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Middle-earth martial artist has been shocked too much during this day, and it is almost numb!

The battle of Iron Hammer City just ended shortly.

Suddenly another news came out.

North Tang Sect, one of Nine Great Sects in Middle-earth, was destroyed!

The whole sect went up and down, and there was no living mouth, and the whole army was wiped out.

As soon as the news came out, like a thunder, it exploded in the middle earth.

“That was North Tang Sect, it was actually destroyed? Who has such a great ability, is it that a Heavenly Venerate shot?”

Most people hear this news, the first feeling is that it is ridiculous.

North Tang Sect is one of the Middle-earth Nine Great Sects, with profound heritage.

There are more than 10000 recipes in the whole family.

There are also 7 Paragon Elder and a Sect Master of Saint Boundary.

Not to mention that there are many poisons and hidden weapons.

It is very difficult to get into the North Tang Sect, not to mention the Sect extermination.

This… this is incredible!

“It’s true, I heard that Pill Emperor took the powerhouse of the 2nd conference, from the north Tang Sect to the moonlight Saint, to the common disciple, the whole army was annihilated, even die without a whole corpse!”

Someone heard some gossip and whispered suddenly.

Pill Emperor!

This Legendary character once again made a major event that shocked the world.

The battle of Iron Hammer City, which has just ended, will be digested in the future.

There was another big move so soon.

This and the others, I really only have the part to worship.

The ordinary martial artist is just shocked.

All influence was completely frightened.

Although North Tang Sect is at the bottom of Nine Great Sects, it is Nine Great Sects after all.

Those so-called 2nd Rate Influence, 3rd Rate Influence, panicked for a while.

Even more strict orders have been made to restrict the disciplinary clansman, not to provoke Pill Emperor or the people of the 2nd Congress.

For a while, everyone was in danger.

Within 100 surnames.

Yunding Saint is still arranging the next cooperation with 4 parties of Chamber of Commerce.

didn’t expect suddenly heard the news.

“Sect Master, your choice is correct. This person, Pill Emperor, is too extraordinary. Our 100 surnames will cooperate with them and they will inevitably develop and grow!”

The Great Elder of 100 surname was dumbstruck after hearing the news.

But soon came the reaction and showed surprise.

Express your admiration for Sect Master’s foresight.

Although 100 surnames are stronger than Bei Tang Sect, they are also limited.

Even the North Tang Sect has been destroyed, I am afraid I can’t resist it.

Fortunately, they are now friends of the enemy and the enemy, which makes Great Elder feel at ease.

“Let Guangling and Zhao Fugui come together, these 2 people have a good relationship with Pill Emperor, and may be able to add icing on the cake!”

Yunding Saint smiled with caress and was very contented.

But he was not a mediocre, and soon he suppressed his inner complacency and quickly ordered.

Although he does not know the real relationship between Guangling Saintess and Xiao Changfeng, it is good to have a relationship.

He has the help of the battle of the Iron Hammer City, plus Guangling Saintess and Zhao Fugui from them as a link.

This cooperation is bound to be stronger.

“Sect Master put it down, old man, go find them now!”

Great Elder’s heart zi zi, naturally will not refuse Yunding Saint’s decision.

Immediately, he quickly left the great hall and went to Guangling Saintess and Zhao Fugui!


The Jade Girl Sect also learned the news quickly.

For a time, the whole sect died.

Especially the mother-in-law and Grandmother of Flowers.

2 people were dumbfounded and stayed in place, unable to calm for a long time.

How did they also didn’t expect, Xiao Changfeng not only won the battle of the Iron Hammer City.

And there was a counterattack so quickly, and the North Tang Sect was wiped out.

This is really too terrifying.

“Sect Master, if you want to go to retreat inside the cave for 100 years, please complete Sect Master!”

Mother-in-law, kneeling in front of Wang Shuxian, bowed her head and begged.

She knew that this time she almost missed the cooperation with Xiao Changfeng because of her own opinions.

So she wanted to ponder and punish herself.

“Sect Master, the same is true for the old body, but if there is a major event in the Zong, the old body is willing to take the initiative to ask for atonement!”

Holding the Grandmother of Flowers this time also made the same decision.

The two of them still have deep feelings for the Jade Girl Sect.

Now that I know I have, I voluntarily ask for sin.

Wang Shuxian originally wanted to forgive them, but 2 people were firm.

In the end, Wang Shuxian had to agree to let them face for 100 years.

“Great Elder, this seat wants Fu Xiaowan to be the little Saintess of my Jade Lady Sect, what do you think?”

After swinging back the mother-in-law and holding Grandmother of Flowers.

Wang Shuxian summoned Great Elder alone, opened the mouth and said his opinion.

The Jade Girl Sect is now Saintess.

Unless Liness Saintess dies or succeeds Sect Master, impossible re-establishes the Saintess position.

But Wang Shuxian intends to make an exception.

Fu Xiaowan was established as the little Saintess, although there was a small print.

But all supplies and resources are still given according to Saintess.

“Although Xiaowan is younger, her innate talent is not weak, and her character is becoming more and more mature. Although there is no precedent for the young Saintess in the history of my ancestry, you can also set a precedent, and you agree with Sect Master!”

Great Elder guessed what Wang Shuxian meant.

Obviously, I want to use this to strengthen the relationship with Xiao Changfeng.

After all, the relationship between Xiao Changfeng and Fu Xiaowan was good, and she ran to see her.

“In this case, then choose a day and officially let Xiao Wancheng be the first little Saintess of is my sect!”

Wang Shuxian was nodded, with a smile on his delicate face.


Somewhere in Middle-earth, there is a pink painting.

This is the mobile palace of Huakui Saint.

Only 2 people live in it.

It is Huakui Saint and Baguio Saintess.

“Master, are we really going to the 4th Chamber of Commerce?”

Baguio Saintess looked curiously at Huakui Saint.

“Well, the teacher has promised Pill Emperor, and will join the 4-party Chamber of Commerce to become his offering!”

Flower noble Saint nodded, the voice is melodious and gentle like a piano.

At the end of the day, Wang Shuxian and Yunding Saint wanted to cooperate.

The flower leader Saint is alone, and naturally does not need to.

However, Xiao Changfeng took the initiative to find her.

After some consideration, Huakui Saint decided to agree with Xiao Changfeng.

After all, you can be alone, but Baguio alone is obviously not enough to get better cultivation resources.

For Baguio, as well as a place for herself, she finally agreed.


The news of the North Tang Sect’s destruction not only affected the 100 surnames and the Jade Girl Sect.

In the sects such as Vajrapani Sect, Lingfeng Sect, Yu Beast Sect, uproar also took place.

Every Great Sect is self-defeating.

At this moment.

Xiao Changfeng and the 2nd General Assembly brought invincible prestige, making the group of men bow their heads, and no one dared to compete with them at this time.

Most of the forces are now thinking about how to get in touch with the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.

I can’t reach Pill Emperor, and it’s good to have a good relationship with the 4th Chamber of Commerce.

At least you can follow the light.

Since then, the 4-party Chamber of Commerce has grown rapidly at an unprecedented speed.

This time.

The name of Xiao Changfeng, the epicentre of the epicenter, made countless people awe!

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