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At the beginning of October 2th, the rain was like rain, Heaven and Earth killed!

In Iron Hammer City, the original residents have been demobilized early.

The rest are the powerhouse convened by the Medicine Refining Master Association and the Forge Masters Association.

Outside the Hammer City, countless powerhouses have arrived.

These powerhouses came here to watch the battle.

After all, this kind of war, a rare encounter in 100 years, no one wants to miss.

The number of spectators exceeds 100000!

“The medical saint and the iron saint really joined hands.”

Across the rain screen, someone saw two figures headed by Hammer City, and expression moved.

I saw the medical holy and the iron holy standing in the sky above the hammer city.

The downpour fell, and 3 meters away from them, they were isolated.

There seems to be an invisible body protector.

And behind the medical saint and the iron saint, stood 100 silhouettes.

These all are powerhouses in the Paragon realm and the Emperor Martial realm.

It was also called by Medicine Refining Master Association and Forge Masters Association in just 3 days.

Among them are Zhang Jiayang, Hong Daoyuan, Tie Rujun and the others.

In addition to leaving one or two Elder caregivers, this time the 2nd Congress brought all the net worth.

“What about Pill Emperor? Why didn’t you see him?”

Someone’s eyes are on, looking for a silhouette of Xiao Changfeng.

But it was not found.


Just as everyone was looking for Xiao Changfeng, a long rainbow thread roared from a distance.

Changhong tears through the rain curtain like a peerless sword, splitting the sky, which is shocking.

Changhong stopped over Hammer City.

A noble and peaceful silhouette is revealed.

Silver hair long skirt, black hair coiled up.

All over him, with a shameful temperament.

When she appeared, it was like Nine Heavens Goddess.

Let this desolate rainstorm be more gorgeous.

“It’s Shuxian Saint of Jade Lady Sect!”

Someone soon recognized the identity of this silhouette.

It is the Sect Master of the Jade Girl Sect: Wang Shuxian!

“This seat is invited, where is Pill Emperor?”

After Wang Shuxian’s beautiful eyes were swept away, Xiao Changfeng was also not found, and black brows slightly wrinkle.

“Sect Master Wang is not in a hurry, Elder Xiao has other important things, but I haven’t appeared in Yuangang within my time, but it should come out soon.”

The arrival of Wang Shuxian surprised Tie Sheng and Yi Sheng.

However, in the battle of Mount Mang Sect, Wang Shuxian once helped.

So soon the 2 people were depressed and rejoiced.

“In this case, the seat will wait for Pill Emperor.”

Wang Shuxian was nodded and immediately stood aside, waiting quietly.

“Shu Xian Saint would actually help, is it because of Pill Emperor’s Master order? This is simply incredible!”

Seeing Wang Shuxian really came to help the war.

The crowd surrounded the audience suddenly startled.

In their view, Xiao Changfeng has too little chance of winning this battle.

I am afraid no one will come to help.

didn’t expect this at first was beaten.

Wang Shuxian is Saint Boundary powerhouse, but also the Sect Master of Jade Lady Sect.

Her arrival undoubtedly represents the attitude of the Jade Girl Sect.

“There’s more than one old man, it seems that this time I can’t get super rewards!”

A regretful voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone heart startled, looking for prestige.

I saw a silhouette coming under the rain curtain.

The rain fell on him, and he bounced off automatically.

Like a water drop on the lotus leaf.

Soon this silhouette went to the Hammer City under the watch of everyone.

“100 surname Sect Master, Yunding Saint, he actually came!”

After seeing this silhouette, the crowds were shocked again.

Wang Shuxian has that’s all, fortunately, there are lessons from the battle of Mount Mang Sect.

But Yunding Saint is here.

Is it the medical or iron saint invited?

However, the medical saint and the iron saint are also confused.

Yunding Saint’s arrival was beyond their expectations.

But it seems to be a friend to no enemy.

“Medical Saint, Iron Saint, this time the old man shot, you can give the old man a super reward afterwards.”

Yunding Saint grinned at the medical saint and ascension.

Like a cynical old child.

“Sect Master Yun took the initiative to fight for justice. I will bear in mind that there will naturally be good rewards afterwards!”

Although I don’t know why Yunding Saint would help.

But at this time there is one more Saint, there will be one more chance of winning.

Medical Saint and Iron Saint will naturally not refuse.

“That’s good, hehe!”

Yunding Saint laughed, satisfied.

At this time his eyes were also sweeping, looking for the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng.

Unfortunately, like Wang Shuxian, he also did not see Xiao Changfeng.

“Someone is coming!”

Suddenly there was cry out in surprise from the crowd.

Everyone turned around and looked around.

I saw a pink painting under the dark clouds.

Pink’s painting is particularly eye-catching in between Heaven and Earth.

There are no many enchanting females on the painting, but many strange patterns are carved on it.

More subtle piano sounds came out of it.

This painting is not a vulgar thing, but a holy object.

And in Middle-earth, the fame is not small.

“Red powder painting, this is the car of Huakui Saint!”

Someone exclaimed and couldn’t believe it.

The painting came slowly, and soon everyone saw a white clothed woman wearing a veil.

It is Saint-Huai!

It’s just that this time, there is only Huakui Saint in the pink painting, and no Bagess Saintess.

“Why did Saint-Huai come here?”

The appearance of Huakui Saint completely shocked the crowd.

Hua Que Saint’s fame is so fascinating that he attracts countless male martial artists.

But Huakui Saint’s character is cold, and has always been alone, wanting to get her favor is hardly heavenly ascension.

No one didn’t expect her to appear here.

Today is the day of the ultimatum.

A war is about to usher, she will definitely not go the wrong way.

Then there is only one possibility!

“I have seen you, and this time I am here, I hope to be able to fight alongside you.”

Huakui Saint stopped playing the piano, curling his voice out of the pink painting.

It’s fascinating to listen to it gently!

And this sentence of her also clarified her intention.

It really came to help the war.

“I have never heard of medical saints, iron saints, and Huakui Saints, is it because of the master order of Pill Emperor? Trifling a Pill Emperor, how can I let so many Saints fight for him?”

The watching crowd was completely shocked.

They thought no one would come to help.

But now there is Jade Sect Master Sect Master Wang Shuxian, 100 surname Sect Master Yunding Saint.

There is also Huakui Saint.

Three Saint Boundary powerhouse assists are enough to prove the formidable power of the Master order.

At this time, the medical saint and iron saint are no longer surprised.

I was much more surprised and numb.

Anyway, friends are not enemies, as for how to solve afterwards.

That is what happened after this war.

Now with the addition of 3 Great Saint, the situation is less critical.

After Huakui Saint, there is no Saint Boundary powerhouse to help again.

This made everyone’s frightened heart slightly eased.

The rain is getting heavier!

But no one left, everyone was waiting.

Waiting for this war to come.


Suddenly the doctor’s eye light flashed, looking up into the sky.

I saw a huge cloud of black clouds pouring in, just like the end of the world!

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