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“Wu Feng, your cultivation is over?”

Seeing Xiao Changfeng walk out, Wu Heavenly Venerate brows slightly wrinkle, I was surprised.

Xiao Changfeng at this time felt strange to him.

There is an oppression, as if facing a vast mountain.

But there is another sense of closeness.

It seems that he is homologous to his own Bloodline, very intimate.

“Did his Bloodline concentration increase again?”

Wu Heavenly Venerate was astonished in his heart, but above Level 9, it was level 1.

It was pure blood Black Tortoise, the real Divine Beast.

“Many thanks patriarch protects the law, fortunately, it is not humiliating, and the cultivation has been completed!”

Xiao Changfeng was in a good mood, and at this time he bowed his thanks to Wu Heavenly Venerate.

After 3 months of hard work, I refining 20 10000 cold and breath-taking qi and finally struggled once.

Finally, the Black Tortoise longevity breakthrough to the Great Success Realm.

At this time his realm is also improved.

Has reached the Great Ascension Early-Stage Peak, equivalent to Paragon 3rd-layer.

The true Essence Liquid within the body is also up to 9 drops, only one drop away, you can enter the Great Ascension Middle-Stage.

“Come on, try your best to the deity. The deity looks at the effectiveness of your retreat this time!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate was surprised and suspicious.

He has been observing before, and has not discovered the change of Xiao Changfeng’s breath, nor seen him refining Profound Nether Hanzhu.

So the suspicion of Wu Feng is deeper.

At this moment I want to try the strength of Xiao Changfeng.

“The water of the Yellow River is coming to heaven!”

Xiao Changfeng reached out and beckoned.

Shi exhibited middle grade Taoism that has not been used for a long time.

This middle grade Taoism is only equivalent to martial skill.

But at this time, I saw a yellow turbid river formed out of thin air.

The yellow, turbid river is surging and running.

But there was a breathtaking chill that caused the temperature of all around to drop suddenly.

The illusory shadow of the Yellow River flew to Wu Heavenly Venerate, just like the Milky Way crashed, impact powerful.

Where the yellow river illusory shadow passes, frost appears in the air.

Wu Heavenly Venerate stood in the same place without flashing or hiding, letting the yellow river illusory shadow fall on him.

Although the illusory shadow of the Yellow River is strong, it does not hurt Wu Heavenly Venerate.

However, the chill contained in it still makes Wu Heavenly Venerate feel cool.

“Well, there are 10000 cold and cold spirits in it. It seems that this time you are refining a lot of 10000 cold and qi.”

Wu Heaven Venerable Realm is tall and powerful, and soon he judged the chill in the Yellow River illusory shadow.

“Black Tortoise Divine Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng did not answer, but the right hand clenched his fist and punched out immediately.


The air was directly bombarded.

I saw Black Tortoise punching out of his fist, turning into Black Tortoise illusory shadow.

But this illusory shadow is more solid than before, and there is a hazy frost mist.


Black Tortoise Divine Fist hit Wu Heavenly Venerate’s body, and immediately made the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu.

I saw a thin frost on Wu Tianly Venerate’s skin when he was hit by the punch.

There is a snow-white fist print left behind.

Wu Heavenly Venerate is the powerhouse of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer, and is also descended from Black Tortoise. Its Fleshy body defensive ability is extremely scary.

Xiao Changfeng this fist can leave a fist print and has frost, visible out of the ordinary.

“Strength and speed have also increased, yes, next you incarnation Black Tortoise!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate is also quite satisfied with this fist.

But he knew that this was not Xiao Changfeng’s strongest strength.

Therefore, it is also an opening to let Xiao Changfeng incarnation be Black Tortoise to attack himself.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng also wanted to test his strength.

Suddenly summon out of Martial Spirit, directly melt.


An unprecedentedly powerful imposing manner emerged.

Xiao Changfeng directly turned into a black Black Tortoise that resembles a turtle but not a turtle.

Although it is only ten meters in size, but you step on You Ming, black liquid surging all over your body, double pupils overlooking all beings, like suppressing the sky.

When he appeared, the whole Heaven and Earth tremble violently, with a breath like might of Heaven, filling the 8 sides.

The breath is so powerful, so surging, so vast.

All the people in the Imperial Family in Profound Nether Secret Realm were trembling at this moment, and there was no recovery.

The weaker people kneeled directly to the ground, crawling and trembling.

This is the coercion of Bloodline, even if it is countless generations apart, it is still deeply imprinted in the depth of one’s soul.

“Higher than Level 9, Level 9 and a half, even the legendary… pure blood Black Tortoise!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate is also wide-eyed at the moment, with surprises.

He felt unprecedented coercion.

He has never experienced such coercion, but he understands that this is the oppression force of high-level Bloodline to low-level Bloodline.

Before Xiao Changfeng battled Xuan Chunyin, this feeling was not strong.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng incarnation Black Tortoise, oppression came like a mountain like a sea.

“Black Tortoise Claw!”

Without hesitation, Xiao Changfeng raised his right paw and suddenly grabbed it.

One claw out, Heaven and Earth shock!

Suddenly, Heaven and Earth were torn apart, the space was broken, and the seawater was surging.

The giant claw is not yet here. The entire 1000 meters is filled with terrifying pressure.


Black Tortoise’s claws fell on Wu Heavenly Venerate’s body, and suddenly sparks 4 splashed like fireworks.

But the Heavenly Venerate’s terrifying fleshy body was difficult to resist at this time.

Was caught by a shallow claw mark.

You know, this is Wu Heavenly Venerate!

In the claw marks, the red blood was overflowing, but it did not drip.

Because of a chill, it was directly frozen into frost.

“This claw is comparable to Saint’s blow!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate Spiritual Qi turned around and suddenly blew away the chill.

The shallow claw marks gradually recovered as before.

But the formidable power of this claw still surprised Wu Heavenly Venerate.

Xiao Changfeng is now the realm that’s all in the 3rd-layer of Paragon.

But this claw is comparable to Saint’s blow.

Although it is only the lowest Saint Boundary.

But Saint is Saint, whose strength is by no means comparable to that of Paragon.

“His fleshy body is also very strong, otherwise it is impossible to break the skin of the deity by cold alone.”

Wu Heavenly Venerate knows the power of 10000 cold days.

But 10000 cold and qi is just an energy like Spirit Qi.

It is Xiao Changfeng’s own fleshy body strength that can leave a claw mark on himself.

Otherwise, it is a holy weapon, and I do not want to hurt myself.

Realm improvement, Bloodline coercion is stronger, chill is strong, Fleshy body is strong.

Although Wu Heavenly Venerate does not know the real changes of Xiao Changfeng.

But these alone are enough to know the effectiveness of this retreat.

“Wu Feng, you really are Heaven Warping Genius, and Black Tortoise Clan has you, it must be a big boom!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate has a smile and highly praises Xiao Changfeng.

He has a feeling.

Perhaps Black Tortoise Clan will flourish due to Xiao Changfeng.

There is no evidence or source for this feeling.

But it was extremely strong.

In the next few days, Wu Heavenly Venerate made Emperor Clansman in the entire Secret Realm come to see Xiao Changfeng.

And gave Xiao Changfeng a lot of cultivation resources, as well as the Divine Temple.

At the same time, Xiao Changfeng also personally taught some special martial skills of Black Tortoise Clan.

If you are a real Black Tortoise Clan, you must take this cultivation.

But Xiao Changfeng is human, he is just a passerby.

So in the end Xiao Changfeng proposed to Wu Heavenly Venerate.

“Patriarch, I want to go out and experience!”

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