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“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

In the face of Qiu Jiangu’s ten-party limpid autumn water sword energy, Xiao Changfeng did not dare to carelessly.

Suddenly the flames of cold flame condensed in the double pupils.

Fire eyes are raging, rising into the sky, turning into 2 pillars of fire connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

The pillar of fire struck 2 limpid autumn water sword energy in ten directions, and the flame immediately collided with the sword energy.

Horrible explosions and fluctuations ignited, letting out a piece of deadly fire.

“The water of the Yellow River is coming to heaven!”

Xiao Changfeng shot again and True Yuan was running.

Suddenly between Heaven and Earth, the illusory shadow of the Yellow River emerged, and the big river was surging and running.

The terrible chill in it froze into the void.

Ka-cha !

The illusory shadow of the Yellow River is like an angry dragon, wrapped in 3 sword energy, and the chill spreads suddenly.

The speed of these three sword energy is suddenly reduced, and a thin layer of frost has emerged.

It seems to freeze the invisible sword energy into ice sculpture.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Turning around, the White Tiger Vajra was excited, and the fighting intent was like a raging wave.

right hand Fist, tight all over, like a powerful tiger.

With one punch, White Tiger screamed, Heaven and Earth was shocked!

The terrifying fist collided with the sword energy, and suddenly turned into a gust of wind and exploded.

While holding the sword in his left hand, the surging True Yuan poured into the Flying Sword.

Suddenly Void Flying Sword on the rays of light, blooming bronze.

Ka-cha !

With a sword cut, the sword glow cracked into the air, as if the entire Heaven and Earth could be split.

Suddenly two sword glows, like a severed snake, collapsed.

However, even Xiao Changfeng tried his best.

There are still 2 sword energy left.

Suddenly, the sword energy was like a dragon, and it suddenly hit Xiao Changfeng in front of him.


The heavy force hit, let Xiao Changfeng unable to bear spurt a large mouthful of blood.

The whole person was also beaten out by fiercely.

Smash a 100 meter pit in the desert.

The sand rustled, and the burning flame was unbearable.

“Pill Emperor, do you think you are strong? In my eyes, you are just a ant that’s all, I can kill you by moving my finger!”

Akimi’s proud words resounded between between Heaven and Earth.

She is very proud, as if Spiritual God is overlooking a mortal.

She flows into the body with the blood of the ancient Spiritual God, and she is an expert by nature.

Although Xiao Changfeng is very famous, in her eyes, she is still low and the others.

If she had to avenge her younger sister, she might not have looked at Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, she opened the field, holding a limpid autumn water sacred sword, and vowed to cut off Xiao Changfeng’s head in honor of the dead Akimi.

“With you, you think you can kill me?”

Xiao Changfeng got up with a sneer.

At this time his look pale, the blood on the corner of his mouth was not dry.

Qiu Jiangu is indeed very strong, making him feel very difficult.

But if you want to kill yourself, it is definitely a fool’s dream.

What about Saint?

“You are fortunate enough to see all of my strength, and die without regret!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are indifferent, such as Eternally Blue Sky overlooking the world.

And his words boiled from fighting intent at first to awe-inspiring killing intent at the end.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng decided to fully open the firepower and slaughter the saint with his own hands!

“The reason why the ants are ants is that they are too ignorant of yourself. Although you are called Heaven’s Chosen by the world, in my eyes, but a small insect that’s all!”

Qiu Jiangu is still proud of herself.

At this time she decided to let this rant ants see the power of Divine Race.

“4 square mirrors, seal 4 squares!”

Qiu Jiangu waved her hand and suddenly 4 mirrors flew out and landed in the 4th place.

These four mirrors are all oval, and as soon as they appear, they emit white light beams.

4 Daoguangzhu is connected to the earth and turned into a prison, trapping Xiao Changfeng in it.

“This is my holy weapon of Divine Race. It can imprison one side of space. With your power, it is absolutely unbreakable!”

Qiu Jianguo proudly opened his mouth, and immediately grasped the limpid autumn water sacred sword, killing Xiao Changfeng.

Saint Boundary’s heavy strength was inspired to the extreme by her.

The whole body is imposing manner, such as limpid autumn water.

The sacred sword in his hand is extremely sharp, the sword energy is good, and the horror is abnormal.

But in Xiao Changfeng’s eyes, there was no fear at all.

At this moment, he stood on the spot, as if frightened and stupid, not shining or hiding.

In his with the body, the surging True Yuan is boiling.

Great Five Elements Immortal Art is running like crazy, and True Yuan’s flow rate in the meridian is unprecedentedly fast.

Dong dong!

Xiao Changfeng’s heart is like Deity drum, rumbling.

His skin is blooming rays of light, as if covered with a layer of Xia Hui.

“Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor!”

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

“Magical Powers: tiger’s roar dragon’s cry!”

Xiao Changfeng performed 3 Great Divine Ability in an instant.

I saw black liquid Battle Armor covering the whole body, and in both eyes, flames were raging.

The sound is like a tiger roar.

apart from this Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body is also excited to the extreme, the previous injury is quickly repaired.

“Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!”

Xiao Changfeng exhibited Magical Powers again, and suddenly 2 magical bodies came out.

“Black Tortoise Martial Spirit, out!”

“Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit, out!”

“White Tiger Martial Spirit, out!”

Xiao Changfeng screamed, 3 Martial Spirits appeared, and Martial Spirit quickly melted.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng fired fully, showing the strongest state.


Seeing this scene, Qiu Jiangu felt her heart beating wildly and felt an unprecedented threat.

“Superior Taoism: Yellow Springs great hand seal!”

The Black Tortoise dazzled with True Yuan, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Soon a huge handprint appeared in between Heaven and Earth. Among the handprints, there was a chill in the air, and it was almost as if it was going to penetrate.

“Superior Taoism: Heaven Overturning Seal!”

The Vermilion Bird dharma body also shot, using the flames of the cold flame to display the Heaven Overturning Seal.

Suddenly, a large illusory shadow with a burning fire appeared, just like Mount Tai pressing the top.

“9 Boxing!”

In the end, Xiao Changfeng’s body showed 9 fists in White Tiger’s fist!


Sword Domain collides with the limpid autumn water field, although it cannot be cut open, but it can barely resist.

Photographed by Yellow Springs great hand seal fiercely, Qiu Jiangu resisted with limpid autumn water sacred sword, barely supporting.

However, the Heaven Overturning Seal fell and the formidable power doubled.

Qiu Jiangu looked difficult, and Spirit Qi, who was like a deep sea, was poured into the sacrid sword, but she was still beaten and defeated.

Finally, the ontology of Xiao Changfeng is killed.


Tiger’s roar dragon’s cry shouted with a breath of killing spirit.

As if Asura came into the world, killing the gods before the dust.

Aunt Qiu Jian’s face was pale, and her spirit was a little loose.


I saw Xiao Changfeng who roared out like a Changhong across the sun and the moon.

With a bright fist and Annihilation Power, it burst out.

This fist, Xiao Changfeng did not keep his hand.

Not only did he use 9 punches in one, but he also used the Nascent Soul fit, which tripled his strength.

It’s a pity that this Nascent Soul Uniting Body Technique can’t let the two dharmakayas also perform, otherwise the formidable power will be more terrifying.

But even so, this fist is not something ordinary people can stop.


Xiao Changfeng’s fist is brazenly blessed on the Yellow Springs great hand seal and Heaven Overturning Seal.

Qiu Jiangu, who was already struggling to support, could no longer persist.

The limpid autumn water sacred sword came out, and the terrible power of the Yellow Springs great hand seal and the Heaven Overturning Seal smashed the thin body protection armor on her.

And Xiao Changfeng’s fist fell on her.

Seeing Qiu Jian Gu shot out, passing 3000 metres, fiercely smashed into the desert.

One punch, defeat Saint!

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