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The year-end summary meeting has come to an end.

Su Qingli and the others are also busy quickly.

This time Xiao Changfeng laid a solid foundation for the 4 parties Chamber of Commerce.

If he can’t do it well, Su Qingli feels that he can buy a piece of tofu and die.

So she was very busy, very busy.

On the one hand, it is necessary to connect with the 2nd conference, and on the other hand, arrange the demon and the flower leader Saint.

It is also necessary to reconnect to the original channels and build new shops that were destroyed.

apart from this.

The establishment of Dancheng also required her to ask and help.

For Yue Yaoqin in the Western Region, human support is also required.

So she is too busy to deal with.

But this time is more than her alone.

Others are also very busy.

Zhang Jiayang is in charge of the Medicine Refining Master Association, and is busy with daily saliva.

Tie Rujun wants to connect with the Forgesmiths Association and the 4-party Chamber of Commerce, and also sets up the city construction plan according to Xiao Changfeng’s drawings.

Heavenly Venerable also took a 3000 way back to Heavenly Chance Sect.

As for Xiao Changfeng.

Equally busy.

He took Lu Wenji not only to refine the medicine pill.

I also have time to give lectures to the Alchemists of the Medicine Refining Master Association.

But in this busy.

All parties are operating, and the results are soon reflected.

The 4-party Chamber of Commerce has gradually been on the right track.

The Medicine Refining Master Association and the Forge Masters Association passed the great baptism of this time.

It also removed a lot of dross and became closer.

And in the whole Middle-earth.

This time is also very warm.

“Pill Emperor is going to build a new city on the site of North Tang Sect?”

“Are Party 4 of Chamber of Commerce actually recruiting people?”

During this time, there is the most talk about these two things.

4 parties of Chamber of Commerce After this setback, 100 was abandoned.

No matter what is done, manpower is always the most needed.

Therefore, the 4-party Chamber of Commerce has posted notices to recruit people.

For many people, this is definitely a happy event.

4 Party Chamber of Commerce is the power of Pill Emperor.

And after the battle of Iron Hammer City, everyone no longer regards it as a small Chamber of Commerce.

Instead, treat it as a star of tomorrow.

Some people even say that the 4-party Chamber of Commerce is likely to replace North Tang Sect and become a new first-class strength.

One Hall 2 meeting Nine Great Sects has become a thing of the past.

The future is very likely to be Eight Great Sects!

In addition, the conditions for the 4-party Chamber of Commerce are also very good.

Therefore, everyone who participated in the registration was crowded with every day.

And another thing.

It is the establishment of Dancheng.

Although it hasn’t started yet, there has been news.

So the call for the 4th Chamber of Commerce to become the new 1st Rate Influence is getting stronger.

Everyone is also full of expectations for the Dancheng that has not yet appeared.

There are even smart people who go ahead to occupy a place near the North Tang Sect site.

In the future, even selling food to the caravans will surely make a lot of money.

The influence of the pattern brought about by the Battle of Iron Hammer City has gradually become apparent.

However, for most of the Martial artists in China, this change is more gratifying.

After ten consecutive days of busy work.

Xiao Changfeng finally got free.

“Everything is on track.”

Inside the Elder Palace, Xiao Changfeng stretched his lazy waist, revealing a relaxed look.

“Master, please drink tea!”

Lu Wenji came with a cup of freshly brewed tea.

“Wenjie, do you remember the wedding date you originally agreed upon?”

After drinking some tea, Xiao Changfeng looked at Lu Wenji and suddenly spoke.

At the 3rd year-end summary meeting, Emperor Yun took the initiative to plead.

Hope to determine the marriage date of Lu Wenji and Yun Lan.

At that time, a one-year marriage period was set.

But later because Xiao Changfeng entered White Python Secret Realm, and the news of the fall.

Lu Wenji was also unintentionally married, and has been dragged until now.

Now that Xiao Changfeng is back, the crisis of the 4-party Chamber of Commerce has also been lifted.

As a Master, Xiao Changfeng naturally has to consider Lu Wenji.

Lu Wenji is the only one discipline received by Xiao Changfeng.

Like Fu Xiaowan, Tang Bihan and the others, although Xiao Changfeng taught them some Rune Dao and Pill Dao.

But just follow the finger one 2.

Only Lu Wenji is taught by Xiao Changfeng himself, and he has a very deep discipline.

But Xiao Changfeng also knows.

Lu Wenji’s innate talent is average, not to mention compared with the 4 young gods, but compared with Dao 3000, there are also many gaps.

But Xiao Changfeng did not intend to make Lu Wenji into a peerless genius.

When Lu Wenji was accepted, it was only because of his attachment to Pill Dao.

So for Lu Wenji.

Xiao Changfeng hopes that he can live according to his own ideas, live happily and live happily.

Now he has mother, grandfather, Yun Lan and Yun Huang.

He can choose a stable and steady life.

This is what Xiao Changfeng wants.

“Master, the discipline has not forgotten. After going back this time, the discipline will go to Yunhuang and discuss his relatives with Yun Lan!”

Lu Wenji knows what the Master wants to say.

This was his original promise.

A real man, since he has promised, he can’t go against it.

Moreover, Yun Lan is indeed a good girl.

He didn’t want to miss it, regretting his life.

As for the powerhouse dream, I am afraid it can only go away!

“Wenjie, there is too much pressure on the teacher himself. I know this kind of pain, so I hope you can live a happy life. Sometimes, stability is not necessarily a good thing!”

Xiao Changfeng put down the teacup and pats Lu Wenji’s shoulder.

One family, one place, one lover.

Regenerate a few well-behaved children and retreat into the world.

This is the life Xiao Changfeng dreams of.

But whether it is a past life or this life, he has too many things to carry.

So much that he had to work hard to enjoy this life.

Now he put this sustenance on Lu Wenji.

“Master teaching, remember the recipe!”

Lu Wenji’s eyes were reddened, and he felt the solitude in Xiao Changfeng’s words.

The original feeling of powerlessness and frustration in his mind also disappeared at this time.

Instead, it is a heavy sense of responsibility.

Let go, sometimes heavier!

“Okay, here’s the matter. Next, you and me, master and disciple, will be on the way home, hoping to get home before New Year’s Eve!”

Without continuing this sad atmosphere, Xiao Changfeng slapped Lu Wenji on the shoulder and said with a smile.

It is now October 2st.

There are only 9 days left until New Year’s Eve.

I was trapped inside White Python Secret Realm last year.

Xiao Changfeng wants to go back this year and celebrate the new year with father.


Lu Wenji is heavily nodded, and is also homesick.

After drinking tea, Xiao Changfeng took Lu Wenji out of Elder Palace.

Prepare to make the final arrangement before leaving.


At this moment, a long rainbow thread roared and fell in front of Xiao Changfeng.

But it is Heavenly Venerable.

“Fellow Daoist Xiao, a very serious thing happened.”

As soon as Venerable Heaven appeared, the facial expression grave told Xiao Changfeng.

The news he brought made Xiao Changfeng’s body suddenly stiff.

“The Xia Clan shot, your father, at stake!”

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