not confirm.

But I think there is a great possibility that it is true.

A new Demi-God!

It makes people tremble to think about it.

“If the snake Heavenly Venerate is Demi-God powerhouse, Time and Space Sand leaks are not easy to compete for!”

Feng Heavenly Venerate spoke again.

Time and Space Sand leaks precious anomalies, if it is ordinary days Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

Maybe patriarch will also make his own shot.

But a Demi-God powerhouse.

Even if Patriarch shot it himself, he might not be able to beat it.

As a result, snatching Time and Space Sand leaks has become an empty talk.


Song Heavenly Venerate also thought of this. After a long time his face changed, he finally had to be sighed for a long time.

In the face of absolute power, they have no choice.


The news of the Battle of the Eastern Regions spread instantly throughout the Great World of Xuanhuang.

Many people have also made the same guess as Feng Heavenly Venerate.

Although this guess has not been confirmed, it has deterred countless begin to stir people.

Although the Divine Item is good, it must be fate.

For a time, everyone temporarily gave up various plans for Xiao Changfeng.

A huge crisis was resolved.

The name of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

After this battle, name shakes the whole world directly, which makes many people fear!

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