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After Xiao Changfeng issued the task.

Medical Saint, Iron Saint, and Su Qingli are working quickly.

Although Xiao Changfeng is just the strength of Paragon.

But everyone had inexplicable confidence in him.

As if he were the Sea Calming Divine Needle.

Of course, Medical Saint and Iron Saint agreed so readily.

One is because I want to use this to deepen my relationship with Xiao Changfeng and pave the way for the future.

2 It was also because of Zhang Jiayang’s guess that they did not want to sit still and were slowly engulfed.

So I decided to join forces with Xiao Changfeng to fight once.

Medical Saint’s movements are very fast this time.

Collected the comprehensive medicine required by Xiao Changfeng and sent it to Xiao Changfeng.

The Medical Saint also draws a large number of powerhouses from the Medicine Refining Master Association.

Among them are Zhang Jiayang, Hong Daoyuan and the others.

The iron holy side is also to gather people and prepare the holy weapon.

The territory of Tiesheng’s Yuangang.

Xiao Changfeng decided to retreat here.

This is the safest place in the entire Hammer City.

Unless Tie Sheng is mischievous, he will be shot against him.

This time is a matter of great importance, Xiao Changfeng must be prepared with undivided attention.

But this time he was not alone.

Beside him, Wu Changsheng, Lu Wenji and Dao 3000 are all present.

“Master, what medicine pill are we going to refine this time?”

Lu Wenji be eager to have a try, some impatient.

This battle with Martial Spirit Hall and Ouyang Family is bound to be a big battle.

Among them, Saint is the main, Paragon is countless, and even Heavenly Venerate may appear.

Lu Wenji’s current strength is just breakthrough to Deity Transformation Early Stage, equivalent to Sovereign Martial Realm 2 3rd-layer that’s all.

Putting it in this kind of war is bound to be weak.

But he also wanted to contribute his own strength.

Pill concocting is obviously the most convenient way.

Dao 3000 stood aside without speaking.

But I was also surprised.

He didn’t expect this retreat list, there is still himself.

He knows his strength.

Although stronger than Lu Wenji, it is also an utterly inadequate measure in this kind of war.

As for pill concocting, although he knows a little, he is not proficient.

So I was deeply puzzled.

“This time we have a lot of enemies and they are very strong, but in my eyes, but a group of ants that’s all!”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t rush to answer Lu Wenji’s question, but spoke lightly and showed confidence.

“My generation Immortal Cultivator, killing without a knife, this time, I will let the world know, I wait for the ability of Immortal Cultivator!”

Lu Wenji and Dao 3000 are indeed weak.

It plays no role in this kind of war.

But they are Immortal Cultivator.

One of the cultivation rules: Never underestimate any Immortal Cultivator!

Immortal Cultivator has the battle method of Immortal Cultivator. Even the weaker Immortal Cultivator cannot be underestimated.

“Dan, runes, arrays, and instruments, this is cultivation 4 art, and one of the abilities of my generation Immortal Cultivator. At this time, I need you to portray runes and seals to refine the market.”

Xiao Changfeng had already planned.

This time he decided to arrange a large array to kill the enemy with the Formulation.


Pieces of rune paper, piece by piece of spirit jade, suddenly appeared in front of Lu Wenji and Dao 3000.

Rune paper piled up, spirit jade like mountains, there are more than 10000 pieces.

This is definitely not an easy job.

“The two of you portray the spirit charm, Wu Changsheng portrays the Magic Talisman, and the array is refined according to this. Within 2 days, I need you to refine it all.”

Xiao Changfeng assigned Lu Wenji and Dao 3000 a heavy task.

Whether it is Fu Zhuan or the front, it is not so easy to make.

Within 3 days, portray 10000 seals and 10000 positions.

This is a vomiting task.

However, neither Lu Wenji nor Dao 3000 refused.

Because they knew the crisis was critical.

“Wu Changsheng, Fu Zhuan and Zhenban, I will leave it to you. If you do not complete it after 3 days, you will be punished!”

Xiao Changfeng solemnly said to Wu Changsheng.

This matter can only succeed, not fail.

Clear rewards and penalties are also the way to control the next!

“Yes, master, the old slave will complete the mission!”

Wu Changsheng’s answer sounded loudly.


Wu Changsheng took Lu Wenji and Dao 3000 together to depict the seal and refining the position.

“Taiyi Tianmei 10000 star array, this is a simplified version of Taiyi Immortal array, which is comparable to middle grade array, this time, I want them to come and go!”

A cold glow flashed in Xiao Changfeng’s eyes.

Now he is the realm of Great Ascension Middle-Stage.

Its Formation has also been able to arrange a middle grade array.

This time he searched all the resources before he only got enough of these runes and spirit jade.

And this is one of the cards he prepared for this war!

Lu Wenji and Dao 3000 are in charge of magic charms, and Wu Changsheng is in charge of Magic Talisman.

As for himself, he needs to portray Taoist symbols.

And this time has more than one Tao symbol.

A total of 3 photos.

This is also a great pressure for him.

After all, besides portraying Taoist symbols, he also has an important task.


Xiao Changfeng waved his hand.

Suddenly a strain of spiritual medicine emerged in the space.

The rich medicinal fragrance is full, letting people breathe, they will feel full.

There are spiritual medicine, treasure medicine, and holy medicine.

Medical Saint this time is obviously a good thing to take out the trump card.

“Tai Yitian Meteor 10000 Star Dao array is the first hole card I prepared, and Holy Demons, it is the second!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes sparkled with brilliance.

wind and rain Lei 3 Great Saint, Tang Yueming, plus Ouyang Family’s 3 Great Saint.

The medical holy and iron holy are absolutely unstoppable.

As for how much powerhouse his Master order can attract, Xiao Changfeng does not know.

So he must plan for the worst.

Holy Magic Dan, middle grade Treasure Pill.

After taking Paragon Powerhouse, you can get the power of Saint in a short time.

Although it can only match the weight of Saint Boundary, it is a real force of Saint.

If you want to deal with 7 Great Saint, Saint Magic Dan is essential.

This time.

Xiao Changfeng decided to refine ten holy demons, and only then can he fight against it.

Refining ten holy demons in 3 days, even if Xiao Changfeng’s strength is now rising, is also a huge challenge.

“As for fighting Heavenly Venerate, you can only rely on the snake Heavenly Venerate!”

7 Great Saint is only the main force, but if you fight Heavenly Venerate, it will play a decisive role.

Xiao Changfeng also had to guard.

However, he has negotiated with the snake Heavenly Venerate in Time and Space Sand.

If the Battle of Heavenly Venerate appears, the snake Heavenly Venerate will shoot.

Unfortunately, Snake Heavenly Venerate only promised to fight against Heavenly Venerate.

Otherwise, if she is willing to play, Martial Spirit Hall is nothing more than a snap.

But Xiao Changfeng is not greedy, and the snake Heavenly Venerate is enough.

At least Heavenly Venerate is no longer a threat, only need to deal with 7 Great Saint.

Taiyitian meteoric 10000 star array.

Ten holy demons.

Snake Heavenly Venerate.

This is the card that Xiao Changfeng prepared for this war.

“This time, I want you to come and go!”


When Xiao Changfeng closed down.

The whole Middle-earth is also boiling due to the Master’s order!

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