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The Xia tribe shot at the father of Pill Emperor.

To lure Pill Emperor to appear!

This news soon spread to the upper Martial Dao world.

Great Influence from all sides have set their sights on the Eastern Region.

Pill Emperor can walk out of White Python Secret Realm alive.

Must know some special secrets.

The news of the snakes Heavenly Venerate and Time and Space Sand has already been circulated.

So countless people want to seize Pill Emperor and ask how he escaped.

If you can find a way to the inside of White Python Secret Realm.

Then there is a chance to enter White Python Secret Realm and win the Time and Space Sand leak.

The Divine Item of the space-time category is too precious.

And it is said to be 3 to 1 Time Flow Speed.

The money is moving, even more how is this Supreme Treasure.

Even the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse cannot be calm.

So all influence is trying to find a way.

But since the Xia clan has already shot, other forces also want to see if Pill Emperor will show up.

For a time.

The eastern region became the focal point of ten thousands.

Today, the Eastern Territory has long become the unification of the Great Martial Dynasty.

The Great Yuan Dynasty and many small countries have been annihilated in the long river of history.

The Great Martial Dynasty unified the eastern region, making the country rich and the people strong.

But in this world respected by Martial Dao.

No matter how weak it is, it is difficult to shake a true powerhouse.

Even more how the Xia tribe dispatched 3 Heavenly Venerate, 5 Saint, and more powerhouses in Paragon and Emperor Martial.

At this time in Kyoto in the Great Martial Dynasty.

The terrible coercion is like a dark cloud overwhelming the city, which makes countless 100 surnames in Kyoto feel horrified.

Eastern Territory is not Middle-earth.

There are many ordinary 100 surnames who are not martial artists.

They are difficult to deal with martial artists, even more how this time is facing so many powerful enemies.

“Mother, I’m scared!”

A baby girl with pigtails hid in mother’s arms, a low voice with a crying voice.

“No fear, no fear, with Your Majesty and Sir Heavenly Venerable, we will be fine!”

The tired woman gently patted the baby girl’s back and comforted her.

However, her heart is full of restless for the future.

She raised her head slightly and looked into the air.

Above Kyoto.

A silhouette sits cross-legged.

Burlap sackcloth, straw shoes underneath, wearing hats, and draped clothes.

It is fishing Heavenly Venerate!

Fishing Heavenly Venerate Sitting above Kyoto, the breath of Heavenly Venerate spreads like a sea.

But it is not to deal with the 100 surnames in Kyoto.

Instead, he rushed against the sky and headed towards the sky.

I saw three silhouette aloof and remote in the high altitude of Kyoto, like Spiritual God overlooking Human World.

One of them has a flat head and a scarred face.

It is Chi Heavenly Venerate.

apart from this a square-faced, square-faced middle-aged man.

This is Fang Heavenly Venerate of the Fang family, Realm of the Venerable Realm 3rd Layer.

And on the other side of Chilly Heavenly Venerate and Fang Heavenly Venerate.

It is a hot, but old-looking woman.

The woman’s body is exquisite and clear, just like a 2 8 girl.

But the wrinkles on his face are deep like a gully, like an old woman hanging down.

These two diametrically opposite appearances make this woman more eye-catching.

And she is the last Heavenly Venerate in the Xia family: Lian Heavenly Venerate!

Four Great Heavenly Venerables of Xia nationality.

Among them, Xia Heavenly Venerate has the strongest strength, followed by Yan Heavenly Venerate.

As for Chilly Heavenly Venerate, it is the strength of Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer.

The Lotus Heavenly Venerate is Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th layer.

At this time, 3 Great Heavenly Venerate stands on the ground, overlooking Kyoto.

Like the rich Heavenly Venerate coercion of Tianwei, the 10000000 million 100 surnames in Kyoto are shiver coldly.

Below them, there is the powerhouse in the 5 Great Saint and Zends Paragon realm.

As for the powerhouse in the Emperor Martial environment, there are more than 1000 people!

Such a lineup is too powerful.

It is more than enough to destroy a Heavenly Venerate family.

And this time.

They came for Martial Emperor!

“Fish Heavenly Venerate, do you really want stubborn to be an enemy of my Xia tribe?”

Blazing Heavenly Venerate exhales, sounds like thunder, and crashes down.

Flames were burning in his eyes, staring at Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate.

If Heavenly Venerate did not intervene, they had already captured Martial Emperor.

their three people although tough.

But the Heavenly Venerate, which holds gold wire, is also unmatched.

They have shot several times before, but they have returned without success.

But this time they made up their minds to capture Martial Emperor.

So even if Heavenly Venerate is in front, they will not flinch!

“Old man owes Master Xiao a favor, once promised him to protect Martial Emperor’s life!”

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate spoke lightly and his expression firm.


A roar suddenly sounded at this time.

I saw a huge silhouette with a length of 800 meters.

This huge silhouette is covered with 5 greasy snake heads.

It’s Nine Headed Snake that I haven’t seen for a long time.

At the beginning, Xiao Changfeng entered White Python Secret Realm and handed Nine Headed Snake to Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate.

Later Chunman Lou and the others escaped.

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate took Nine Headed Snake and waited for a long time.

But because he was worried about the safety of Martial Emperor, he came back.

Nine Headed Snake is also not afraid of this Xia tribe.

In addition to Nine Headed Snake, the negative sea turtle was also brought by Fishing Heavenly Venerate.

First Heavenly Venerable, 2 demon saints.

This is the main force against the Xia people.

However, this is too weak compared to the horror lineup of Xia.

“Fish Heavenly Venerate, and finally give you an hour to consider, if you persist in your own wrong doings, don’t blame me Xia people don’t talk about love!”

This is not a way to continue to stalemate.

After discussing with Heavenly Venerate, Fang Heavenly Venerate and Lian Heavenly Venerate, it was decided to give the Heavenly Venerate a chance.

After an hour, no matter what Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate’s answer is, they will start a war.

Although fishing Heavenly Venerate is strong, but their three people join forces and can hold back.

As for Nine Headed Snake and negative sea turtle.

They also have 5 Great Saints to deal with.

And these three main forces are gone.

Trifling a Kyoto, how can it stop the attack of the Xia powerhouses!

This time.

Chi Heavenly Venerate and the others are also determined to fight.

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate did not speak, just adjust the breath to maintain the Peak state.

He knew that the next must be a fierce battle.

In the Imperial Palace.

Martial Emperor is wearing a dragon robe, standing with his hands down, looking up at the horror lineup in the sky.

“Your Majesty, Imperial Guard is ready to play anytime!”

Zhou Zhenghao, a Battle Armor, stood behind Martial Emperor and solemnly said.

Zhou Zhenghao was originally from the Xia nationality.

But because of Xia Cicada, he has long been separated from the Xia clan.

Now that the Xia clan is coming, he is also standing on the Martial Emperor side without hesitation.

Because after leaving the Xia Clan with the Young Lady back then, he no longer regarded himself as part of the Xia Clan.

“Zhenghao, after all these years, after all, we are still welcoming this day, are you afraid?”

Martial Emperor still looked up at the sky, but asked Zhou Zhenghao.

For this day, Martial Emperor is already psychologically prepared.

At this time, the complex emotions of fear, restlessness, confusion, doubt, etc. in my heart are all collected.

Only an unprecedented firmness remained.

“Your Majesty, this small official is ready to die in battle!”

Zhou Zhenghao solemnly replied, sonorous and powerful.

Hear Zhou Zhenghao’s words.

Martial Emperor smiled, very happy.

“Okay, today you and I are single-minded, I want to see, what can this Xia family do!”

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