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Lin Guanshi is the powerhouse of the 6th-layer in Paragon.

He was blown out with a punch.

Is this person really Saint Boundary powerhouse?

In the auction field, countless people were shocked and tremble inexplicably.

too strong!

Carrying the holy weapon in one hand and punching Paragon with one punch.

Such strength, even if it is not Saint, is definitely a very strong presence in the Paragon environment.

But where did this person come from?

What is his purpose?

The doubts in the hearts of the people deepened.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng did not rush to kill Lin Guanshi.

Instead, he turned to look at Yue Yaoqin in a full dress.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Xiao Changfeng flexed his fingers, one after another True Yuan, put into Yue Yaoqin’s within the body.

A bang!

A ray of light shone from Yue Yaoqin’s eyebrows, pierced through a dozen seats, and finally nailed on a stone pillar.

I saw this is a thin hairy silver nail.

The nail fell on the stone pillar and made a fine crack, showing the fierceness of this nail.

And this is just the beginning.

The sound of sou sou is not endless, and silver nails burst from all parts of Yue Yaoqin’s body, splashing in 4 directions.

Those with weak strength have no time to avoid, and they are directly killed by silver nails.


In the end, 108 silver nails were forced out.


Yue Yaoqin was also staggering and fell to the ground.

Her Spiritual Qi has long been sealed by silver nails.

Although the silver nail was removed at this time, the injury was still there, and he could not recover after a while.

And the most important thing is that she is desperate and numb.


A True True Yuan of azure broke into Yue Yaoqin’s within the body.

Suddenly her injuries were recovering quickly, and even her lost vitality was being replenished.

This made Yue Yaoqin’s empty and numb beautiful eyes reappear a trace of fluctuation.

“Who are you? Why save me?”

Yue Yaoqin fell to the ground and looked up at Xiao Changfeng at the moment.

I just feel a sense of familiarity.

But Xiao Changfeng blurs her face with spell, she can’t see it either.


Xiao Changfeng had not answered yet, and a loud noise came suddenly.

I saw stone 4 splashing, and a silhouette burst out instantly.

It is Lin Guanshi!

“I don’t care who you are. Today you don’t want to go out of the auction half a step. The old man wants to capture you by hand, peel you and cramp, to relieve my hatred!”

Lin Guanshi gnashing teeth, bleak hissing.

Today is a harvest day, and it is also a day for him to become famous.

However, all this was destroyed by the people in front of me.

If you can’t kill it, I am afraid not only you, but also Yunshuige’s face will be lost.

So he will kill this person!

“Wolf field, open!”

With a buzz, Lin’s field of affairs was completely expanded.

I saw six hundred meters in a circle, which turned into a green color.

This one after another forest green is not unusual, but a pair of wolf eyes.

In the field, there were 600 illusory shadows of hungry wolves.

Although these hungry wolves are not real, the brutal breath is extremely strong.

As if there were wolves watching around in the night, they would burst into people at any time.

This is an area where Lin Guanshi went deep into the wolf pack and worked hard for 100 years.

formidable power is terrible!


Lin Guanshi roared, and immediately the 600 hungry illusory shadows rushed out in unison, like an avalanche tsunami, rushing towards Xiao Changfeng.

“Be careful!”

Yue Yaoqin’s flower looks lost, reminding Xiao Changfeng.

Hong long long !

The wolves swarmed, and the sky was brutal.

Even the powerful black bear faces a strategic withdrawal in the face of wolves.

However, Xiao Changfeng is not going back.

“Sword Domain, on!”

The 30-meter Sword Domain stretched out instantly, one after another sword light condensed into substance, exuding fierce sword energy.

As soon as Sword Domain came out, Xiao Changfeng’s realm was fully exposed.

“Paragon Realm 3rd-layer? He is actually just a Paragon Realm 3rd-layer. How is this possible?”

Everyone is sluggish and can’t believe it.

A person who is able to block the brow of the blessed blessed blessed Buddha, with a fleshy body against the holy weapon, and punch the person who is in charge of Feilin.

It’s just a 3rd-layer in Paragon.

This… this is incredible.

But this is enough to prove the other party’s extraordinary.

“Trifling a Paragon realm 3rd-layer, dare to kill my disciple, disturb the auction, and Lao gang is super for you!”

At the moment, Cimei Buddha Saint is also strong in killing intent.

If it is a Saint, he has several points of fear.

But trifling a Paragon 3rd-layer, he didn’t care.

In order to avenge Zhitong Holy Son, he shot again and shot with a palm.

At the moment, Xiao Changfeng is fighting the Lin Guanshi.


However, at this moment, a cold sword light roared out.

Directly cut through the palm of Cimei Buddha Saint and stopped in front of Cimei Buddha Saint.

“Mindful Buddha, what do you mean?”

The brow-stricken Buddha tightly knit, with anger in his heart.

He wasn’t stopped by others, but it was the clear-hearted Buddhist saint of Qingxin Temple.

I saw the Divine light sword held by the sacred Buddha’s hand, the Saint’s breath is strong, and the sword refers to the Buddha’s brow!

“Think about it, first ask the sword in the hands of Poor!”

Open-minded Buddha expressionless, but with a firm attitude,

At this time, a sword was in hand, stopping Cimei Buddha.

Although Cimei Buddha Saint does not understand why the hearty Buddha Saint wants to stop himself again and again and again.

But he knew that he could not please in the hands of the wise Buddha.

At this time, I can only temporarily suppress the anger in my heart.

“Hmph, such a big movement, Yunshui Saint should have sensed it, when the time comes he is still dying!”

Cimei Buddha is waiting for the arrival of Yunshui Saint.

At this time, seeing Cimei Buddha Saint did not continue to shoot.

Mingxin Buddha also put away the Divine light sword.

I saw her reach out and waved a piece of aura on Yue Yaoqin.

Help her resist the fighting fluctuations.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness has discovered all this.

I was a little surprised by the act of the wise Buddha, but this is not the time to think about it.

“Sword wheel style!”

Xiao Changfeng thoughts move, the sword light stands up, and Sword Domain is transformed into a sword wheel.

Then Xiao Changfeng propped up the Sword Domain and entered the wolf pack.

How condensed Sword Domain is Xiao Changfeng and how magnificent True Yuan is.

Although Lin Guanshi has been immersed in Paragon for 100 years, he is still no match for Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly the illusory shadow of a hungry wolf was cut by sword light.

Xiao Changfeng is like a tiger, slaughtered into wolves, and slaughter all sides.

Ka-cha !

Lin Guanshi’s wolf pack field could not immediately support, and cracks appeared.

“Terrestrial advanced martial skill: Spike Fang!”

Lin Guanshi was terrified, but the response was extremely fast, and he immediately displayed martial skill.

However, Xiao Changfeng is like a sword with a sharp edge, press forward.

Cut the illusory shadow of the hungry wolf, cut off the martial skill of the wolf tooth.

Finally killed Lin Guanshi in front of him.

At this time, the illusory shadow of the hungry wolf was mostly broken, and Lin Guanshi was greatly backlashed.

His look pale, his breath weakened.

The long knife came out before it came back.

But other means could not resist, and was forced into desperation for a time.

“I will kill you!”

Looking at Xiao Changfeng, who was quickly killed, Lin Guanshi face looks sinister, and immediately put a medicine pill in his mouth.

He Ran was the Holy Demons sold to him by Xiao Changfeng!

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