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Xiao Changfeng goes all the way, kills all the way!

Its terrible fame once again shocked Zhongtu.

Finally, he came to Hammer City.

He did not hide, nor restrained aura, and entered the city in such a grand manner.

For a while, the entire Hammer City knew that Pill Emperor had returned.

“Master Xiao, you are finally back!”

Su Qing pity and teary eyes whirling like weeping.

Although she is a strong woman, after all, this shoulder can’t bear such pressure.

These days she almost collapsed and was in a daze.

Had it not been for Wu Changsheng and Lu Wenji to be by their side all the time, I am afraid she would have been unable to bear it.

And the ultimatum issued by Martial Spirit Hall before made her almost collapse.

In the past few days, she even made plans for self-regulation.

Finally, Master Xiao came back.

Like the Spiritual God holding the sky and the ground, withstood the collapsed sky.

It is like the brilliant sun, piercing the darkness and bringing light.

At this moment, Su Qing Lian was filled with surprises and found it hard to be herself.


Lu Wenji was also extremely excited, but he did not forget his identity, and immediately respected and gave a salute.

“3000 I have seen Xiao Senior!”

Tao 3000 gave a salute with a smile on his face.

Finally, Wu Changsheng.

He did not speak, but one-knee kneels and lowered his head to show his loyalty.

“You have suffered these days when I am away!”

See Su Qinglian’s haggardness, Lu Wenji’s vicissitudes, and Wu Changsheng’s perseverance.

Xiao Changfeng knew they were under tremendous pressure.

These people are all close to him, and Xiao Changfeng will naturally not treat them badly.

“Iron Saint is here!”

Su Qinglian and Lu Wenji are about to talk.

Xiao Changfeng suddenly raised his eyes slightly and looked towards the door.

“Elder Xiao, I heard that you are back!”

Tie Sheng’s rough and loud voice sounded first.

Immediately, Tie Sheng took Tie Rujun into the gate and appeared in front of everyone in Xiao Changfeng.

Tie Sheng is as burly and dark as ever, and when he sees Xiao Changfeng, he is surprised.

“Meet President Tie!”

Xiao Changfeng bowed his hands in salute.

The 4th Chamber of Commerce suffered heavy losses and Martial Spirit Hall and North Tang Sect joined forces to oppress.

In this case, Tie Sheng can still keep Su Qinglian, which is already not easy.

Xiao Changfeng has a clear distinction between good and evil, and naturally has a trace of gratitude to Tiesheng.

“Elder Xiao is too polite and ashamed to say, although I have the heart, but I am powerless, after all, I need to consider for the whole association, and I have not guaranteed the four-party Chamber of Commerce, so please be considerate of Elder Xiao.”

Iron Saint is a straightforward temper.

As soon as they met at this time, they told me the reason and took the initiative to apologize to Xiao Changfeng.

“Chairman Tie doesn’t have to be like this, everyone has their own concerns. You can protect Su Qinglian, which is already a kindness to the next.”

Xiao Changfeng has long known the pressure of the Iron Sage and the Medical Sage.

Knowing that they, as Head President, are involuntarily unable to fully take care of the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.

For this, Xiao Changfeng naturally does not have any blame.

After all, helping is a sentiment, not helping is a duty.

“Elder Xiao can understand me and feel relieved. I have already sent someone to seek medical advice. I think it will come soon!”

Tie Sheng grinned and treated people sincerely.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao!

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness felt the breath of a medical saint.

The medical sage obviously also felt the breath of Xiao Changfeng.

Immediately came straight to 4 Fangzhai.

“Elder Xiao, the old man is here this time, once he pleaded guilty for the bearer, 2 is also here to make up for it!”

Medical Saint brought Zhang Jiayang and Hong Daoyuan together.

When I first saw Xiao Changfeng, I apologized.

Obviously, he was also worried that Xiao Changfeng would blame them for not trying their best to keep the 4th Chamber of Commerce.

“Chairman Weng thought about it, Xiao was not a selfish man.”

Naturally, Xiao Changfeng will not blame the Medical Saint and Medicine Refining Master Association for this kind of thing.

In this world, apart from parents, who would be wholeheartedly good to you?

As long as mutual benefit and reciprocity are sufficient, co-existence is sufficient.

Hearing Xiao Changfeng say this, Medical Saint is also slightly relaxed in his heart.

Everyone was there, and Xiao Changfeng simply closed the door.

“Su Qingli, you first talk about what happened!”

Xiao Changfeng sat on the head and asked Su Qinglian.

Although he was understood from Ziyun Old Ancestor’s mouth.

But the specific situation is naturally that Su Qingli knows better.

“More than a year ago, there was news that you fell into White Python Secret Realm. At that time, there was some begin to stir in Northern Tang Sect. Some shops in Northern Tang Sect often found trouble, but they were still able to operate.”

“Later, Tang Sect’s behavior intensified, looking for various reasons to find faults, so many shops could not continue to operate, they had to close their doors, and then they did not find a reason to directly smash the shops, beheaded the servants and servants.”

“After that, Martial Spirit Hall also stepped in. They were powerful, with Martial Spirit branches all over the place, destroying our shops and families, and the business roads were cut off, causing heavy losses.”

“Now shops and channels have been destroyed and destroyed. Only the Holy City and Hammer City are still safe, but it is an utterly inadequate measure, which has little effect.”

Su Qingli spoke up and told what happened during the year.

She is only the strength of the Heaven Martial environment, and previously only developed business channels in the Eastern region.

After coming to Middle-earth, each step was very difficult, like walking on thin ice.

Finally, it was difficult to make a little scale, but it was beaten back to the original one time.

This is not a little blow to her.

If it weren’t for her obsession, I’m afraid she wouldn’t be able to persevere.

“What about the Myriad Treasures auction house and the demon?”

Xiao Changfeng suddenly asked.

At the beginning, Xiao Changfeng and Yaoyao had a good cooperation, so that Myriad Treasures Auction House and 4 parties of Chamber of Commerce would jointly promote the medicine pill business.

Now that the 4-party Chamber of Commerce is back to its original shape, what about the Myriad Treasures auction venue?

Or the demon, like Yunshui Saint, also betrayed?

“Myriad Treasures auction is also suppressed by Martial Spirit Hall. Although the young demon Young Lady has always supported us, her voice in the Myriad Treasures auction is not very high, so the Myriad Treasures auction is gradually estranged. we.”

Su Qingli didn’t blame the Myriad Treasures auction house and the demon. After all, if she was changed to her, she would also choose this way.

So she just objectively described the attitude of the Myriad Treasures auction house.

As for the demon, she has not seen it for a long time.

“How is the loss of personnel in Chamber of Commerce now?”

Xiao Changfeng asked again.

4 Party of Commerce Although this time it fell, it will stand up again.

However, a Chamber of Commerce, impossible can be supported by only one or two people.

Some business geniuses and elite managers are also essential.

“The losses this time were very serious. The people I brought from the East Region had more than 90% of deaths and injuries, but our training system is still there, and as long as you spend some time, you can be retrained.”

Su Qingli guessed Xiao Changfeng’s thoughts, and her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, full of anticipation.

“Okay, I will give you the reconstruction of the 4th Chamber of Commerce.”

Xiao Changfeng was nodded and assigned the task to Su Qinglian.

“As for Martial Spirit Hall and North Tang Sect.”

“I will let them know that those who provoke me are dead or alive!”

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