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There are many people in the Qiu ethnic group, and there are more powerhouses.

Except at the first 40-50 people headed by old man.

Xiao Changfeng then encountered 3 waves of ambushes in the Yan prison desert.

There are powerhouses in Paragon and Emperor Martial.

But in front of Xiao Changfeng, only one died.

But in this way, ten Paragon powerhouses died in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

If it is a general force, even the Heavenly Venerate family, I am afraid it will be very sad.

But the ambush of the Qiu clan still exists.

It seems to be continuously, never killing.

In addition to the Qiu clan’s own powerhouse, some Demonic beasts in the Yan Yu Desert were also urged by them.

Turn into a beast tide to attack Xiao Changfeng.

This made Xiao Changfeng a bit troublesome, but after all, he still killed Shengtian.

“The Qiu tribe’s determination is somewhat beyond my expectations. Didn’t expect besides Heavenly Venerate and Saint, there are so many people ambushing me!”

In the hot desert of Huang Mengmeng, Xiao Changfeng stepped forward while restoring True Yuan.

Successive battles, although he did not hurt him.

But the consumption of True Yuan is huge.

Fortunately, he fought to fight, and many Spirit Stones were seized, enough to allow him to recover quickly.


Suddenly Xiao Changfeng expression fretting.

In his Divine Consciousness, he sensed over 100 strokes of life aura.

These breaths gathered quickly, and obviously the goal was myself.

Soon Xiao Changfeng saw the enemy.

But this time the enemy made him a little surprised.

In addition to the Qiu powerhouse and Demonic beast, there are 2 other people.

One of them is the same as Mo Wenjian, who went to the Yan Yu Desert to hunt the Demonic beast to make money.

The other is the ascetic!

I don’t know what method the Qiu powerhouse used, but even persuaded the desert hunters and ascetic monks to kill Xiao Changfeng.

Of the above 100 people, only 3 are Paragon powerhouse, the rest are Emperor Martial, and even Martial artist in Sovereign Martial.

“Shoot Pill Emperor!”

As the first woman in Paragon, shouted, the crowd suddenly flocked to Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were cold and he summoned the Flying Sword and the Flying Sword to open the Sword Domain and kill the crowd.

2 Flying Sword screamed out and instantly cut 2 people.

Sword Domain is in a good position, blocking the attack of 3 Paragon.


Suddenly an ascetic monk killed himself in front of Xiao Changfeng, immediately self-destructed without warning.


The violent force was surging and the Sword Domain was shaking.

This is just a self-destruction in the Sovereign Martial realm.

Soon the second ascetic approached and approached Self-destruction again.

This is an ascetic in the Emperor Martial realm.

If it is a head-to-head battle, he may not be able to stop Xiao Changfeng’s sword.

But at this time, the direct Self-destruction trembles Sword Domain, which is a little unstable.


Three Paragon Powerhouse seized the opportunity and joined forces to kill Xiao Changfeng, who was beaten away by dozens of meters.

“Go together and kill Pill Emperor!”

The rest of the powerhouse roared as if they had a bloody hatred against Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly blade light, sword shadow, spear glow, and heavy hammers appeared together.

More soulful martial artist cast Martial Spirit melt, teleport to kill.

Hong long long !

There are successive ascetic monks in Self-destruction, and the power of the horrible explosion makes it difficult for Xiao Changfeng to resist.


Xiao Changfeng look pale, spit a mouthful of blood.

he got hurt!

“You, damn it!”

In Xiao Changfeng’s eyes, killing intent is crazy.

“Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!”

Xiao Changfeng exhibited Magical Powers and suddenly 2 magical powers came out.

Like the ontology, these two dharma bodies have Sword Domain.

In an instant, 3 rounds of Sword Domain stretched out like three small suns.


Xiao Changfeng shot with all his strength, and suddenly the flame of the cold flame turned into fire sea, and the cold air of 10000 years was completely frozen into the void.

The swords of Meteor God Flying Sword and Void Flying Sword are even stronger.

A scream, a corpse.

The killing is endless, and the fighting is endless.

Soon the desert hunters died, and then the demonic beast was wiped out.

Afterwards, none of the ascetic monks lived, and most of the Qiu people were killed or injured.

In the end, only the three Paragon powerhouses still exist.

“Heaven Overturning Seal!”

Xiao Changfeng held up his hands with his hands, the big seal appeared, suddenly fell, and killed one person.

“Golden Fire Eyes !”

Cold Flame Divine Fire gathers eyes, spouts fire pillars, cooperates with Sword Domain, and burns the second person.

“9 Boxing!”

Fist kicked into the air, burst into the air, powerful force, burst the last person into the sky.

This battle is finally over.

100 enemies were killed and none survived.

“hu hu! ”

Xiao Changfeng panted heavily and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Although the battle was not intense, it hurt him.

Self-destruction of ascetic monks is really difficult to carry.

Xiao Changfeng did not understand why the ascetic monks would help the Qiu people.

But obviously the next battle will be more intense.

There are 10000 ascetic monks in the Yan prison desert, and it seems that each has fierce and unafraid of death.

“The road ahead is dangerous, only a bloody road can be killed!”

Xiao Changfeng took out the Spirit Stone and restored True Yuan.

Then move on.

The battle is still going on.

The Qiu people do not know how many people are arranged in this Yan prison desert.

And in the following battle, Xiao Changfeng met many ascetic monks.

The self-destruction of the fierce and unafraid of death by these ascetic monks brought Xiao Changfeng great trouble.

This made his injury gradually worse.

Sometimes Xiao Changfeng has just ended a battle and new enemies arrive.

Sometimes, even before the battle is over, the Qiu powerhouse is killed.

Even if Xiao Changfeng has Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body, but such fighting and killing.

Still made his injury gradually heavy.

But although the road is difficult, there is an end.

1 month later.

Xiao Changfeng finally came to the end of the Yan Yu Desert.

You can see the topography of Middle-earth when you look around!

However, Xiao Changfeng did not relax at this time, but became more vigilant.

His pupils contracted abruptly, looking somewhere in front.

I saw at the end of the Yan Yu desert, there was a silhouette sitting on the desert.

It seems to be specifically waiting for the arrival of Xiao Changfeng.

This is a woman, on the surface, but 27~28 years old.

He had a wheat-colored skin and a pattern on his face.

The figure is excellent, but it is not weak.

Instead, it contains a force of explosion, it seems that the little within the body, hiding the power of terror.

But this is not what makes Xiao Changfeng vigilant.

It is the strength of Saint Boundary!

That’s right, this woman is not Paragon, but Saint Boundary’s powerhouse!

This is also the only Saint Boundary powerhouse that Xiao Changfeng encountered in this Yan prison desert.

At this time the woman also sensed the arrival of Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

Her figure is not only hot, but also very tall, one head taller than Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, some condescendingly looked at Xiao Changfeng.

Her expression was a little calm, and there was no killing intent in her beautiful eyes.

But an invisible murderous intention instantly locked Xiao Changfeng.

At the moment, the woman looked at Xiao Changfeng, her lips swayed, her self-reported identity:

“Autumn Qiu Jiangu, Qiu Jiankui is my younger sister, Pill Emperor, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

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